A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (39) हस्तरेखा शास्त्र 
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj 

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ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
NARENDR MODI'S HAND :: Long-rigid-firm Thumb. Twisted index finger longer than the Sun finger. 2 Lines of Head. Line of Head joined at the beginning, which makes one rise very high in society-power. 
After 35 Line of Head suddenly rises to Mental Mount of Mars granting mental calibre-power. Just one Luck Line an upward branch of Life Line around 50's is visible which makes him a person devoted, to serve the society without gaining any thing like sages-Sufi-saints.
He is the present Prime Minister of India and is the most successful PM till date.
Line of Life unusually thick after 10-12 years of age. Luck Line visible from early child hood. Two Lines of Head like Gandhi. 
1st Line of Head stops around 35 years of age. Second Line of Head starts around 15 years of age. Special Luck Line visible from 37, Sun Line visible from 45 in both hands. A small Line shows that he was a learned person in his previous life-birth, might be a Brahman scholar. 
Gifted with the capability to understand most intricate issues quite easily. Second Line of Head reaches Luna and stops below the Sun. A Line from Mental Mars seen reaching Saturn-blessed with the capability to fight issues with mental calibre-power. Rise of the second Line of Head grants high position since it rises from Jupiter. Luck Line is straight. Most of the indications are repeated in the left hand which ascertain his rise in politics. An upward branch of Line Line grants raise. 3 lines starts at the same age-moment :- Upward branch of Life Line, Sun Line and the special Luck Line which raises a pauper to riches. Another jump is seen around 10-12 years after the current phase i.e., around 57 years of age. He has another Sun Line which grants travel broad repeatedly.
(His lines have shown drastic change.)
MAHATMA GANDHI :: (Birth: October 2,1869, Murder: January  30,1948) 
A star on 3rd phalanges of 2nd finger (Saturn finger) predicts assassination.
Presence of Line of Intuition indicated the capability to see future and his own death.
Luck Line is wavy and stops over the Line of Heart, shows continuously changing events-luck, instability in life.
Heart Line has a trident at the termination, which indicates his immense-unparalleled popularity, in India and the world over. This trident is generally present over the palm of religious/saintly/godly people. Main component of Heart Line is seen touching the Line Of head, in a down ward direction, which is not a good indication, heart is ruled by the head.
Double Line of Head makes him a peculiar person-capable of performing two different tasks at the same time, simultaneously, with success. These lines are joined to the Life Line for a while, but separates soon, there after, an indication for the leadership. Both lines bends in down ward direction leaning over Luna, making him a very imaginative person.
Dual Line of Head shows duality of character-behaviour, in a way it's not a good sign, to possess.
Sun Line is present only after the age of 60. Main line is accompanied by 3 smaller fragments, which shows diversity of interest, as well. Late success.
HIS HIGHNESS DALAI LAMA : Wide gaps between the fingers, measure a span of 7 years at all the three stages.
Presence of Special Luck Line makes a person acquire riches-wealth-status. The bad omen associated with this line is that the bearer suffers due to the makings-mistakes of others. Luck Line forked in the beginning, moves close to the Life Line and reaches the Mount of Saturn, making squares or rectangles between the age of 50 to 70 years-a sure sign for Godly protection.
Life Line and the Line of Head are joined for a while making him a leader.
Lines travelling to the Heart Line from Mental Mars or Prajapati, makes him a spiritual person.
Line of Head is drooping down the Luna making him a widely travelled person. It is forked in the middle of the palm. Both prongs travel to Luna. The upper prong rests in the middle of Luna. It blesses him with the power of imagination.
Presence of Line of Mercury is generally inauspicious by the health point of view. In this case it imparts capacity to peep into the future. Another interpretation blesses him with riches.
Influence Lines starting over Mars and intersecting the Life Line in addition to the Luck Line are not good. They create hurdles in his path. One such line reaches the Line of Heart, which is inauspicious by the angle of affections-attachments.
Thick-heavy Travel Line over Luna makes him  a person who travels, too frequently.

A very thick supporting life line is present over the hand towards Venus by the side of the Line Of Life, which shows the impact of the personality of some very influential person over him.
There is a semi-circle arch connecting the two lines at a very late stage.
Longevity, above 80 years.
SWAMI VIVEKANAND(Birth-12.07.1863, Death-04.07.1902) 
Life Line is small,, which makes one conclude that he died at an early stage. Normally a person survives for a long period of time if his line of Heart is long and the Life Line is covered by the Line of Luck. The fatality has one reason-poor, broken Line of Mercury.
The Heart Line has a trident indicating vast popularity-admiration enjoyed by him, even after his death at an early age. A lower branch of Heart Line attacks the Line of Head at an early age, cutting the Line of Fate, along with formation of two triangles between the Line of Head and the Line of Heart, which endowed him spirituality and health defects. One right  most branch reaching Saturn indicates attraction towards a person who is inclined to the upper world. The branch resting over Jupiter shows ambition guided by love. The branch resting between the Mount of Jupiter and the Saturn makes him a person who could win friends very easily-friendly nature. In early child hood the Heart Line indicates clinks. Two more branches are seen occupying firm position over Jupiter, indicating ideal behaviour.
Presence of very delicate Line of Mercury shows very sensitive health conditions.
Sun Line: At least 5 branches are found. One branch begins from the Luck Line, but stops just before the Line of Head-mind did not permit the path to follow. Another Line starts from the Line of head it self and moves to the mount of Sun. This line made him take decisions pertaining to his future course of action which brought name-fame-success, added-supported by mental power. Two thick lines moves from the Upper Mars-Mental mars to  the Mount of Sun awarding spirituality with name fame-success.
Travel Lines: Multiple travel lines are observed, which made him a widely travelled person.
Luck Line : It begins from Ketu  and merges with the Line of Heart before reaching Saturn. A thick-sharp line starts from the Line of Head and looks to the Mount of Saturn. There is a supporting Luck Line, which forms a rectangle between the Line of Head, Line of Heart and two Luck lines. A sure sign of protected Luck added with religiosity.
OBAMA: Line of Head begins quite  high on the Mount of Jupiter, takes the shape of sword and terminates between the Mount of Sun and the Mount of mercury which is the best possible formation regarding this line. There is a little fork at  the age of around 12 years. This is again fortunate for the bearer since it enhances-boosts mental power/energy. People with this indication reach highest office in their field. Wide gap between the Line of Head and the Life Line are sure to make him independent from very early age. Such people often commit blunders, if the Line of Head and the Life Line are not connected by some small upward branches, which are clearly seen in this hand.                                                           
Line of Mercury endows-grants him, with the power to deal with most intricate situations successfully, capability to bringing America's economy on the right track.  It awards intuition as well.
Luck Line which starts from Luna and reaches Saturn, which proves that he is a self made man, but the destiny will play a major role in his life, as well. One up ward branch starts from the Life Line and merges with the Luck Line, shows that such people are always helpful in nature. 
Obama's Right hand
Sun Line too is clearly visible, showing that he will obtain name, fame, success, riches, wealth, admiration, honours at the age of 50 or a bit earlier. In fact the Sun Line starts showing around 38 years of age. At this age some one influenced by him will start recognising and pushing him ahead. A branch of Line of Head goes to Sun making him a person, who can achieve success due to his advanced mental capabilities-acumen ship-cleverness. 
Life Line is good and supported by the Mars Lines, protecting him from physical assaults/injuries. There are two Life Lines running parallel to one another which provides strength to him. First Line is read as the main Life Line, while the second (sister )line is the Mars Line, which protects a person from accidents and illness, in addition to awarding strength, till it is seen by the side of Life Line.  
The Heart Line is broken at the age of  around 56-60 years . He should be cautious as soon  this period approaches with respect to his health and safety. As a matter of fact the Luck Line-carrier is obstructing his Heart Line, which means his work may have impact over his health. 
Line of Heart is incomplete and irregular in thickness leading to the base of the Mount of Jupiter, awarding him a life span of more than 70 years and idealness in love affairs. He may not have experienced love from the family members, relatives, friends etc. 
Rising of the Line of Heart from the junction of the Saturn finger and the Jupiter finger shows that he is good at winning people. In addition he is awarded with instinct to judge whether the relation is good or bad, fruitful or not.
Here, a segment of Special Luck Line appears, which may protect his Life and grant unexpected success in many fields, in addition to wealth. This line has a peculiar impact: the possessor is punished for the guilt/mistakes of others.
Mount of Mercury is good which awards him capability to manipulate and cleverness-craftsmanship, besides reasoning. 
One good omen in his hand is the absence of multiple lines or intersecting lines.
Left hand
parental tendencies
Its not possible to describe the hand completely/accurately, since prints of the arches present over the tips of his fingers are not available. 
His left hand is markedly different from the right hand. Line of Head rises quite high over the Jupiter and the Life Line separates after running with it, for a short while. As such there are three lines equivalent to Life Line, which gives protection-safety  to his father till the age of 35-40 years. Line of Head is inclined over the Luna which shows that the tendencies-imagination-thoughtfulness,  are not acquired by him from his father. Left hand shows Line of Sun as well. The Line of Heart in both the hands is identical proving there by that the age of the duo i.e., father and son may be more or less equal. One branch of the Line of Heart touches the Line of Head at the point of beginning of the joint Line of Head and the Line of Life, which is never considered a good omen-with respect to his father. Still the hand is good.
One peculiar formation observed in his hand is presence of raised muscles-ridges-arches, which shows that this person must have had worked as a labour.
ALBERT EINSTEIN (14 March 1879–18 April 1955, German-born): The two hands show remarkable similarity, proving that the son inherited his physique and mentality-intelligence, from his father. Shape of the two hands is same, rounded at the base.
LINE OF HEAD is separate-detached from the Life Line which shows independence from the early child hood. After the age of 45 years the Line of Head moves down wards, making the person more thoughtful and imaginative. There are two forks  there after, blessing him with scientific aptitude, especially the branch which forms a rectangle-quadrangle at the mental mount of Mars, with the help of another prong. Square-quadrangle is a sure sign of preservation and protection.
SUN LINE originates over lower Luna and travels up to the Mount of Sun. A sure sign of success in his endeavours. The place where it begins-originates, shows that it blessed the bearer with intellect, associated with vision and intuition. Name, fame, honour, reputation and unmatched success.
A thick up ward branch of the Life Line, moves over to the Jupiter at 10-12 years of age, just running over the Line of Head which made him an ambitious child. A heavy branch of Life Line moves over Luna shows dissipation of energy, loss of vigour  vitality, money losses and vitality. It foretells journeys abroad, as well.
An Influence Line is seen running parallel to the Life Line which makes him strong enough to do work for longer hours. In fact this line is a bit away from the Life Line, still it is performing the function of the Line of Mars. One thing is certain : He must have some mentor-ideal in his pursuits, endeavours, experiments, writings, innovations.
Heart Line is not good.
Venus is crisscrossed forming a number of rectangles, which is not a good/auspicious formation.
CHEIRO'S HAND  (1866-1936) :: 
2 LINES OF HEAD : He was born with two Lines of Head. The basic Line of Head is tied with the Life Line, which provides him a very cautious nature. Other one is independent and rises from the Mount of Jupiter. This line was sufficient to raise him to the peak in his carrier, (-especially administration, had he joined it). In this case he formed the most eminent Palmist in the world, of his times. Upper Line of Head divides the hand in two portions. Upper half shows the love, affections and the spiritual world. The lower segment makes him a pragmatic/practical person pertaining to money matters. Upper line is not straight which prevented the desired success. Since, it terminates at Luna, it made him a thinker-visionary. 35th year was very crucial in his life as a star formation accompanied with a triangle are visible, which are sufficient to show that he got name-fame-success, in addition to wealth.
4-Luck Lines: The basic line starts from the age of 6-7. It shows that at the time of birth, his father did not have sufficient funds for the welfare of his family. This segment stops at the age of 50 years forming Mystic Cross between the Lines of Heart and the Line of Head, in addition to formation of triangles, which shows accumulation of wealth/property.
2nd line begins from the Luna at a later stage, this line shows the impact of some women over his carrier/personality and stops at 35th year, giving rise to a Sun line.
Duality of Lines of Head is not a good sign. It reflects duality of behaviour-character, one component  of which always remains masked from the world.
3rd Line of Head starts at 38th year and continues up to the age of 63, over lapping with the Special Luck Line.
4th segment constitutes Special Luck Line, which is formed by the break up of of the 3rd Luck Line. A segment is covering the two lines. Special Luck Line is more or less Saturn Ring/Girdle-which endows the bearer with wealth even if he is born in a poor family. This line awards faith in the Almighty and enhances spirituality. Such people are punished for the guilt of others.
2 Sun Lines: Ist seems to be a component of the Luck Line and goes up to the Mount of Sun granting success-name-fame-riches-wealth. 2nd component too starts from another Line of Head. These two Sun Lines are sufficient to show-conclude that he might have utilized his energies for material success.
Line of Heart: This line is not that good but shows longevity up 70 years approximately. One branch of it touches the Line of Head which shows that the Heart is ruled by the Head. An in auspicious indication.
Jupiter Girdle/ring awarded spirituality to him.
Sun Girdle awarded him riches, success, name, fame. He is remembered all over the world for his work on Palmistry, which he learnt in India, Banaras-Kashi (बनारस, वाराणसी, काशी). Some of interpretations pertaining to influence lines are grossly in correct-misleading and leads the Palmists to make in correct predictions.
Line of Intuition: This line if formed by the combination of the Line of Mercury and awarded him the power to see the future events in advance. He must have utilized the gift for making correct predictions. This line is incomplete/broken which could make false conclusions.
Line of Mercury starts from the Venus, which is a clear indication of some ailment, especially connected to sex and working capability. Since it travels to Mercury, it interpretation changes to that of a money making personality-cleverness (even crookedness).
Life Line is good with numerous branches moving in an upward direction neutralizing the impact of the Line of Mercury and awarding him riches-free flow of finances. One segment at the age of 28-30 made him an ambitious person-in fact the leader in the art and science of Palmistry.
Travel Lines are also visible, which helped him travelling abroad.
Mount of Venus is covered with numerous vertical and horizontal lines, making rectangles-quadrangles-marks of protection from evil/falsehood.
HILLARY CLINTON :: Life Line and the Line of Head are joined for a while. Cautious nature with boldness-maturity at an early date. This gives balance headedness. Good at judgement.
Line of Head terminates between the Mount of Mercury and Mount of Sun. Excellent indication for one to be a good administrator. Line of Head terminates over Luna which provides capability to create-innovation-imagination.
Luck supported quite late around 12-15 years of age. Another Luck Line on Luna moving to the main Luck Line shows own efforts to build future. If this line meets Luck Line, happy marriage.
Line of Intuition is visible-can see events-developments in advance.
Sun Line starts from Life Line. Excellent indication as it provides the possessor with the nature to help others/needy.
More than two Luck Lines and Sun Lines are visible. Interest in two different trades/fields. Name-fame-success is certain,  but the extent to which desired, may not be possible. If she puts-channelize all her energies in one direction only, the desired result will be seen immediately.  
A small segment of Sun Line is visible between the mounts of Sun and Saturn fingers, which shows that the possessor is a learned-enlightened  person from previous births.
The Lines of Life and Line of Heart are there but not clear in the print.
Life Line is supported in the beginning up to the age of 25 years, which protected her life from accidents and provided strength-vitality till that age.
Heart  Line terminates between the Mounts of Saturn and Jupiter which provides her sensuality added with sensibility. Such people are good at making friends and communicate.
Two Triangles are seen (I) formed by the Luck Line, Line of Head and the Sun Line. Triangle is large but gives strength to her to eliminate the foe-enemy, along with spirituality, strength, wealth and unusual power. (II) This triangle is formed by the combination of Line of Intuition, Line of Head and the Line of Mercury. Her acumen ship pertaining to business is remarkable. She should care of her health. She should learn Yog and do practice for one hour, every day.
HAND OF ARVIND KEJRIWAL :: Life Line makes a big curve at the end, making the Venus too large, indicating that he is capable of working for longer hours. Enlarged Venus awards potency as well and love for art-creativity.
Longevity :: Life span more than 70 years.
Heart Line :: Slightly curved, resting over Jupiter-a straight forward man, but a day dreamer. The curve makes is close to the Line of Head leading to Asthma-lung trouble.
Line of Head tied to the Life Line with an island in the beginning :: Sever illness in early child hood or some unfortunate event. The juncture is small, making him capable of rising to high office in governance. Line of Head is curved and long crossing the Mental Mars-slightly bent over Luna-Not good for decision making and makes the possessor day dreamer.
Luck Line :: A very straight line starting from Luna and travelling to Saturn. A more or less self made person.
Sun Line is visible but help the possessor after 50 years of age, providing fame, success and wealth.
Line of Marriage is good smooth and fore tells of happy married life.
A branch of Life Line travelling to Mercury :: A very strewed person. He is capable of extracting his pie-gains from unbelievable quarters. He has proved to be congenital lair. He is perfect at blaming others. He is a man who should not be believed under any circumstances.
Triangle formation by the combination of Line of Head, branch of Life Line to Mercury and the Luck Line :: Capable of elimination  of the person-evil, whom he chase or wish to finish. 
A small line originating out of the the Sun finger :: Can not tolerate injustice.

HRR HITLER (Born on April 20, 1,889, Austria Died :- April 30, 1,945, Berlin, Germany, Full name :- Adolf Hitler) :: Though the lines are not very clear, yet some conclusions can be derived and verified.
Presence of a cross in the beginning of Luck Line :- Tragedy in early child hood, marred up bringing. Thereafter line is good till it meets a cross on the right side of Luck Line around the age of 60, sure sign of unnatural death. His death occurred at the age of 56 which is ascertained confirmed by the length of Life Line and the length of heart Line which meets the Luck Line.
Life Line too ends up in a cross: Sure sign of untimely death, before 60.
Line of Head ends in a hook turning upward: Mental blockade, incorrect decisions. Worst possible indication-rarest of rare.
Life line and Line of Head are joined but separated quickly: This is a sign which is generally found over the hands of the people who are sure/destined to rule-direct-shape the future. A big island is notices at the age of 5-10, which is a sign of illness-pain-anger-misfortune.
Sun Line appears only after the age of 52. Recognition/success comes after 52 years of age. Line is not so good.
Heart Line : Not good. Merges with Line of Fate at around 55 years of age. Fate blocks the longevity.
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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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