AYUR VED (8) आयुर्वेद :: FUME-SMOKE THERAPY धूम्र चिकित्सा

धूम्र चिकित्सा 
AYURVED (8) आयुर्वेद 
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
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ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
ॐ नमों भगवते सुदर्शन वासुदेवाय, धन्वंतराय अमृतकलश हस्ताय, सकला भय विनाशाय, सर्व रोग निवारणाय, त्रिलोक पठाय,  त्रिलोक लोकनिथाये,  ॐ श्री महाविष्णु स्वरूपा,  ॐ श्री श्री ॐ  औषधा चक्र नारायण स्वाहा
वेद मंत्रों में देव शब्द के प्रयोग द्वारा देवताओं की सामूहिक स्तुति की गई है। रोग मुक्त शतायु जीवन की कामना के साथ उपयुक्त मंत्र अथर्ववेद एवं यजुर्वेद में है। दोनों ही वेदों में तत्संबंधी मंत्र ‘पश्येम शरदः शतम्’ से आरंभ होते हैं। 
Aries (21st st March-20th April) :- Tulsi-Holi Basil, black pepper;
Taurus (21st April-21st May) :- palmarosa, ylang, rose;
Gemini (22nd May-22nd June) :- fennel, peppermint, thyme;
Cancer (23rd June-23rd July) :- Roman/German chamomile;
Leo (24th July-23rd August) :- benzoin, myrrh, frankincense, helichrysum;
Virgo (24th August-23rd September) :- lavender, myrtle;
Libra (24th September-23rd October) :- geranium;
Scorpio (24th October-22nd November) :- patchouli;
Sagittarius (23rd November-21st December) :- hyssop;
Capricorn (22nd December-20th January) :- eucalyptus, vetiver;
Aquarius (21st January-19th February) :- sandalwood, violet leaf;
Pisces (20th February-20th March) :- cypress. 
There are several therapies prevailing  to cure diseases, illness, physical and mental defects like Allopathi, Yunnani, acupressure, Ayur Ved etc., pertaining to human body. The human body has a store house of genes located over the chromosomes, which control various malfunctions in the body. Hunger, thirst, love, physical & mental actions, feelings-passions are all the sum total of the interaction of genes. Genes are in fact chemicals of specific composition, which may be altered. Breathing-respiration takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide along with several waste-useless gases. When one sucks air into the lungs smoke, dust particles, germs, virus, bacteria pathogens may enter the lungs and there after mixed with the blood and carried over to the whole body and result in one or the other kind of disease. The ductless glands too are simultaneously, giving rise to desired healing effect-results.
Fume-smoke therapy involves generation of fumes from herbs by using sacrificial offerings in the sacred fire through Yagy-Hawan-Agni Hotr.
The place where Yagy-Hawan is performed is normally covered from all sides and has a roof as well. In ancient India normally temples or the cottages with thatched roof were utilized for such purposes. Temples have very narrow opening for the air to pass and have thick walls, which maintain the inside temperature. Some of the sites are built in the basements called Garbh Grah or Tahkhana. This was to ensure that the fumes remained inside for a longer period of time. The smell remains in the air and keep one's body charged with the medication. The ashes too have medicinal powers and are pasted over the forehead. some times people swallow them with water or just lick it.
A Kalash-a special pot is filled with water from pious rivers and is kept at the place of offerings. 
The therapy involves inhaling of fumes-smoke evolved by the burning of various herbs-ingredients in extremely low quantities. The process involves Hawan, Agni Hotr or sacrifices in holy fire. Fire is evolved by burning of specific wood called Samidha. Each and every kind of wood obtained from different tree, shrub, wine-crippler, twine, plant has a store house of chemicals-medicinal properties. Indian experts called Rishis identified these characters and listed them according to their capability to cure a certain mal function-defect-disease. The manner in which the basis of all life is greenery-vegetation-plantation, in the same way the basis of all therapies in medicine, is plantation.
The fumes which evolve by way of offerings in the Hawan Kund are sucked by the lungs which generate immunity towards a large number of diseases in the body. A short cut is available in the form of Dhoop Batti or Agar Batti-incense sticks. Both of these have several ingredients in the form of powdered Ayur Vedic Herbs-medicines. Google and Pure Deshi Ghee forms the basic components. Cow's Ghee is preferred.
During the process of Hawan-Agni Hotr sacred rhymes are chanted which have miraculous impact over the diseased. Fumes associated with pious fumes repair the body from within.
Most common Samidha-wood for generating fire, constitutes of Mango, Peepal, Vat Vraksh, Shami, Sandal wood, Dev Daru, Agar, Tigar, Bilv. Samidha is chopped according to the shape size of the Hawan Kund.
Shape, size, design of the Hawan Kund-pot for generating fire is equally important. Its devised according to the event, purpose, manner, period, function and the number of the devotees ready to make offerings. etc.
Dry fruits, barley, sesame seeds, gram, Betalnut-areca nut, constitute the normal offerings.
Final offering-Charu constitutes of opium seeds, rice, wheat, sugar, honey, along with herbs chosen according to the treatment to be given to the patient and a dry coconut. Sweets, Kheer, Halwa too are offered in the last stage of the Yagy-rite. 
Common herbs used are Tulsi-Basil तुलसी, Sarp Gandha सर्पगन्धा, Brahmi ब्राह्मी, Shankh Pushpi शंखपुष्पी, Shatawari शतावरी, Somvalli सोमवल्ली, Jatamansi जटामांसी, Ashtvarg अष्टवर्ग etc. 
Offerings are made in a controlled manner so that smoke is not produced in large quantum. Ghee is offered repeatedly as per the recitation of the rhyme. The offering is just enough to stay over the Sun finger.
The Mantr normally enchanted is Maha Mratunjay Mantr.
(1). Om Mratunjayay Maha Devay Namostute. 
ॐ मृतुंज्याय महादेवाय नमोस्तुते।    
(2). त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगंधिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षिय माऽमृतात्॥
OM Tryamb Kam Yjamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhnam;
Urvaruk Miv Bandhnan Mratyor Mukshiy Mamr Tat.
For more Mantr please refer to :: 
MANTROPCHAR-DIVINE REMEDIES मंत्रोपचार  :: santoshkipathshala.blogspot.com 
LOBAN-BENZOIN लोबान :: It is extracted from the resin out of the Boswellia tree, which is then further churned into creating oils and incense. It is one of the finest purifier of atmosphere & prevent negative energy. It gives quick relief in  depression. It is also known as Devi Dhoop, Nav Durga Dhoop & often used in worship of Maa Durga.
It relaxes the patient and makes him stress free.  It keeps the environment germs free. It helps in uplifting the inspiration and creativity. It can help attract love, provide psychic protection, wisdom, aids the memory. It tones up the heart, stomach and increases Libido. It is carminative. It makes feel relief from cold and cough. It also effective to get relief from Toothache. It removes bad smell of sweat, relives the inflammation of urinary tract and is useful in pulmonary tuberculosis.
It is great all-purpose magical incense, which helps to warm and open heart center. It also helps in cleansing of aura. 
मुराSहिकृतिनिर्गुण्डीवचा: कुष्ठं च सर्षपा:। 
बिल्वपत्रमयो धूपः कुमारायुः प्रदोषकृत्
मुरा, साँप की कैंचुली, निर्गुन्डी, वचा, कुष्ठ, सरसों तथा बिल्व इनकी धूप बालक की आयु को पुष्ट करनेवाला होती है। गाय का घी, पीली सरसों, सेंधा नमक, निम्ब पत्र तथा साँप की कैंचुली आदि द्रव्यों की धूप सूक्ष्म जीवाणुओं का नाश करके वातावरण को शुद्ध करते हैं।   
ये सभी वस्तुएँ कृमि नाशक (जीवाणु) तथा भूत-प्रेतादि के अपवर्क तथा पवित्र करने वाले द्रव्य हैं। 
स संस्तिरो विष्टिरः सं गृभायति जानन्नेव जानतीर्नित्य आ शये। 
पुनर्वर्धन्ते अपि यन्ति देव्यमन्यद्वर्पः पित्रोः कृण्वते सचा
अग्निदेव कभी छिपकर, कभी विराट् होकर औषधियों को व्याप्त करते हैं, मानो यजमान का अभिप्राय जानकर ही अपनी अभिप्राय जानने वाली शिखा को आश्रित करते हैं। शिखाएँ पुनः बढ़कर याग योग्य अग्नि को व्याप्त करती है एवं सब मिलकर पृथ्वी और स्वर्ग का अपूर्व रूप विस्तृत करती है।[ऋग्वेद 1.140.7] 
वे उनके प्रभाव से गति को ग्रहण होती हैं। उनमें अद्भुत गुण भर जाते हैं। फिर ये अग्नि औषधियाँ मिलाकर धरा और क्षितिज को अद्भुत गुण बनाते हैं।
Agni Dev digest the herbs either in hidden state or vide proportions as if he is understanding the desires of he host The flames spread and make extensions over the earth and the heavens. 
Several herbs are used as offerings in the holy fire (Agnihotr, Hawan). These herbs have the power to eliminate several diseases. Their fumes eliminate various germs, virus, bacteria, fungus, harmful microbes. Their impact is experienced over he earth as well as the heavens, since Agni Dev is the mouth of the demigods-deities for accepting offerings. This is called FUME THREPHY.
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