MEDICAL PALMISTRY हस्तरेखा और चिकित्सा :: A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (40) संतोष हस्तरेखा शास्त्र
A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (40) संतोष हस्तरेखा शास्त्र
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
First half of Line of Head is normal and later half has an islanded formation.
RHEUMATISM-APOLOXY गठिया-बाय अथवा मिर्गी :: चंद्र पर निम्नवर्ती रेखा पर द्वीप की उपस्थिति :: जातक को गठिया-बाय अथवा मिर्गी हो सकती है।
Presence of island associated with the down ward line at the Moon may result in Rheumatism (गठिया, सन्धिवात, आमवात; arthritis, gout, arthragra, arthralgia, arthrolithiasis) or apoplexy (मिरगी, लक़वा, मूर्छा की बीमारी) & difficulty in career.
APOPLEXY मिर्गी :: Its bleeding into an organ or flow of blood from an organ. Conditions such as Subarachnoid haemorrhage or stroke are sometimes called apoplexy. Hysteria, paralysis, palsy. Apoplexy most often refers to stroke symptoms that occur suddenly. Such symptoms occur due to bleeding into the brain. It can also occur by a blood clot in a brain blood vessel.
Adrenal apoplexy :- Bleeding into the adrenal glands.
Pituitary apoplexy :- Bleeding into the pituitary gland.
It refers to stroke symptoms that occur suddenly. Such symptoms occur due to bleeding into the brain. It can also occur by a blood clot in a brain blood vessel.
Functional apoplexy is when a person appears to be having stroke-like symptoms. However, there is no brain defect.
ANXIETY चिंता :: गहरी भाग्य रेखा जातक को उस नौकरी और काम-धन्धे में भी सुरक्षित रखती है, जो उसकी रूचि अथवा योग्यता-क़ाबलियत के अनुकूल नहीं है।
ANXIETY चिंता :: गहरी भाग्य रेखा जातक को उस नौकरी और काम-धन्धे में भी सुरक्षित रखती है, जो उसकी रूचि अथवा योग्यता-क़ाबलियत के अनुकूल नहीं है।
Deep Luck Line is a sign of perseverance in an occupation not to the taste of the subject. Straining of will power, often leads to nervous breakdowns resulting in paralysis. Anxiety, all through life.
ARTHRITIS-RHEUMATISM :: Life Line, Line of Head & the Heart Line fused at one place. Vertical lines over the nails. Nails breaks themselves over the corners-ends. The Saturn has a grid. Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with numerous lines over Mars.
ASTHMA :: (1). Heart Line and Line of Head either makes the formation of a bisected cone or drum or are too close to each other. (2). A black spot is visible between Line of Head & the Line of Heart. (3). Heart Line is bent over the Line of head. (4). Mercury-Health Line is fragmented.
BLINDNESS :: If a circle is found below the Sun, the eyes of the possessor may be struck with some external object.
BREATHING TROUBLE :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus.
CANCER OF NERVES :: (1). Sun has criss-cross lines. (2). Heart Line is broken under the Saturn. (3). Sun is unusually raised. (4). Lines comes out of Mercury-Health Line spreading over Dragon head-Rahu Kshetr. Please refer to ::
CONSTIPATION :: Line of Head turns downwards, exactly under Saturn.
PUSHP REKHA पुष्प रेखा |
COLD COUGH नजला, जुकाम :: If this line called Push Rekha is present over the thumb takes the shape of fish one will experience cold, cough and blowing nose. मत्स्याकार आकृति धारण करने पर यह पुष्प रेखा ठंड, नजले, जुकाम की बीमारी दर्शाती है।
EYE DEFECTS :: Black spots on either side of the junction of Sun Line & Heat Line may lead to blindness. A white spot or circle present over the Life Line (at that particular age) and exaggerate Sun may also indicate towards this.
EYE TROUBLE :: A circle below the Sun over the Line of Head may lead to blindness. Presence of a Star at the termination of the Line of Head may indicate distortion in eyes. Termination of the Line of Head between Sun & the Mars may also indicate eye distortion. An island between Saturn & Sun finger may also indicate this. Presence of an island below the Sun over the Line of Head may result in Sun Stroke i.e, pain in half head.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with any defective line, below the Mount of Sun :- The possessor may suffer from the weakness of eyes-vision.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus, associated with any defect below the Mercury :- Liver trouble and eye trouble and wound in the hands.
Island is found below the Mount of Sun :- It predicts eye trouble.
Line of Heart too is found to have an island or some other line touching it below the Sun :- The eye trouble is certain-confirmed.
Circle is found below the Sun :- Blindness is indicated.The eyes of the possessor may be struck with some external object.
(1). Island below Jupiter :- Respiratory trouble-problem. (2). Island over the termination of a branch over Luna :- Intestine trouble-problem.
CHAINED LINE OF HEAD :: It is made up of islands. Bad omen. Fluctuating attention, lack of concentration, frequent anger. One is harsh, irritable, touchy, fretful, moody. He has no control over his brain-actions. He works with responsibility but there is no recognition, due to self praise, lack of self restraint-control. He fails to restrain self even after stumbling. He is intelligent & believes in plane-clear talk. He is stub born-obstinate.
Life Line broken, Mercury finger crooked, thick Luck Line :- One never think of returning the goods acquired through deceit. Nearness, closeness-intimacy with such a person is always harmful-dangerous. He never fulfil promise-commitments. He suffers from nervous system defects with respect to brain trouble, defect due to too much thought, extreme indulgence in prayers on being hurt.
First half is chained :- Ill effects of defective Line of Head like mental strain, lack of concentration, inconsistency of thought (sometimes extremely reasonable and thoughtful, at other times illogical and emotional), harsh, irritable, touchy, fretful-moody nature, no control over brain-impulses, actions. Do not exercise self restraint, control even after stumbling. Though the possessor is intelligent and responsible, dedicated worker, yet he gets no recognition due to self praise, plain-clear talk, stub born and obstinate behavior.
Line of Head with the chained second half :- Headache, stomach trouble, expenditure more than income, lack of savings; serious illness-distress-worries if the Life Line is also defective during this period.
Chained Line associated with defective-reddish lines below the Mounts of Mercury or Sun :- Headache, eye trouble, hereditary-genetic defects. Women with this marking give birth to many children-undergo abortions.
Chained Line of Head, associated with acute angled small opening of the thumb, long joint of the Life Line and the Line of Head :- The possessor may have diseases like, hysteria, epilepsy, unconsciousness, perplexity, confirmed with hard hand-palm.
Chained Line of Head associated with incomplete Life Line :- The possessor and children as well, may have tumour-cancer, liver trouble, periodic fever, piles, epilepsy of brain, trembling, shaking, tumbling, quivering.
Chained Line of Head associated with incomplete Life Line with soft hand :- There is a possibility of tuberculosis.
Chained Line of Head associated with thin Life Line at the termination :- It too behaves as incomplete Life Line, leading to Pleurisy.
Chained Line of Head associated with broken Life Line, crooked Mercury finger thick Luck Line :- Deceit-never thinks of returning borrowings. Never fulfil promise-commitment Defects in nervous system-brain due to too much thinking, extreme indulgence in prayers or on being hurt. Nearness, closeness-intimacy is always harmful-dangerous, with such people.
GONORRHOEA गर्मी-सुजाक:: Its a sexually transmitted disease. (1). Venus girdle is irregularly broken in three parts. (2). Life Line is broken at two points over both the hands.(3). Venus girdle has a star one branch of which rests at Jupiter. (4). Line of marriage in the woman's hand has a kink in upper side, towards the little finger over Mercury. & (5). Venus has a grid. सुजाक एक संक्रामक यौन संचारित बीमारी है। सुजाक नीसेरिया गानोरिआ नामक जीवाणु से होता है जो महिला तथा पुरुषों में प्रजनन मार्ग के गर्म तथा गीले क्षेत्र में आसानी और बड़ी तेजी से बढ़ती है। इसके जीवाणु मुँह, गला, आँख तथा गुदा में भी बढ़ते हैं। उपदंश की तरह यह भी एक संक्रामक रोग है। अतः उन्ही स्त्री-पुरुषों को होता है, जो इस रोग से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति से यौन संपर्क करते हैं। सुजाक रोग में चूँकि लिंगेन्द्रिय के अंदर घाव हो जाता है और इससे पस निकलता है। इसे पूयमेह, औपसर्गिक पूयमेह, गोनोरिया (gonorrhoea) और परमा भी कहते हैं।
(1). शुक्र मुद्रिका की तीन रेखाएँ अर्द्ध चंद्राकार टुकड़ों में छितराई हुई मौजूद हों।
(2). जीवन रेखा दोनों हाथों में दो स्थानों पर टूटी हुई हो।
(3). शुक्र मुद्रिका पर एक नक्षत्र चिन्ह हो, जिसकी एक शाखा बृहस्पति पर पहुँचे।
(4). महिला के हाथ में विवाह रेखा पर ऊपर-अँगुली की ओर कोणात्मक या चंद्राकार उभार हो। और (5). शुक्र पर्वत पर जाली हो।
POINTED NAILS तीखे-नुकीले |
INCURABLE DISEASE :: (1). Saturn has a star over it. (2). The Life Line ends in many small branches and a cross over it.
INSANE-MORBIDITY :: Mount of Saturn is much rayed.
INTESTINE TROUBLE :: Broken-uneven Line of Mercury-Health Line indicate this. Yellowish colour of Life Line, Line of Head & the Line of Heart. Red spots over nails or a red line originating between Middle & third finger reaching Jupiter also indicate towards this. Termination of Line of Head in an island too indicate this.
ILL HEALTH :: Broken & wavy Luck Line indicates ill health due to abuse of some pleasure.
A strong line from the wrist terminating at Saturn :: Continuous health trouble.
BELOW SATURN :: Island indicates diseases-illness.
WOUNDS IN HANDS :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus.
LIVER TROUBLE :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus.
Line of Heart too is found to have an island or some other line touching it below the Sun :- The eye trouble is certain-confirmed.
PARALYSIS :: One with pointed nails may suffer from paralysis if the nails are hard or brittle. यदि नाख़ून तीखबे-नुकीले, कठोर, सख्त हों तो जातक कप पक्षाघात हो सकता है।
UPSET STOMACH :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with numerous lines over Mars :- Upset stomach, arthritis.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with any defective line, below the Mount of Sun :- The possessor may suffer from the weakness of eyes-vision.
HORMONAL IMBALANCE :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, associated by the defective Line of Heart below the Saturn.
HERNIA :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, associated by the defective Line of Heart below the Saturn.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus :- Defect pertaining to sperms or breathing may be diagnosed.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus, associated with any defect below the Mercury :- Liver trouble and eye trouble and wound in the hands.
SUN :: Weakens talent for art.
Island is found below the Mount of Sun :- It predicts eye trouble.
Line of Heart too is found to have an island or some other line touching it below the Sun :- The eye trouble is certain-confirmed.
Circle is found below the Sun :- Blindness is indicated.The eyes of the possessor may be struck with some external object.
INHERITED ILLNESS :: Broad & shallow Luck Line illustrates continued struggle, due to lack of healthy environment or inherited illness.
PARENT'S ILLNESS :: Initially defective Luck Line illustrates ill health of parents in early child hood.
PARALYSIS :: A star at the termination of the Line of Fate with another star at the termination of Life Line, in both hands
LIFE LINE AND HEALTH ISSUES :: It reads the life span as well, which may extend up to 105-120 years.
A faded line, islanded line, ladder shaped line, line with cuts, line with breaks or moles describe health conditions at that juncture of age only, temporarily arresting its powers. A line running close to it, not only, repairs the defects, gives extra power-strength as well.
Absence of Life Line on palm is very rare indicating that the life of the possessor is extremely precarious and death might occur at any moment. SHORT VENUS :- The line runs close to the thumb. The subject may be cold, unsympathetic, lack sexual desire and attraction for or to the opposite sex. One may not have children. But it do not indication sterility. It diminished probability of long life. One may lack good health, vigour, desire and warmth. Coldness may lead to lack of necessary emotion. Life Line starts at Mars :- Long life, high strength and capacity to do work, riches but with a possibility of piles and blood contamination. Prominent Mars-thick and heavy Palm :- This indication leads to increased sexuality and aggression. Life Line originates at Jupiter :- Person is ambitious, desirous of wealth-success-fame. He is a born leader, possessor of skills and qualities, enjoys high position, place,reputation in the society. But if this line starts up on Jupiter near the finger it will illustrate dictatorship and cruelty, excessive ego, blood defects, piles and genetic disorder. Straight Life line :- Cold irresponsible nature, lack of natural warmth-shows endocrine imbalance. Life Line is close to the thumb :- Low vitality, sexuality, no attraction for opposite sex, low potency and working capability, indication of baroness. A star at the intersection of Line of Head and Line of Mercury :- It confirms difficulty in child bearing-childlessness. Life Line originates normally but moves to moon close to Rascette :- It points to serious female troubles. Exaggerated or much rayed Luna always indicates troubles of generative organs, in women.
Ladder like Line :- Health is not reliable, delicate constitution. Low vitality, weak unstable and intermittent health.
Cross over Life Line :: Leads to accident. Island :- torture-trouble, difficulty, poor health-illness, Red dot :- incurable diseases-ailment, Fork in the beginning :- good health, fork at termination sugar-diabetes, death away from birth place.
Islanded-chained Life Line :- Poor health conditions, repeated annoying illness, delicacy extends to life span covered by chain. Genetic diseases-sure sign of bad health especially on soft hands. Health is regained with the recovery of evenness of by the Life Line.
Chained Line :- Poor health in early life.
Wavy Life Line :- Poor-delicate health, illness during the period the line is wavy. It indicates Hereditary-Genetic diseases.
Rope like Line :- An intensely nervous condition of health.
Breaks in Life Line :- Worries and obstacles caused by the opposition and interference of others, loss of vitality, fatigue.
Series of small breaks :- Vitality impaired and delicate constitution.
Life Line made up of segments :- Indigestion, liver trouble, stomach trouble, bronchus trouble, piles, continued illness, behavior problems, and nervousness.
Double or triple segments :- Weak constitution, lack of vitality, prolonged illness, irritable- short tempered.
Life Line made up of triangles :- Genetic-Hereditary diseases, abdominal-stomach diseases, blood defects, gas trouble, dysentery.
Tassel :- A complete breakdown-irreparable loss of health at the fag end of one's life.
Life Line tassel shaped at the beginning :- Hereditary-genetic diseases, stomach disorders, loose motions in early childhood.
Life Line tassel shaped at the beginning and termination :- Subject suffers from illness throughout the life and dies due to illness.
Little hair lines found dropping from or clinging to the Life Line :- Weakness and loss of vitality generally observed at the end of the line itself.
Life Line, Line of Head and the Line of Heart joined together below Mars :- Very unfortunate sign, defect in temperament, sudden death, rushes blindly into danger and catastrophe. One may opt to become a recluse, hermit, Sanyasi, wanderer. Life Line travelling to Luna for a while :- Death due to drowning or in an accident.
Broad and pale yellow line :- Defects in circulatory system, even bloodlessness.
Life line is deep cut, well defined, sharp and reddish in colour :- Working capability of the bearer is quite high, health is generally good, power of resistance, immunity-potency level is quite high. Life line is shallow, broad, pale yellow in colour :- Low energy level, weak constitution, lack of confidence, vitality, stamina, success. Pale and Thick :- Poor state of health, envy and often bad instincts. A livid colour-bluish gray line :- Shows furious nature of anger-raving madness, morbidity-Presence of cancer or tumour. Please refer to Thickness & depth of the Life Line changes :- Capricious and fickle mood, ups and down in health.-Life Line-Uneven thickness :- Fickle mindedness. Deep penetrating and long :- Vitality and robustness continues throughout the life. Thin Life Line :- Capacity-Capability to sustain is reduced considerably. Level of resistance is low. However, a strong thumb and a good line of head may boost working capability and Longevity of the subject considerably. Life Line-Narrow and thin :- Less resistance to illness. Life Line is cut by numerous small lines in the first half itself :- Stomach troubles, disputes-quarrels with relatives, interference of opposite sex. Upward branch reaching the Mount of Mercury :- Promises great success in business or science ensure good health as well. Brings success in Business, Science, Research, Innovations, Technology. Subject is gifted with the power to see future-sixth sense-future vision. Hook formation on Mercury by this line shows foolhardiness, greediness, angry temperament. Upward branch reaching the Mount of Mercury over a Soft and Flabby Hand :- Too lazy.
Fine lines from the Jupiter reaching Life Line :- Lung and chest trouble, pleurisy, tuberculosis of lung-if island is present on it, disease is confirmed.
Fine lines from the Saturn reaching Life Line :- Tooth trouble, deficiency of calcium, trouble in lower limbs (Rheumatism, Arthritis. Presence of island on Saturn-connected with this line, foretells danger from animals.
Fine lines from the Sun reaching Life Line :- Eye trouble.
Fine lines from the Mercury reaching Life Line :- Bilious trouble-nerve trouble.
Fine lines from Mars (Mental), with spots, islands on the Line of Head reaching Life Line :- Head injury.
Fine lines from plain of Mars, touching or cutting Life Line :- Accidents.
Off shoots-Down ward branches of Life Line to Venus :- Dissipation of energy, loss of vigour-vitality, money losses and illness.
A wavy broken line :- Defective sperms, blood defects, child less, foolish behavior.
Life Line starts at Mars, reaches Ketu away from Venus, without curving or very little curve with yellowish palm :- Bearer sexy, weak & diseased, talks unnecessarily, looks for sexual pleasures and flavors.
Presence of two distinct, parallel Life Lines :- Subject will be a healthy, wealthy, happy and long lived person.
Life Lines running parallel, like railway track in later period :- Death away from one’s own country.
Presence of parallel Life Lines on square-broad hand :- Extremely good health, fighting disposition, robust body and physical strength, bringing in fighting qualities. This is an excellent sign in soldier’s hand. Subject may engage in quarrels, leading to annoyance.
Mars Lines-lines running parallel to the Line of Life, separately :- These lines protect the individual from illness, accidents. Increased vigour, vitality, they covers the defects of the Life line, till the age they are presents and leads to increased vigour & vitality. These lines run very close to the Life Line, but do not touch or intersect them.
IMPACT OF ISLANDS OVER LIFE LINE :: Island is not an auspicious possession to have on any line or mountain over the palm. It reduces-checks the qualities of the lines and mountains considerably.
Life Line starts with island :- Mystery of birth or inherited illness is reflected. Elsewhere, on Life Line it describes illness.
Island present over the Life Line :- Grave illness, brain trouble or smallpox.
Island present over the Life Line with wavy Mercury-Health Line Line of lever :- Biliousness or indigestion.
Island present over the Life Line with a star on the Head Line :- Serious illness.
Island present over the Life Line with and a star on the Mount of Saturn :- Lower limbs are likely to be affected.
An island on the line and a star at the junction of the Head and Liver Lines :- It denote sterility and difficulty in child bearing (in case of a women).
BIG ISLAND IN LIFE LINE, EXAGGERATED LUNA :- One might have tuberculosis or dropsy, ascites, hydropsy in the intestine. He will be very sexy, which will lead to malfunctioning of his sex organs. He may suffer from quick discharge, night fall, Leucorrhoea-in woman, hysteria, wounds in intestines, etc. One should stop thinking of sex or opposite sex and stick to celibacy.Life Line is broken in left hand and joined in the right hand :- Dangerous illness.
Life Line has red and white spots :- Individual will have stomach, liver or nervous trouble.
Life Line has black spots :- Possibility of accident at that age.
Red, white or black spots on the line may be either temporary or permanent. They will remain on the physique if the impact is permanent, otherwise they will disappear.
Life Line cut by small lines from the Mars or Venus :: Thin lines gives tensions, thick lines bring illness and diseases.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the Physical Mars and terminating on, Saturn :- Injury is caused by falling from a height-tree, bike, vehicle, horse etc., leading to financial losses. If there is a break-gap in the Line of Head or Heart at the point of cutting, possibility of death.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the Physical Mars and terminating over, Sun :- Eye injury.
Life Line is cut by a line reaching Saturn and terminating in a grid :- The subject will have diseases related to Saturn. Conclusion can be drawn from the colour of the nails.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from Venus and reaching Mercury :- Accidents related to water, loss of potency, tooth trouble. The subject is expected to suffer from bad cold, piles. He will have a pale white look on his face.
Life Line is cut by a line ending in a grid over the Luna :- Intestine trouble, stomach related diseases.
Deep cross Bar Lines :- Severe illness.
Life line is cut by a line reaching Mental Mars, ending in a grid :- Individual suffers from blood related diseases.
Life Line is cut by a line, reaching middle Luna, ending in a grid :- Knee trouble, joint pain, gas trouble.
Life Line is cut by a line, reaching lower Luna, ending in a grid :- Urine related diseases, urine trouble.
Life Line is cut by a line, ending over Luna which itself is cut by a bar :- Serious urine trouble, swollen soft palm confirms the disease.
Life Line is cut by a line, ending over Luna which itself is cut by a bar ending in a star :- Hypertension-hysteria or insanity, often of erotic (Sexual desires, lust, passions, sensuality) character.
Life Line is cut by a line, starting from an influence line :- Mental tensions, leading to illness; deeper the line, serious the illness.
A line starting from an island over the Life Line, in a woman’s left hand, ending in a grid over the Luna :- Serious womb-uterus trouble, like child bearing or menses related problems.
Dot over Life Line :- Acute illness or accident.
A line originating from an island over the Life Line ending in a grid over the Sun :- Heat related diseases-Sun stroke.
A line originating from an island over the Life Line ending in a grid over the Mercury :- Diseases related to Mercury.
A line starting from a dot over the Life Line, reaching Sun, which has a dot or a cross :- Heart trouble.
Many downward branches at the end of Life Line :- It indicates that his physical condition is declining. He may feel tired and lonely.Cross bars, crossing the end of life line :- One will suffer from diseases during the later years. Life Line terminating in a small fork :- General weakening of the body; more rarely-over work and old age accompanied by poverty. Life Line is forked over Mars or Venus, on the right hand only :- The subject has to face grave illness-accident. If this indication is present on both hands it, predicts death after prolonged illness-failure to recover from accident. Life Line terminating in wide fork :- It’s an indication of rheumatism in old age. A rare implication of it is the end of life in poverty, away from own country. Life Line has a tasselled longer prong, going deeper into Luna :- Prospective insanity, probably of a senile character. A line cutting Life Line :- It shows bad effect on health. Life Line suddenly turning to Luna at right angles :- Epilepsy. Life Line suddenly turning to Luna at right angles on a woman’s hand :- It represents Gonad trouble and difficulty in child bearing. Termination of Life Line on the Rascette :- It indicates a long life. On a woman’s hand with rayed Venus and vertical lines on Saturn, it shows trouble of genetic organs. Tassel at the end of Line of Life :- It predicts violent death, murder, execution. An offshoot of tassel moving to Luna foretells insanity, before death. Island at the termination of the Line of Life :- Hysteria. Probability will increase, if it is associated by the Line of Mars. Drooping Offshoots :- Weakness and loss of vitality. SQUARE (It’s a four sided closed figure and is a mark of preservation, where ever found on the Life Line) :- Protection from accidents, death or bad health. CIRCLE :: Presence of two circles on the Life Line show complete blinding. One circle will indicate blinding of one eye only. SEMI CIRCLE-U FORMATION :- If this mark crosses the Life Line, sudden grave illness-death is indicated.
UPWARD ARROWS :- They show progress-improvement in health.
DOWN WARD ARROWS :- They illustrate dissipation of energy-health and down slide in wealth-accumulations.
GRID :: The grid present over the Jupiter+Mars region, near the Life Line, indicates serious disease of the private parts, venereal diseases and cancer, some times. Presence of Girdle of Venus will confirm this.A SHORT LIFE LINE :- The quantity of the energy at subject's disposal is severely limited but not necessarily short life.
Chained Life Line :- Poor health in early life.
Ladder like Life Line :- Health is not reliable, delicate constitution.
Rope like Life Line :- An intensely nervous condition of health.
Branch of Life Line to the Mount of Mercury :- Business success, good health.
Breaks in Life Line :- Worries and obstacles caused by the opposition and interference of others, loss of vitality, fatigue.
Deep cross Bar Lines over Life Line :- Severe illness.
Series of small breaks over Life Line :- Vitality impaired and delicate constitution.
Island over Life Line :- Illness or loss of health.
Dot over Life Line :- Acute illness or accident
Black Spot over Life Line :- Poisoning, Sudden death.
Tassel over Life Line :- A complete breakdown-irreparable loss of health at the fag end of one's life.
Life Line, Line of Head and the Line of Heart joined together below Mars :- Very unfortunate sign, defect in temperament, sudden death, rushes blindly into danger and catastrophe. One may opt to become a recluse, hermit, Sanyasi, wanderer.
Upward branch of Life Line reaching the Mount of Mercury :- Promises great success in business or science ensure good health as well.
SPERMS-DEFECTIVE :: Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus.
STOMACH AILMENT-TROUBLE :: Unusually broad Line of Head may lead to this trouble. Thick Line of Head is slightly bent at the termination over Luna or the Line of health-Mercury is ladder shaped.
THROAT PROBLEM :: (1). Thin and long brittle nails which breaks easily. Presence of island at the meeting point of Health Line & the Line of Head. Round & inclined nails. (2). One with exaggerated Venus suffers from diseases of the throat.
UNWELL :: Lines have blue or black dots. Brittle, blue coloured and hard nails. Unnatural hand. Twisted-crooked fingers. Skin moist and soft. Mountains have grid, islands, or crosses over them. The three major lines have multiple tertiaries at the end-termination.
WEAK HEALTH (Mental-Physical) :: Presence of some defect in the Line of Head or the Life Line makes the bearer suffer from mental weakness or weak health which prevented his growth.
अदीठ :: ह्रदय रेखा सूर्य पर्वत के नीचे, ऊपर से कटी हुई हो तो, जातक की पीठ में फोड़ा-अदीठ हो सकता है।
अन्त समय :: लम्बी और सीधी मस्तिष्क रेखा के अन्त में यव का होना अशुभ है, जिसके परिणाम स्वरूप जातक को जीवन के अंतिम पड़ाव में परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। यदि अँगूठा सुदृढ़ हो तो ऐसी स्थिति से निपटा जा सकता है। लम्बी बीमारी के बाद अँगूठे का अन्दर की ओर लटकना, अन्तिम समय का लक्षण है। चन्द्र पर्वत और शनि पर्वत पर नक्षत्र-तारा मृत्यु का द्योतक है।
अन्धापन :: सूर्य पर्वत के नीचे, हृदय रेखा पर वृत उपस्थित हो, स्वास्थ्य रेखा के पास बड़े त्रिभुज में नक्षत्र-तारा हो, मस्तिष्क रेखा पर गुणक चिन्ह हो, मस्तिष्क रेखा पर अनामिका के नीचे वृत मौजूद हो, मस्तिष्क रेखा पर काला बिंदु हो। बुध और सूर्य पर्वत के नीचे ह्रदय रेखा पर तिल-गहरा काला निशान हो। ऊपरी मङ्गल पर वृत होने से आँख में घाव हो।
सूर्य पर्वत पर एक दूसरे को काटने वाली रेखाएं नज़र के कमजोर होने तथा मोतिया बाँध की ओर इशारा करती हैं।
अम्लता :: मस्तिष्क रेखा का पूर्वार्ध सामान्य और उत्तरार्ध बारीक जंजीरनुमा हो।
असाध्य रोग :: (1). शनि पर्वत पर तारे-नक्षत्र की उपस्थिति। (2). जीवन रेखा के अन्त में गौ पुच्छाकार आकृति और गुणक चिन्ह का होना।
अस्थमा-साँस रोग :: (1). मस्तिष्क रेखा और हृदय रेखा बीच में कटे हुए डमरू की आकृति बनाये या एक दूसरे के काफी करीब हों। (2). मस्तिष्क रेखा और हृदय रेखा बीच में कला धब्बा हो। (3). हृदय रेखा का झुकाब नीचे की तरफ मस्तिष्क रेखा की ओर हो।(4). स्वास्थ्य रेखा कटी-फटी हुई हो।
अस्वस्थ :: रेखाओं पर काले या नीले रंग के बिंदु। नाख़ून टूटने वाले हों और ज्यादा कड़े हों तथा नीले हों। हाथ अस्वाभाविक हो, अँगुलियाँ मुड़ी हुई हों। त्वचा नरम तथा हाथ गीला रहने वाला हो। पर्वतों पर यव, जाली, गुणक चिन्ह उपस्थित हों। तीनों मुख्य रेखाों के अन्त में गौपुच्छ हो।
आमवात-गठिया :: (1). हृदय रेखा पर शनि पर्वत के नीचे खड़ी रेखाएँ हों। (2). चंद्र पर्वत पर छोटे-छोटे यव हों या समानान्तर रेखाएँ हों। (3). गुरु पर्वत पर उसके एपेक्ष को तिरछी रेखाएँ काटें। (4). भाग्य रेखा तीन-चार स्थानों पर टूटी हुई हो। (5). आयु रेखा के अन्त में एक बड़ा चिमटा उसको दो फाड़ करके बना हो। (6). शुक्र पर्वत से एक रेखा चंद्र पर्वत तक आकर जाली में समाप्त हो जाये। (7). चंद्र पर्वत को कोई रेखा आधा-बीच में से काटे तो पुराना गठिया होगा। जीवन रेखा, मस्तिष्क रेखा और ह्रदय रेखा एक जगह मिली हुई हों।नाखूनों पर खड़ी हुई रेखाएँ, नाखूनों का किनारों पर स्वतः टूटना, शनि पर्वत पर जाली, जीवन रेखा पर शनि पर्वत तक कई यवों की उपस्थिति।
आयु-जीवन रेखा पर गुणक :- दुर्घटना, यव :- भयंकर तकलीफ, खराब स्वास्थ्य, कलंक, आर्थिक हानि और बीमारी, लाल बिन्दु :- असाध्य रोग, वर्ग बचाव, अन्त में काला धब्बा :-चोट से मृत्यु, आरम्भ में चिमटा-द्विशाखा :- न्यायप्रियता, उच्च आदर्श, स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क, और अन्त में द्विशाखा :: मधुमेह, जन्म स्थल से दूर मृत्यु।
आँख खराब होना :: ह्रदय रेखा और सूर्य रेखा जहाँ मिलती हों, वहाँ सूर्य रेखा के दोनों ओर काले बिन्दु हों-जिनके प्रभाव से जातक अँधा भी हो सकता है, जीवन रेखा पर वृत्त चिन्ह अथवा सफेद बिन्दु हो, बहुत ज्यादा उभरे हुए सूर्य पर्वत पर वृत्त चिन्ह उपस्थित हो।
आँखों का रोग :: सूर्य पर्वत के नीचे मस्तिष्क रेखा पर वृत्त अंधे होने की संभावना को व्यक्त करता है। मस्तिष्क रेखा के अन्त में तारे-नक्षत्र की उपस्थिति आँखों की खराबी की सूचक है। यदि मस्तिष्क रेखा शनि और सूर्य पर्वत के बीच खत्म हो रही हो तो भी आँखों की खराबी की ओर इंगित करती है। ह्रदय रेखा में मध्यमा और अनामिका के बीच यव हो तो आँखों का रोग हो सकता है। मस्तिष्क रेखा पर सूर्य पर्वत के नीचे यव होने की स्थिति में जातक को आधे सर में दर्द-आधा सीसी (Sun Stroke) हो सकता है।
आँत विकार :: स्वास्थ्य रेखा टूटी हुई हो। प्रमुख रेखाएँ जीवन, मस्तिष्क और हृदय रेखा) पीलापन लिये हुए हों। नाखूनों पर लाल धब्बे हों। मध्यमा और तर्जनी के बीच में से कोई लाल रंग लिए हुए रेखा वृहस्पति पर्वत तक पहुँचे। मस्तिष्क रेखा यव में समाप्त हो रही हो।
आंतरिक पीड़ा :: चन्द्र पर्वत बहुत ज्यादा उभरा हुआ हो। स्वास्थ्य रेखा में यव हो। जीवन रेखा सीढ़ी नुमा हो।
एपोप्लेक्सी :: शुक्र पर्वत उच्च स्तर का हो, जिस पर बहुत सी रेखाएँ हों, मंगल का मैदान खोखला सा हो, हृदय रेखा पर लाल रंग का धब्बा हो, हृदय रेखा में से दो समानान्तर रेखाएं निम्न चंद्र पर्वत पर आयें।
उदर रोग :: मस्तिष्क रेखा चौड़ी-फैली हुई हो तो उदर रोग हो सकता है। मोटी मस्तिष्क रेखा अन्त में थोड़ी से झुकी हुई हो अथवा सीढ़ी नुमा स्वास्थ्य रेखा टुकड़ों में बँटी हुई हो, यह उदर रोग का लक्षण हो सकता है।
कब्ज :: मस्तिष्क रेखा शनि के ठीक नीचे मुड़ जाये। मस्तिष्क रेखा अस्पष्ट, जीवन रेखा में यव, स्वास्थ्य रेखा लहरदार। आंतरिक पीड़ा :: चन्द्र पर्वत बहुत ज्यादा उभरा हुआ हो। स्वास्थ्य रेखा में यव हो। जीवन रेखा सीढ़ी नुमा हो।
एपोप्लेक्सी :: शुक्र पर्वत उच्च स्तर का हो, जिस पर बहुत सी रेखाएँ हों, मंगल का मैदान खोखला सा हो, हृदय रेखा पर लाल रंग का धब्बा हो, हृदय रेखा में से दो समानान्तर रेखाएं निम्न चंद्र पर्वत पर आयें।
उदर रोग :: मस्तिष्क रेखा चौड़ी-फैली हुई हो तो उदर रोग हो सकता है। मोटी मस्तिष्क रेखा अन्त में थोड़ी से झुकी हुई हो अथवा सीढ़ी नुमा स्वास्थ्य रेखा टुकड़ों में बँटी हुई हो, यह उदर रोग का लक्षण हो सकता है।
कमजोरी :: विवाह रेखा के नीचे 4-5 खड़ी रेखाएँ हों तो पत्नी या पति बीमार रहे। जीवन रेखा जंजीरदार हो। दोहरी भाग्य रेखा में से एक पतली और लहरदार हो तो स्वयं किसी रोग के कारण कमजोरी हो।
कान की खराबी :: शनि पर्वत के नीचे मस्तिष्क रेखा में यव हो।
कैंसर :: ऊपरी चंद्र जहाँ स्वास्थ्य रेखा भाग्य रेखा को काट रही हो, वहाँ 5-6 निम्नगामी रेखायें हों। मस्तिष्क रेखा के अन्त में त्वचा धुँधली हो-बारीक-महीन रेखाएँ मिट जायें।
कैंसर-गाँठ :: स्वास्थ्य रेखा पर यवों का समूह हो। मस्तिष्क रेखा सीधी चलकर ऊपर मुड़ जाये। Please refer to ::
कैंसर-नाड़ी में अर्बुद :: (1). सूर्य पर्वत पर आड़ी-तिरछी रेखाएँ हों। (2). हृदय रेखा शनि पर्वत के नीचे टूटी हो। (3). सूर्य पर्वत अत्यधिक उभरा हुआ हो। (4). स्वास्थ्य रेखा में से दो-तीन रेखाएँ भाग्य रेखा की ओर छितराई-बिखरी हुई दिखें।
इसके इलाज के लिये अफ़ीम, कोकीन और बालाडोना के क्षार को औषधी के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है।
गले की खराबी :: पतला और लम्बा नख जो आसानी से टूटे। मस्तिष्क रेखा और स्वास्थ्य रेखा का संयोग जहाँ हो वहाँ यव हो। गोलाकार और झुका हुआ नख।
पेट की शल्य चिकित्सा :: भाग्य रेखा में उच्च मङ्गल से आकर कोई रेखा मिल जाये तो ऐसा सम्भव है। मङ्गल से शुरू हुई रेखा जहाँ जीवन रेखा को काटेगी, उसी उम्र में शल्य चिकित्सा होगी।
मस्तिष्क रेखा में यव :: (1). मस्तिष्क रेखा में वृहस्पति के नीचे यव :- साँस की तकलीफ, (2). मस्तिष्क रेखा की शाखा में ऊपरी चन्द्र पर यव :- आँतों की परेशानी-बीमारी।
सूर्य पर अस्पष्ट वृत्त :: सूर्य रेखा अथवा विद्या रेखा अशुद्ध हो-कटी-फटी हो, दोषयुक्त हो और उस पर अस्पष्ट वृत्त चिन्ह हो तो जातक को आँखों की समस्या हो सकती है।UNCLEAR CIRCLE OVER SUN :: Sun Line or Education Line is segmented-fragmented, defective and bears unclear circle; which may lead to eye trouble for the bearer.
गले की खराबी :: पतला और लम्बा नख जो आसानी से टूटे। मस्तिष्क रेखा और स्वास्थ्य रेखा का संयोग जहाँ हो वहाँ यव हो। गोलाकार और झुका हुआ नख।
पेट की शल्य चिकित्सा :: भाग्य रेखा में उच्च मङ्गल से आकर कोई रेखा मिल जाये तो ऐसा सम्भव है। मङ्गल से शुरू हुई रेखा जहाँ जीवन रेखा को काटेगी, उसी उम्र में शल्य चिकित्सा होगी।
मस्तिष्क रेखा में यव :: (1). मस्तिष्क रेखा में वृहस्पति के नीचे यव :- साँस की तकलीफ, (2). मस्तिष्क रेखा की शाखा में ऊपरी चन्द्र पर यव :- आँतों की परेशानी-बीमारी।
सूर्य पर अस्पष्ट वृत्त :: सूर्य रेखा अथवा विद्या रेखा अशुद्ध हो-कटी-फटी हो, दोषयुक्त हो और उस पर अस्पष्ट वृत्त चिन्ह हो तो जातक को आँखों की समस्या हो सकती है।UNCLEAR CIRCLE OVER SUN :: Sun Line or Education Line is segmented-fragmented, defective and bears unclear circle; which may lead to eye trouble for the bearer.
MEDICAL STIGMATA LINES रोग चिह्न रेखाएँ :: Medical stigmata is formed by a series of fine, vertical lines (at least 3) that appear under the Mercury over the palm, above the Heart Line. They are also called Samaritan lines.The hand may have Line of Intuition as well. They grant healing power to the possessor.More than five of these lines shows an excess of Mercurian qualities. Rather than referring to healing, it points to more about business and communication. More often they seem to appear when a person is into marketing, writing, communicating or selling, such as a writer, teacher or entrepreneur.
MEDICAL STIGMATA रोग चिह्न :: कलंक, लांछन, धब्बा, चिह्न, कुक्षि, किसी रोग का विशेष चिह्न, योनि-छत्र।
GETTING RID OF HEADACHES THROUGH RELAXATION :: To Alleviate Headaches-Massage the Thumbs. Start at the pad on the tip of the thumb and gently massage all over the 1st phalanx. Locate any points which feel sore and rub these spots thoroughly.
If your headache still persists after massaging the 1st phalanx, move to the second phalanx and repeat the process. If necessary, also rub the web of the thumb and the metacarpal bone.
Headaches centred around the eyes will also require massaging of the index and middle fingers. Headaches centred around the ears will need additional rubbing of the ring and baby fingers. If the headache is on the right side, concentrate the treatment on the right hand. For headaches on the left side, use the left hand.
GETTING RID OF NECK TENSION :: Rotate the Thumbs. After massaging the thumbs rotate them gently to each side several times on both knuckles.
GETTING RID OF LOWER BACK PAIN :: To Alleviate Pain in the Lower Back-Massage the Wrists. The center of the wrist on the palm side contains the reflex point for the lower back. Gently massage both wrists with the opposite thumb, about 5 minutes per wrist. Repeat the massage at least twice per day for optimum results.
GETTING RID OF SWOLLEN GLANDS :: Massage the Base of Each Finger. In between each finger at the base is a reflexology point for the upper lymph nodes. If your glands are swollen, at least one (and probably all) of these points will be painful to the touch. Massaging all 4 of the points will bring relief almost immediately.
The four points are at the very base of each finger within the webbing of the skin. There is one between the thumb and index finger, another between the index and middle finger. Remember that each point is found within the webbing between the digits.
बबासीर :: जीवन रेखा का उदय मङ्गल अथवा बृहस्पति के मूल से।
On the junction of Venus and the thumb it’s presence shows birth of son. Broken island shows miscarriage-abortion.
अँगूठे और शुक्र की संधि पर यह पुत्र प्राप्ति देखता है। टूटा हुआ या कमजोर द्वीप गर्भपात दिखाता है।
It is often a sign of some hereditary evil, such as a heart condition or intemperance with spirits, but it may just as easily represent non-congenital emotional stress.
यह मानसिक दबाब और पैतृक बीमारियों को भी प्रकट करता है।
BELOW SATURN :: It indicates diseases-illness.
शनि के नीचे द्वीप :- जीवन, मस्तिष्क और हृदय रेखाओं पर बीमारियों को दर्शाता है।
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with numerous lines over Mars :- Upset stomach, arthritis.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with numerous lines over Mars :- Upset stomach, arthritis.
शनि के नीचे मंगल पर अनेक रेखाओं के साथ :- पेट ख़राब, घुटनों में दर्द।
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with any defective line, below the Mount of Sun :- The possessor may suffer from the weakness of eyes-vision.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with any defective line, below the Mount of Sun :- The possessor may suffer from the weakness of eyes-vision.
शनि पर द्वीप सूर्य पर कटी-फ़टी रेखाएँ :- आँखों की परेशानी।
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, associated by the defective Line of Heart below the Saturn :- The bearer may suffer from hernia, Arthritic, male hormonal imbalance.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, associated by the defective Line of Heart below the Saturn :- The bearer may suffer from hernia, Arthritic, male hormonal imbalance.
शनि के नीचे द्वीप, हृदय और मस्तिष्क रेखाओं में दोष :- हर्निया, घुटनों का दर्द, पुरुषों में हार्मोन का असंतुलन।
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus :- Defect pertaining to sperms or breathing may be diagnosed.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus :- Defect pertaining to sperms or breathing may be diagnosed.
शनि के नीचे द्वीप, उठे हुए चंद्र और शुक्र :- वीर्य दोष, साँस लेने में तकलीफ।
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus, associated with any defect below the Mercury :- Liver trouble and eye trouble and wound in the hands.
Island is found below the Mount of Saturn, with raised Luna or Venus, associated with any defect below the Mercury :- Liver trouble and eye trouble and wound in the hands.
शनि के नीचे द्वीप, उठे हुए चंद्र और शुक्र, बुध पर कोई भी दोष :- लीवर, आँखों के रोग, और हाथों पर घाव।
Island is found below the Mount of Sun :- It predicts eye trouble.
सूर्य के नीचे द्वीप :- आँखों के रोग।
Line of Heart too is found to have an island or some other line touching it below the Sun :- The eye trouble is certain-confirmed.
Line of Heart too is found to have an island or some other line touching it below the Sun :- The eye trouble is certain-confirmed.
सूर्य के नीचे हृदय रेखा पर भी द्वीप या कोई अन्य रेखा हृदय रेखा को स्पर्श करे :- आँखों की परेशानी अवश्य होगी।
Circle is found below the Sun :- Blindness is indicated. The eyes of the possessor may be struck with some external object.
सूर्य के नीचे वृत :- अंधापन, आँखों पर किसी बाहरी वास्तु का आघात।
MARS :: Implies a weak spirit and cowardice.
मङ्गल :- कायर, डरपोक।
MOON :: Weakens the power of imagination.
चंद्र :- कल्पना शक्ति का अभाव।
Presence of large Island below the junction of the mount of Saturn and the Mount of Sun :: The bearer may become silent-quite-mad. It represents the presence of blood clot-tumour (रसौली-गाँठ), which may lead to paralysis, if the lines around the island are thin, as compared to the Line of Head. The spouse of such people is normally intelligent blessed with understanding, sharp and greedy. If the Luck Line stops at this juncture, it may indicate the death of spouse-earning member, Confirm only when the signs are repeated on both the hands. It shows liver trouble as well (the bearer should ad-hare to balanced diet regular exercise, walking, Yogasan).
शनि और सूर्य की संधि पर बड़ा द्वीप :: जातक कम बोलने-बातचीत करने वाला होगा। यह खून का जमना और रसौली को भी दर्शाता है, जिससे लकवा हो सकता है, यदि द्वीप के आसपास की रेखाएँ पतली हों। जातक का जीवन साथी चतुर, होशियार, तेज और लालची हो सकता है। यदि यहाँ भाग्य रेखा रुक जाये तो जातक के जीवन साथी देहान्त भी हो सकता है परन्तु इसका दोनों हाथों का निरीक्षण करके एक जैसे चिन्ह मिलने पर ही कहा जा सकता है। यह लीवर खराबी को भी दर्शाता है।
LIFE LINE :: (1). Its presence in the beginning of the line means hereditary illness.
(2). On the line, grave illness, brain trouble or smallpox.
(3). On the line and wavy Liver-Mercury Line; biliousness or indigestion.
(4). On the line with a star on the Head Line, serious illness.
(5). On the line and a star on the Mount of Saturn means lower limbs are likely to be affected.
(6). An island on the line and a star at the junction of the Head and Liver Lines denote sterility and difficulty in child bearing (in case of a women).
LINE OF HEAD :: An island present over the Line of Head, speaks more of the trauma-mental tension-agony, than the disease itself, which can be cured by a good doctor.
(1). At the start :- Inherited brain trouble of the respiratory organ.
(2). On the line :- Chronic neuralgia.
(3). An island on line under the Mount of Saturn :- Head injury through accident or serious deafness.
(4). Islands throughout the line :- Brain trouble resulting from overwork-fatigue.
(5). Large island at the termination :- Severe in testis trouble.
जीवन रेखा ::
(1). प्रारम्भ में उपस्थित :- पैतृक बीमारी, जन्म रहस्य।
(2). रेखा पर मौजूद :- गंभीर बीमारी, मस्तिष्क में समस्या या चेचक।
(3). जीवन रेखा पर उपस्थित और स्वास्थ्य रेखा अनियमित :- अपच।
(4). जीवन रेखा पर द्वीप और मस्तिष्क रेखा पर तारा-नक्षत्र :- गंभीर रोग।
(5). जीवन रेखा पर द्वीप और शनि पर नक्षत्र-तारा :- पैरों पर दुष्प्रभाव।
(6). जीवन रेखा पर द्वीप, मष्तिष्क रेखा और स्वास्थ्य रेखा की संधि पर नक्षत्र :- नपुंसकता। स्री के हाथ में होने पर सन्तानोत्तपत्ति-गर्भ धारण में परेशानी।
मस्तिष्क रेखा पर द्वीप :: जातक समस्या, दुःख, विषाद अथवा सदमे से पीड़ित हो सकता है।
(1). प्रारम्भ में :- मानसिक और साँस की बीमारी।
(2). रेखा पर :- दीर्घ कालीन नसों में दर्द।
(3). शनि के नीचे रेखा पर द्वीप :- दुर्घटना में सर पे चोट अथवा बहरापन।
(4). पूरी रेखा पर द्वीप :- थकान के कारण मानसिक रोग-परेशानी।
(5). अंत में बड़ा द्वीप :- अंडकोष में गम्भीर समस्या।
Island over the Line of Head under the Saturn ::
(1). Disease of gall bladder or throat, troubled spouse or trouble due to issues pertaining to wealth.
(2). Piles, wound in the legs, gas trouble, eye trouble, boil-sore-ulcer-abscess tumour-eruptions in the breast, pain during delivery of child-excessive bleeding, sugar.
(3). Falling from a height.
मस्तिष्क रेखा पर शनि के नीचे द्वीप ::
(1). पित्ताशय की थैली अथवा गले की बीमारी, जीवन साथी अथवा सम्पति सम्बन्धी समस्या।
(2). बबासीर , पैरों में घाव, पित्त-वायु रोग, आँखों में परेशानी, छाती में गाँठें, बच्चे के जन्म सम्बन्धी समस्या, मधुमेह।
(3). ऊँचाई से नीचे गिरना।
Big island present at the termination of the Line of Head, below the Mercury, the Line of Head is double or branched-forked :- The possessor may suffer from eye trouble.
बुध के नीचे मस्तिष्क रेखा पर बड़ा द्वीप, द्वि जिव्हित अथवा दोहरी मस्तिष्क रेखा :- आँखों की बीमारी।
(1). Line is marked heavily with islands :- It indicates a heart disease.
(2). An island over the line under the Mount of Sun :- It may bring serious eye trouble, weakness of heart, etc.
हृदय रेखा पर द्वीप :: यह बीमारी से ज्यादा दुःख-दर्द को बताता है। इसका प्रमाण बुध-स्वास्थ्य रेखा पर खोजना चाहिये।
(1). पूरी रेखा द्वीपों से बनी हो :- हृदय रोग।
(2). सूर्य के नीचे द्वीप :- आँखों की बीमारी, परेशानी, कमजोरी, और हृदय का दुर्बल होना।
ISLAND OVER THE MERCURY LINE :: The defective line is inauspicious.
(1). Over the line :- It means a serious illness.
(2). Over the upper portion of the line :- It denotes delicacy of throat and chest or throat and bronchial troubles.
(3). At a lower portion of the Mount of the Moon :- It means bladder and kidney troubles.
(4). Island present at the termination below the Mercury :- The bearer suffers from defective liver, which is observed only after the age of 52-53 years. If the island resembles a triangle, it will represent lung-breathing trouble.
(4). Island present at the termination below the Mercury :- The bearer suffers from defective liver, which is observed only after the age of 52-53 years. If the island resembles a triangle, it will represent lung-breathing trouble.
बुध-स्वास्थ्य रेखा पर द्वीप :: दोषपूर्ण बुध रेखा अशुभ है।
(1). बुध रेखा पर द्वीप :- गंभीर रोग।
(2). बुध रेखा के ऊपरी भाग में द्वीप :- गले और छाती का नाजुक होना, साँस लेने में तकलीफ़।
(3). चंद्र के निम्न क्षेत्र में बुध रेखा द्वीप :- मूत्राशय (urinary bladder) और वृक्क गुर्दों में तकलीफ।
(4). बुध रेखा के अन्तिम सिरे पर बुध के नीचे द्वीप :- जिगर में तकलीफ, जिसका निदान 52-53 साल की उम्र में होता है। यदि द्वीप त्रिभुज जैसा लगता है तो साँस फूलने की बीमारी।
On the lower part with the chained and yellowish Lines of Heart and Life :- It implies dropsy, water disease.
निम्न चंद्र पर नक्षत्र, जीवन और हृदय रेखाएँ पीली :- जलोदर और जल सम्बन्धी बीमारियाँ।
A star at the termination of the Line of Heart and another at the termination of the Life Line :- It imply paralysis generally followed by paresis (केवल पेशियों का पक्षाघात).
जीवन रेखा से उदित रेखा पर नक्षत्र पर चंद्र क्षेत्र में नक्षत्र और मस्तिष्क रेखा पर धब्बा :- प्रलाप, उन्माद, बेहोशी में बोलना, हद शराब पीने लत, भयानक गुर्दे बीमारी।
हृदय और जीवन रेखाओं के अंत में नक्षत्र :- लकवा-पक्षाघात (केवल पेशियों का पक्षाघात)।
बड़े त्रिभुज के अंदर बुध रेखा के नजदीक नक्षत्र :- अंधापन।
बुध रेखा पर नक्षत्र :- संतानहीन-नामर्दी, स्त्रियों में बच्चा पैदा करने में परेशानी।
मस्तिष्क और बुध रेखा जोड़ पर नक्षत्र :- बांझपन, बच्चा पैदा करने में तकलीफ।
बुध रेखा पर नक्षत्र और द्वीप एक साथ :- खराब स्वास्थ्य।
शुक्र वलय पर सितारा, एक, दो अथवा तीन वलय, नक्षत्र के साथ :: गुप्त रोग और अंततोगत्वा मृत्यु।
Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)