LINE OF HEART ह्रदय रेखा :: A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY(6) हस्तरेखा शास्त्र

LINE OF HEART ह्रदय रेखा 
A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY(6) हस्तरेखा शास्त्र 
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
This is one of the three major lines on the palm. It lies around  2/3rd of the length of the palm, close to to the fingers, acquiring higher position than the Line of Head. It originates from the opposite end of the percussion below the Mount of Mercury. Normally the line is thick in the beginning and becomes thin-sharpened as it moves forward. 
It lies close to the fingers. Without breaks, it gives the age of the individual, if read from right to the left. 
Left to the right: It reads love and affection. 
Right to left : It reads subject’s age, from the Heart Line. (1). Starting from the edge of Jupiter to the edge of Mercury, without broad spaces: 
84 years.
 (2). Space under one mount between the two fingers: It gives a period of 21 years. (3). One broad space between the two fingers: It represents 7 years, with three broad spaces, lifespan measures up to 105 Years. 
The Line of Heart represents matters related to the heart-both physical and metaphorical. It indicates emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression and stoicism, in addition to various aspects of cardiac health. 
It determines the love & affections in addition to sentiments. It describes the ancestral characteristics pertaining to nature, mood, behaviour, passions, character etc.
Another Heart Line runs close to it :- The first one, its auspicious. Its a defect with the Line of Head and the Life Line. It should be placed nearly 1/3rd of the length of the palm from the base of fingers. i.e., 3rd phalange.
A line running close to the base of fingers makes one a sex blind. Since, it lies close to the mounts, it invariably acquires the characteristics of these mounts-in addition to the Line of Head, which nearly divides the hand-palm into two segments.
Heart Line
showing age
ABSENCE OF HEART LINE :: Absence of the Line of Heart indicates extreme coldness-immoral-selfish-avaricious behaviour. It describes lack of sympathy, non affectionate disposition-cold bloodiness selfishness, desires of success at the cost of others. It is a bad omen leading to selfishness, hypocrisy, deceitful; nature and dishonesty. With other bad indications on the hand, one is completely devoid of feeling, sympathy towards opposite sex.
On a bad hand :: 
(1).  Absence of Heart Line indicates :: One will grow into a criminal of most brutal nature. 
(2). A lower Line of Heart will show :: Avarice (लोभ, लालच, ललक, solicitation, temptation, greediness, stinginess, rapacity, cupidity, piggishness).
Absence of Heart Line associated with bad Mercury :: One will be inclined to dishonesty.
Crooked & twisted Mercury finger with short & narrow nails :: A person with this indication should not be trusted. Such people can can go to any extent for the sake of wealth, including cold blooded murder. In general they are cheats, lairs, swindlers or thieves.
Indication of
 Age by

Heart Line
Absence of Heart Line associated with prominent Mars :- Such people become cold blooded murders. They should not be provoked, since they lack consciousness. Physical mars is associated with cruelty. Such people are susceptible to haemorrhage. 
Absence of Heart Line associated with prominent Saturn :: This indication is distressing since one is led to hatred towards mankind-society.
Absence of Heart Line on a Jupiterian hand :: A rare indication which makes one anti social, cruel and brutal.
Absence of Heart Line on an Apollonian hand :: The Heart Line over an Apollonian hand is ruled out. However, this line might be defective, if found.
Absence of Heart Line on a Venusian hand :: Complete absence of Heart Line is ruled out. However, the line may be defective, if found.
Absence of Heart Line over a Lunarian hand :: One with no heart Line may become selfish & cold in relations-affections-love affairs.
ORIGIN OF THE LINE OF HEART :: Heart Line without branches shows lack of adaptability or desire to remain alone, i.e., preference for solitude.      
(1.1). Beginning from the juncture of the Jupiter & Saturn finger :: It provides practical approach to love & affections along with common sense. Possessor is not swayed by sentiments. It leads to strong bonds with sensitivity (not foolishness). Calm temperament in matters pertaining to the heart. A quiet uneventful home existence, no passionate yearnings.
(1.1.1). It begins between the Mount of Jupiter & the Mount of Saturn going up to the percussion :: The individual is blessed with the faculty to go through common sense and practicality. One is not carried-swayed away by infatuations-flirtations. He is guided by prudence. ideal behaviour is awarded by Jupiter and passionate ardour (ललकमौजप्रगाढ़ भावउत्साहप्रचण्डजलनसरगर्मीउत्सुकताधुनउत्कंठाउत्सुकता), stirring, pep, nerve, heartiness, passion, hankering, anxiety, longing, ardour, eagerness, fervency, zeal, fad, quirk, ardour, prurience, mania, caprice, vagary, blatancy, wave, surge, jealousy, causticity, envy, gusto, Enthusiasm, earnestness, fierce, stormy, ardent, boisterous, impetuous, compunction) disposition by Saturn.
They are quite and subdued in their passions-sensuality. Physical needs-attractions weighs over afflictions. Bearer may suspect the character of his wife and is also a accuser of illicit relations with other women.
(1.2). Originating from Saturn and reaching percussion on the side of Mercury :: The possessor do not believe in showing-demonstrating-expressing. 
(1.2.1). The line is quite high on the Mount of Saturn :: It shows a typical hypocrite. 
(1.2.2). This sign is seen in woman's hand: She is without scruples in stimulating love and warmth in executing. dexterous (निपुण, चटपटा, चुस्त, समझदार, बुद्धिमान, तजुर्बेकार, दक्ष, पटु, चालाक, अनुभवी, कुशल, फुरतीली, चतुर, skilful, adept, adroit, natty, clever, neat-handed, slick, cunning, crafty, leery,  versed, salted, proficient, dodgy, vigorous, spirited, zippy, smart, astute, deft, nimble, peppery, piquant, agile, skittish, perky, feat, sensible, sane, brainy, clever, rational, discreet, sensible, sapient, experienced, efficient, ingenious, slick, expert) traps on male community, who are ruined in turn. They have no sentiments, just lust & hunger. Strong attachments may be there but due to greed, selfishness, sensuality and boldness (nudity). It indicates sensuality in affections, desire for pleasure from sexual relations i.e., excess of passion in attachments & selfishness in ambition. It shows sensuality but no true family affection. 
(1.2.3). Large Mount of Venus with red colour and strong Life Line :- The urge becomes infallible. 
(1.2.4). Rising from the Mount of Saturn with fork :- More passion. 
(1.2.5). On a soft hand :- These faculties multiply. 
(1.2.6). If this formation is pale in colour and chained :- There is contempt for the opposite sex.
(1.2.7). If this line is short :- It will show premature death. 
Photo(1.2.8). A cross present on this line :- It will show the age while confirming indication, provided found in both the hands.
(1.2.1). It originates from the base, i.e., 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :- It will result in exaggeration of passions, sensuality and selfishness.
(1.3). It begins from Jupiter & runs to percussion :- Ideal love. One considers love as adoration. This is highest type of love which is pure, deep and steady-stead fast. 
(1.3.1). Presence of Girdle of Venus :- Potential attitude inspires one's profession or mode of life. 
(1.3.2). Rising from far up into the Mount of Jupiter and fork less :- Ideal love with no trace of lust-sexuality. A person having no forks or branches generally loves his family and friends strongly. His affections are more of narrow nature as compared to a person who's Heart Line is branched.
(1.3.3). Heart Line forked at Jupiter :- Successful married life. 
( One branch moving towards the joint of Jupiter & Saturn finger :- Happy &tranquil nature, good fortune & happiness along with affections. Home loving nature bestowed with reciprocation of love. 
( Wide fork with one prong standing over Jupiter & the other at Saturn :- Uncertain dispositions and erratic temperament, lack of desire to make marital relations blissful and comfortable.
( Fork at the edge of Jupiter with 3 prongs :- Good fortune. 
( Two prongs of the fork at the edge and another rests at Jupiter :- Love associated with happiness. 
( Presence of a cross over Venus :- It shows as only love. 
( One prong directed to Saturn and other inclined over the Line of head (without touching it) :- Evils associated with loss.
Form Forks with one branch on Jupiter, the other between the first and second fingers: A happy, calm nature good fortune, and happiness in affection.
Forks with one branch on Jupiter, the other on Saturn :- Uncertain disposition and such an individual do not intend to make the marital relations happy because of his temperament.
Forked on Jupiter, one branch between the first and second fingers: Fortunate, gifted with a well-balanced disposition in affairs of love.
Trident on Jupiter :- A sign of good fortune. Public figure-celebrity.
Forked at the termination, under the Mount of Mercury below the Line of Marriage :- Divorce due to a guilty intrigue of the subject. 
(1.3.2). A trident formation at Jupiter at the edge :- The trident blesses the possessor with the capacity to rule others, associated wit affection & sympathy, organisational skills.
(1.3.3). A trident formation on the Heart Line facing the space between Jupiter & Saturn finger :- This is good by the emotional angel.
(1.4). Presence of a trident with one prong on Jupiter, other in the middle of Jupiter and Saturn finger and the third on Saturn :- It blesses a person with sentiments, common sense and passion. The heart rules the life. 
(1.4.1). Line of Head and thumb are strong :- They will prevent the head from heart.  
(1.4.2). If the three prongs are equally developed :- Possessor will maintain a balance. 
(1.4.3). Three prongs are unequally developed :- The segment which is powerful, will show up its impact.
(1.5). It begins from the 3rd phalange of Jupiter finger and runs to percussion :- One has excessive emotions overlooking logic, reason. The possessor may suffer due to his pride-ego, blind enthusiasm in love. 
(1.5.1). If Jupiter is exaggerated :- One will not see-overlook, the faults of the loved-adored one. He should not expect love in return.
(1.6). The line begins from the space between the Mount of Jupiter and the base of Jupiter finger reaching percussion :- Ideal love without sensuality-passions. This type of line runs almost straight without curves-bands.
(1.7). It begins from the middle space between fused Life Line & Line of head initially and the Mount of Jupiter, travelling up to percussion :- Bearer shows feminine touch with regard to mental-psychological behaviour. Idealism along with jealousy, is reflected in behaviour. This type of line without branches under Jupiter, signifies poverty & misfortune.
(1.7.1). The Line of Heart is inclined downwards the Line of Head below Jupiter, connecting the percussion :- It shows the dominance of the Line of head over the Heart Line granting practicality, pragmatic approach and usefulness ruling over the sentiments. Head rules the Heart. Heart experiences pain-sorrow-grief due to misfortune (read Line of Fate as well).
(1.8). Jupiter is covered by the line forming a semi circle and reaching percussion :- The bearer shows love of idealistic nature without sensuality. It further illustrates highly developed faculty for occultism. If this formation is found in both the hands the possessor is a religious person, having the patronage of a competent master-Guru-guide-teacher.
(1.9). The Line of Heart forms a down ward curve towards the Mount of Physical Mars and then runs to percussion :- One will have great disappointments from those whom he trust & are friendly with him. The bearer may face treachery, cruelty and even death. He faces a situation when his love is not reciprocated. He lacks perception in recognising the person to be loves. Generally such people marry the person of lower status.
(1.10). The Line of Heart starts from the Mounts of Sun moving to percussion :- The possessor has capacity for intense love He is outwardly jealous and selfish. 
(1.10.1). Fate Line is weak :: One will meet failure in love along with life.
(2). The Heart Line meets the Line of Head below Jupiter :- Pecuniary losses in business enterprises.
(2.1). Heart Line connected to the Life Line :- It represents a person of strong will power, who wants the things to be done as per his wish-designs-agenda. He is not concerned whether it is right or wrong. He possess strong sexual impulse-urge and determination to gratify-fulfil the same.
(2.3). Heart Line is connected to the fussed Life line & the Line of Head below Jupiter :- Great unhappiness through affections. 
(2.3.1). Presence of cross on the Line of Head :- Sudden death of violent nature. Date of this event can be ascertained from the Life Line & the Line of fate. If this combinations is present on both the hands, death is certain.
(2.4). Heart Line touches the Line of Head & the Life Line which are fused together :- Bad omen. Either sudden or accidental death or disinterest-disheartening  from the society, to become a recluse-wanderer.
(2.5). Heart Line touches the Line of Head which become independent at the point of start below Jupiter :-  Grief occurs through the loss-death of some near & dear. This line cut by a bar represents miserable marriage.
(3). Heart Line touching the Line of Head below the Mount of Saturn :-  Disaster due to unreasonable passion or fatal events and great danger to life. 
(3.1). This line cut by a small bar :- Deep sorrow-grief from misplaced affection or a wretched marriage.
(4). Heart Line connecting Physical mars below the thumb :: Irritable and quarrelsome person trying to be perfect in all matters pertaining to love & heart.
COURSE OF THE LINE OF HEART :: The Line of Heart will be seen rising-elevating-deviating towards the mounts forming a curve. The possessor will find attraction to the people, who possess the qualities of that mount & vice versa. Upward branch of the Heart Line rising to a certain mount also predicts strong attraction at that stage.
Attraction at that age are shown by chance line moving to the mount-showing the characteristics of the person generating attraction. If this line stops over the mount, it will show that the attraction is converting into `affection-winning the heart of the possessor. If this line resumes its path, after a while, it will indicate that the attraction was there, but the bearer remained uninfluenced. Vice a versa, in other words, people possessing the qualities of the mount to which the Line of Heart is deflected exert influence over the bearer.
(1). Line of Heart running close to the mounts :- It shows obstinate nature and the possessor is an extrovert. He may grab things by force considering the world to be wild.
(2). Large gap between the Line of Heart & the Line of Head :- Bad omen, with respect to the character and morality if it is not neutralised by other favourable signs on the hand.
(3). Line of Heart inclined over the Line of Head :- Head dominate the heart, i.e., the sentiments are over looked by reason and logic, making the bearer avaricious, selfish and cold hearted. The point of deflection shows the age when such tendencies occur. If the inclination is large below the Mount of Sun or Saturn, narrowing the quadrangle, it will result in mean disposition. The effect is added by the smooth fingers, bearing square tips.
(3.1). Narrow quadrangle with prominent Moon :- Duplicity adding imagination to mean & selfish disposition resulting in lying-falsehood.
(3.2). Narrow quadrangle with long joint of the Line of Head & the Life Line :- Stiffness & formality in manners & disposition.
(3.3). Narrow quadrangle with poor & wavy Line of Mercury :- Asthma & hey fever.
Narrow quadrangle is a sign of unhappiness in affections.
Heart Line cuts the Line of Head :- Serious injury or damage to head is predicted. During the period of mental faculties paralysis or impairment of brain, brain fever or even death may be predicted, making it a sure sign of disaster.
A Jupiterian is disposed to Apoplexy (bleeding within internal organs and the accompanying symptoms).
A Saturnian is disposed to paralysis.
A Apollonian to blindness & heart trouble.
A Mercurian is disposed to nervousness & biliousness.
A Lunarian or Venusian may not be affected by these markings. 
A Martian (relating to the planet Mars) with excess blood supply, is likely to have Apoplexy.
Exact age for these events-diseases will be revealed by the Life Line & the Line of Head.
The Line of Heart is short :- It indicates brutality, selfish sexual tendencies. 
(1). Will phalange of the thumb is strong :- One will keep his feelings under control. 
(2). Short  line :- Less dedication in love. 
(3). Line stopping abruptly :- The bearer will have little affection for others & the age at which the Line stops, will indicate sudden heart failure i.e., death due to heart failure.
The Line of Heart is long :- It indicates emotional nature. Longer the line earlier is the sexual maturity and desire. A long clear, well developed Line of Heart indicates lasting affection-attachments.
Long Line running from one side to the other :- Excessive attachment causing suffering to the subject. One is guided by sentiments in all affairs. It will imply the needy, irrespective of his calibre-capacity-qualification. Jealous in love, but may not be reciprocated. 
(1). Line is straight, stiff, like a straight bar :- Bad omen. 
(2). This formation with wavy termination to the Line of Head under Mercury :- It indicates premature death.
The Line of Heart & the Line of Head fused into one single line the "Simian  Line" :- The bearer is strong-stiff, stub born, in flexible, with firm determination for his perception-ideas-views. The stiff-strong thumb at right angles to the palm, enhances the impact of this faculty. He may be both mysterious and puzzling, very difficult to understand-often misunderstood. 
(1). With soft left hand :- The bearer is passionate and sensuous. There is a clash between moral and ethics with sentiments and emotions. The bearer possesses variable moods which may be emotional, reasonable, practical making him reliable in passions & love.
(2). Life Line without branches :- He will lead a lonely life. 
(3). Towards Luna :- Financial set backs, losses, causing disrepute & disappointments. 
Drooping-falling lines-off shoots of the Line of Heart in the down ward direction towards the Line of Head :- Disappointments caused by loved ones. One will face continuous unhappiness & tyranny in love. It represents conflict between the heart & the head, resulting in sorrow & disappointment, entanglement with opposite sex (other than wife, not love, just time pass, flirtation, infatuation). He may suffer from conflicts and anxiety, due to the influence of opposite sex. 
(1). Branches under Sun :- Versatility, strength. 
(2). Branches at other places :- Trouble from friends, acquaintances.
A large branch of the Line of Heart merging into Line of Head :- Head takes control of the situation arising out of closeness with opposite sex.
(1). Branch is directed towards the fingers :- Absorption of more subtle qualifies. 
(2).  Branch is directed towards the thumb :- It grants riches and affluence to the person. 
(3). Absence of upward branches :- Lack of fleeing and dry nature (unconcerned, neutral, रूखापन).
(4). Both Line of Heart & the Line of Head without branches :- Life is deprived of affections.
Breaks :: Inconstancy about hatred of the opposite sex.
(5). Upward branches reaching Saturn, forming down ward Look :- Misplaced affections, trouble in one's carrier due to disastrous attachments. 
(6). Fine lines-ray thinning towards Saturn :- Religious nature. 
(7). A line from Saturn thinning & touching the Line of Heart :- Misery in the family (One should not confuse it with the Line of Fate).
A descending Line from the Mount of Sun, thick in the beginning, touching Heart Line :- One gets unexpected success and rise in position.
An upward branch of Heart Line goes to Sun :- Affections will block success, standing in the way.
An upward branch of Heart Line goes to Mercury :- Failure in affections and love matters.
A straight branch of Heart Line ending in a hook, on the finger of Mercury :- Accident, crippling the bearer, affecting legs in general.
A fine line from Mercury touching the Line of Heart :- Either the bearer is born in a rich family or the financial position of the family will considerably improve after his birth.
A down ward & wavy branch of the Heart Line reaching Luna :- Murderous disposition.
Star at the end of the branch of the Line of Heart going to the Mount of Moon shows :- Heredity madness of erotic type.
Two parallel lines from a poor Line of Heart drooping down to Moon :- Pressure on nervous system.
Down ward branch of the Line of Heart going to Mental Mars (+Positive UPPER Mars) :- Calamity-disaster.
Down ward branch to Life Line :: Warning of death of a dear friend.
Under Saturn :- The Heart Line rising under Jupiter begins with right sort of affection, turning into coldness and dislike later. Life span may be restricted around 25 years of age. 
(1). The Heart Line is a succession of short lines under Saturn :- Unfortunate indication showing hysteria.
Termination in the Line of Head :- Head rules the heart.
Line of Heart touching down the Line of Head and regaining its course to percussion :- Affectionate disposition is revived.
Line of Heart merges into the Line of Head soon after beginning :- Cold & heartless, do not care for the welfare of others. 
(1). Line beginning at Jupiter :- Very ambitious.
Heart Line terminating under the Mount of Sun :: The possessor is attracted towards the person with beauty and talent in arts. His marriage with Apollonian or one of this type may be successful, with others dis-satisfaction will occur.
Heart Line starting at Jupiter terminating under Sun :- It imparts ideal love, mixed with Apollonian character, the bearer is fond of beauty, love, grace. He may have heart disease, which can be verified over the Life Line Line of Mercury and the nails.
Heart Line ending over Mercury :- Bearers affections are influenced by finances. A Mercurian is affected by added shrewdness & has money in mind while discovering love. Its a good sign for actors, since it provides creativity and talent. (1). Encircling of Mercury :- It leads to aptitude for occult sciences. (2). The line is without branches :- Possessor has no desire for children.
Heart Line terminating over percussion, with defective Line of Head and prominent upper-mental Mars :- The possessor is a daring person.
Heart Line reaching mental Mars :- The possessor has the constraint-characters of Uranus (Prajapati) secretive disposition. He feels attraction towards the Martians.
Heart Line reaching Moon :- The bearer is extremely jealous and aggravated of wild imagination. He finds disloyalty in the person, he loves-tendency to fault.
Heart Line reaching Venus :- This is extremely rare indication which shows danger to the head when it cuts the Line of Head and to life when the Life Line is cut.
Heart Line reaching Rahu-Plain of Mars :- Possessor is irritable, change loyalties-affections-seeks excitement (sensuality-passion). Its difficult to pull together with such people.
Heart Line terminating in a fork, one prong over Mercury in association with an island on the Line of Fate :- Divorce due to guilty intrigue of the possessor. 
Heart Line ending in a tassel :- Each prong-thread indicate affair-a very affectionate and prolific character.
Heart Line ending in a hook :- Danger from an elephant.
Deep cut, smooth, free from islands or breaks or defects, pink coloured, moving from Jupiter to percussion with fine hair lines :- Good physical condition of the heart, good blood circulation, consistent affection, reliability in love matters. One is not frivolous or sentimental. He is brave-courageous, fearless and loves ardently.
Deep, even and pinkish brown Line of Heart :- One lacks demonstrative type of love. He is consistent in love, affectionate in attachment matters. His nature is jolly associated with warmth. Good constitution, with little or no chance of heart disease.
Deep & red coloured, running stiff & clear across the hand up to percussion, simian Line of Head and well built Mount of Mars :- Murderous tendencies. One may face danger of apoplexy.
Deep red coloured Line of Heart with abnormal & uneven depth :- It indicates strain or approaching trouble. (1). Deep Brite red colour of the Line of Heart :- One has passion associated with violence.
Deep normal colour of the Line of Heart :- One will face disappointment, from those whom he believe, adversely affecting him.
Thin and shallow :- The bearer do not bother about others. He may be narrow minded, cower-dish, timid, unsympathetic with absence of affection for others. He expresses love to get the things done with selfish motive.
Very thin & long :- Thins line is considered to be defective. One is possessed with murderous instincts. check other marks like clubbed thumb, simian Line of Head and Heart. Check both hands, if these marks are present in both the hands be sure. The palmist should restrain him self from revealing the fact.
Broad and shallow :-  One possess a weak heart. He is fickle minded, sentimental and falls in love violently but changes affection quickly. There is absence of long lasting attachments in him. He loves during prosperity & retreat in adversity.
(1). An Apollonian with this mark :- He possesses health defects verified by colour of nails and the Life Line.
Broad & Pale :- One will face dissipation & weakness during later years. His attitude is indifference with no faith in himself He is generally tired and sick, thus lacks sensuality & passion. 
Chained Line of Heart :- Possessor's life is associated with ups and downs. He has flirtatious disposition. He suffers from improper functioning of the heart.
Chained Line of Heart rising towards Saturn :- One suffers from signs of mental degeneration. He indulges in contempt towards opposite sex with strong tendency to unnatural vices.
Chained broad and pale :- It indicates evil disposition. 
Chained Line of Heart fretted with many small lines crossing it :- Inconsistency in one's behaviour, dealings. 
(1). With soft hand & weak thumb :- One is unreliable in friendship.
(2). Poorly traced :- One indulges in constant flirtations. He has guilty love intrigue. It represents faithlessness and intrigue for unnatural sex relations.
Chained Heart Line crossing Line of Fate :- One's carrier is interrupted due to flirtations. The love is associated with heart trouble.
Heart Line is made up of two parallel, close lines :- Intense love for wife, associated with uneasiness.
WHITE :- General functioning of the heart is improper.
(1). Both the hands have to be observed. Left hand line with proper colour, right hand line has white colour :- Initially-hereditary good, but becomes impaired-weak.
Lunarian, Saturnian and Mercurian's natural coldness will be enhanced by white line.
Martian, Venusian, Jupiterian's warm heartedness will be reduced. White colour on a thin & narrow, broad & shallow or chained line exaggerates the coolness, resulting in selfish-fickle behaviour.
PINK :- Deep line accentuates warmth, steadfastness & reliability of affection. It reduces the selfishness generated by thin & narrow line or broad & shallow lines.
RED :- Generally the thin & narrow or broad & swallow lines do not have red colour. It imparts warmness in love & affections.
(1). Jupiterian :- Danger for for pronounced Jupiterians.
(2). Saturnians :- Some of the hatred for the mankind is reduced.
(3). Lunarians :- It adds warmth to the cold temperament. 
(4). Martian :- It intensify passion.
Breaks under the Mount of Saturn :- Dangerous illness arising from defective circulation of the blood.
Broken under the Mount of Sun :- Love affairs broken off, due to the caprice of the subject.
Broken under the Mount of Mercury :- Love affairs broken off on account of the avaricious disposition of  the bearer.
Bars cutting the Line :- Repeated disappointments in love, troubles of the heart and liver. Consult the doctor and perform Yog every day for 15-30 minutes regularly.
White dot on the line :- Success in love affairs.
Circle on the Line :- Weakness of the heart.
Circle on the Line under the Mount of Sun :- Trouble with eye sight.
A clear break :- Loss of loved ones.
Drooping offshoots towards the Line of Head :- Attraction towards opposite sex. Each line represent one person.
Fate and Heart Lines are is landed :: Adulterous nature.
Heart Line bearing island over Jupiter :: Throat and lung trouble.
हृदय रेखा में दोष-द्वीप की उपस्थिति, अत्यधिक विकसित चंद्र :: अत्यधिक भावुकता, विवेकशीलता में कमी, पारिवारिक विषम परिस्थितियों में जातक सन्यास लेने का विचार करता है। उसका मस्तिष्क स्थिर नहीं रहता। वह पुनः घर-गृहस्थी में प्रवेश कर सकता है। उसे निराशा घेरे रहती है जो कि उसके लिये एक रोग है। रेखाओं में दोष का काल समाप्त होने पर वह पुनः सामान्य जीवन व्यतीत करेगा। 
ISLAND OVER LINE OF HEART, EXAGGERATED LUNA  :- One may think of becoming a recluse, sear, wanderer due to difficult circumstances in the family, extreme-acute sensitivity or imprudence. He is wavering by nature-unstable. He might come back to family way later after some time. He is engulfed by negativity, hopelessness, which is a disease for him. However, as soon as the period of defect over the Line of Heart is over, he will behave as a normal person.
(1). This grid present over the Line of Heart under the Sun indicates conjunction of Sun with Venus in the horoscope. It foretells inauspicious position of Venus in the horoscope, as a result of which the bearer suffers from lung diseases, ulcers, etc.
हृदय रेखा के ऊपर जाली कटी-फ़टी रेखाएँ ::
(1). हृदय रेखा के ऊपर, सूर्य पर्वत के नीचे उपस्थित यह जाली, जातक की जन्म कुण्डली में सूर्य +शुक्र की युति को प्रदर्शित करती है। यह जन्म कुण्डली में शुक्र की नीच, ख़राब व अस्तगत स्थिति को बताता है। इसकी वजह से जातक को फेंफड़े की तकलीफ़, साँस की बीमारी, अलसर आदि हो जाते हैं। 
Thick :- Cold and heartless.
Long, clear and well traced :- Lasting affection.
Very red :- Violent in love.
Unusually deep :- Danger of apoplexy.
Very pale and wide :- Heart disease, poor circulation of blood.
Faded :: Heart has grown hard because of disappointments in love.
Very thin and long :- Hatred towards mankind.
Chained :- Flirtatious, sorrow in love affairs.
Pale, broad and chained :- A cold-blooded person seeking recourse to anything to satisfy his passion.
A short line :- Selfish disposition.
A well developed Line with somewhat exaggerated Mounts of Venus and Moon :- Romantic disposition.
Composed of many separate small lines :- Improper functioning of the Heart.
Placed lower than its normal position :- Coldness, selfishness.
Placed very high in the hand reaching base of fingers :- Passionate and jealous
Located high up on the hand :- Sensitive, intellectual and intuitive.
Short and deep :- Selfish but a good husband or wife.
Thick, deep and strong :- The desire for love will out-weigh every other consideration.
A chained Line emerging from the Mount of Saturn :- Contempt for opposite sex.
Narrow space between Head and Heart Line :- The affection would rule the subject and would outweigh all other considerations.
Wide space between Head and Heart Line :- Love affairs and affections are ruled by the calculating and cold tendencies of the subject.
Straight Line, a weak thumb, thin pointed fingers, sloping Head Line :- Tendency towards homosexuality,  masturbation & day dreaming.
Straight Line, forked on Mount of Jupiter, strong thumb :- Pure at heart and unselfish, possesses strength of character and an idealistic quality, consistency in affections.
Well developed line, exaggerated Mount of Venus and Moon :- Romantic disposition.
Terminates inside the Mount of Saturn :- Childish and playful.
LINE OF HEART :: The Line of Heart lies close to the fingers. Without breaks, it gives the age of the individual, if read from right to the left. Read from left to the right, it reads love and affection. Subject’s age can be read from the Heart Line, starting from the edge of Jupiter to the edge of Mercury, without broad spaces: 84 years. Space under one mount between the two fingers gives a period of 21 years, one broad space between the two fingers represents 7 years, with three broad spaces, lifespan measures up to 105 Years. It represents matters related to the heart-both physical and metaphorical. It indicates emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and stoicism, in addition to various aspects of cardiac health. Absence of the Line of Heart indicates extreme coldness-immoral-selfish-avaricious behaviour.
Rising between the first and the second fingers :- Calm temperament in matters pertaining to the heart.
Rising from the center of Jupiter :- The highest type of love, pure, deep and stead-fast.
Rising from far up into the Mount of Jupiter and fork less :- Ideal love with no trace of lust-sexuality.
Rising from the Mount of Saturn with fork :- More passion.
Rising under the Mount of Saturn without a fork :- Sensuality but no true family affection.
Rising between the Mounts of Jupiter and Saturn :- A quiet uneventful home existence-no passionate yearnings.
Drooping offshoots :- Disappointments caused by loved ones.
Breaks :- Inconstancy about hatred of the opposite sex
Breaks under the Mount of Saturn :- Dangerous illness arising from defective circulation of the blood.
Broken under the Mount of Sun :- Love affairs broken off, due to the caprice of the subject.
Broken under the Mount of Mercury :- Love affairs broken off on account of the avaricious disposition of  the bearer.
Bars cutting the Line :- Repeated disappointments in love, troubles of the heart and liver. Consult the doctor and perform Yog every day for 15-30 minutes regularly.
White dot on the line :- Success in love affairs.
Circle on the Line :- Weakness of the heart.
Circle on the Line under the Mount of Sun :- Trouble with eye sight.
A clear break :- Loss of loved ones.
Drooping offshoots towards the Line of Head :- Attraction towards opposite sex. Each line represent one person.
Fate and Heart Lines are islanded :- Adulterous nature, may lead to trouble.
Form Forks with one branch on Jupiter, the other between the first and second fingers :- A happy, calm nature good fortune, and happiness in affection.
Form Forks with one branch on Jupiter, the other on Saturn :- Uncertain disposition and such an individual do not intend to make the marital relations happy because of his temperament.
Forked on Jupiter, one branch between the first and second fingers: Fortunate, gifted with a well-balanced disposition in affairs of love.
Trident on Jupiter formed by the three prongs of the line :- A sign of good fortune. Public figure-celebrity.
Forked at the termination, under the Mount of Mercury below the Line of Marriage :- Divorce due to a guilty intrigue of the subject.
Thick :- Cold and heartless.
Long, clear and well traced :- Lasting affection.
Very red :- Violent in love.
Unusually deep :- Danger of apoplexy.
Very pale and wide :- Heart disease, poor circulation of blood.
Faded :- Heart has grown hard because of disappointments in love.
Very thin and long :- Hatred towards mankind.
Chained :- Flirtatious, sorrow in love affairs.
Pale, broad and chained :- A cold-blooded person seeking recourse to anything to satisfy his passion.
A short line :- Selfish disposition.
A well developed Line with somewhat exaggerated Mounts of Venus and Moon :- Romantic disposition.
Composed of many separate small lines :- Improper functioning of the Heart.
Placed lower than its normal position :- Coldness, selfishness.
Placed very high in the hand reaching base of fingers :- Passionate and jealous
Located high up on the hand :- Sensitive-passionate (even lascivious), intellectual and intuitive.
Long Line running from one side to the other :- Excessive attachment causing suffering to the subject.
Short and deep :- Selfish but a good husband or wife.
Thick, deep and strong :- The desire for love will out-weigh every other consideration.
A chained Line emerging from the Mount of Saturn :- Contempt for opposite sex.
Narrow space between Head and Heart Line :- The affection would rule the subject and would outweigh all other considerations.
Wide space between Head And Heart Line :- Love affairs and affections are ruled by the calculating and cold tendencies of the subject.
Straight Line, a weak thumb, thin pointed fingers, sloping Head Line :- Tendency towards homosexuality,  masturbation & day dreaming.
Straight Line, forked on Mount of Jupiter, strong thumb :- Pure at heart and unselfish, possesses strength of character and an idealistic quality, consistency in affections.
Encircling the Mount of Mercury at the termination :- Aptitude for the occult sciences.
Well developed line, exaggerated Mount of Venus and Moon :- Romantic disposition.
Terminates inside the Mount of Saturn :- Childish and playful. Age below 70 if this indication is confirmed by the left hand and the Life Line.

हृदय रेखा पर त्रिशूल :: अमरीका के राष्ट्रपति रुज्बैल्ट के हाथ में और स्वामी विवेकानंद के हाथ में यह चिन्ह था। ऐसा व्यक्ति लोगों के दिल में निवास करता है। उसे जीवन में अपार सफलता और प्रसिद्धि मिलती है। आजकल उस व्यक्ति को जनप्रिय माना जाता है जिन्हें YouTube, Facebook आदि पर ज्यादा follow करने वाले हों। मगर यह सफलता की निशानी नहीं है। यह graph घटता-बढ़ता रहता है और अक्सर शून्य भी हो जाता है। मगर जिस व्यक्ति के हाथ में हृदय रेखा पर यह त्रिशूल हो उसकी लोकप्रियता चिर स्थाई होती है। 

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
 संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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