By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
गुणातीतं निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
Around 45 the Line of Head turns towards Sun and stops. The is best possible location for the Sun Line to stop. He will become rational after this age.
He possess Solomon Ring which makes him religious and lifts to high position in his business-profession (leading to rise and fall too frequently, if he becomes careless) but just like walking over the sword and the dagger keep on hanging over his head. At this age Line of Ambition too become clear. After 50 he acquires two Luck lines ensuring his smooth sailing later in life. Around 54 his Sun Line becomes clears. From here onwards, he will achieve success, recognition.
A very little line is seen between the Sun and the Saturn finger which too is a Sun line, he inherited from his past life, in which he might be a scholar, Pandit of Brahman but bad company spoiled him. He might have acquired the habit of drinking, meat eating, smoking and company of wretched women. He was an alcoholic and used to eat meat, drink too frequently. Some times he appeared to be too much unstable.
He will face health troubles after 55 and so he must adhere to Yog and regular exercise.
He has numerous horizontal lines over Physical Mars and the Venus, which shows that he is handsome and smart and is like a magnet for the women. Had any of these lines crossed the Life Line, he might have landed into trouble.
An upward line moving towards Mercury shows that he has stomach & gastric trouble. This line show him future events in dreams.
His thumb is rigid & makes an right angle with the palm. The tip bends slightly which makes him cautious, firm and grants the ability to take right decisions & actions after around 45 years of age.
He may survive for more than 70 years.
Two Luck Lines and the Line of Intuition are forming a triangle in the Rahu Kshetr (Dragon Head). It makes the bearer capable of setting right one who unduly trouble him, torture him.
He must offer water to Sun everyday after taking bath in a Tulsi pot having either a Shiv Ling or Saligram or both.
He must serve his mother.
Video link :: HAND ANALYSIS-TRIDANT, SPECIAL LUCK LINE, TRAVEL LINE,UPWARD BRANCHES OF LIFE LINE, AMBITION LINE :: The hand is wonderful. Presence of the trident over the Heart Line will make the bearer a person loved from the depths of heart like American President Roosevelt & Swami Viveka Nand. Upward branches of Life Line, Line of Ambition, the Solomon's Ring, three independent Sun Lines and the one emerging from the Mental Mount of Mars may divert his attention to politics. An upward branch of Life Line read with these indications will make him a successful person who helps all without the desire of name, game & glory; i.e., a true public servant. Small line emerging from the junction of his Sun & Saturn fingers clearly shows that he must have been a scholar, a Brahman or an enlightened person in one of his previous lives. Thus, he is quick to learn the things related to religion especially Hinduism. A thick and large line lying over middle Luna indicated that he had travelled abroad. Yet another small line lying over lower Luna indicated that travelled in his early childhood as well, which made me conscious about his birth place. Then, I examined the small lines over his Physical Mars. I found a small line parallel to the Life Line below it. He confirmed that he was born abroad in Abu Dhabi. I found identical line in the hands of the migrants-Refugees from Pakistan. One of them had an island over this line which indicated the trauma, suffering & pain, he had. He has small line from Luck line facing Mercury, residing before the Line of Head. indicating that he occasionally sees the future in dreams. His Luck Line shows that he will progress by virtue of his own efforts and the help of his wife. Strength of a sign over the palm increases tremendously if its present over both hands. The Trident was not present over his left hand, so I examined his wife's hands. It was present in her both hands. Thus the strength of the Trident will definitely show its impact. Now, I examined the alignment of his thumb with the Index finger. It formed right angle, which means, he is rational & careful-cautious. I examined his thumb & it was rigid, standing over the palm straight. He is firm and determined. Now, I looked at the tip of the thumb, it bended slightly-very little towards the back. It means, he will listen to the elders, scholars and the people like me, prior to taking any decision. He is capable of moulding himself according to the situation, circumstances. I examined his longevity from the Life line and the line of Heart, which came out to 87-95 years. Life style may increase of decrease the Life Span.
Let the Almighty grant him success in life. |
Video link :: हृदय रेखा पर त्रिशूल, विशिष्ट भाग्य रेखा, सोलोमन वलय, सूर्य रेखा, आकांक्षा रेखा :: जातक के हाथ में सीधे हाथ की हृदय रेखा पर त्रिशूल है जो कि उसे जीवन में लोगों के प्रेम, सम्मान का पात्र बनायेगा। अमरीका के राष्ट्रपति रूजवेल्ट और स्वामी विवेकानन्द के हाथ में यह चिन्ह था। हाथ में जीवन रेखा की उच्चवर्ती शाखाएँ, इच्छा-कामना रेखा, तीन सूर्य रेखायें, धर्म क्षेत्र से उदित अन्य सूर्य रेखा, विशिष्ट भाग्य रेखा उसे जीवन में राजनीति में ले जा सकती हैं। क्योंकि त्रिशूल मात्र सीधे हाथ पर था, अतः मैंने उसका उल्टा हाथ भी देखा, जिस पर त्रिशूल नहीं था। दोनों हाथों पर किसी चिन्ह का होना सिद्ध करता है कि ऐसा अवश्य होगा। अतः मैंने उसकी पत्नी के हाथों को देखा, जिनमें दोनों हाथों के अंदर हृदय रेखा पर त्रिशूल मौजूद था अर्थात यह अवश्य होगा। सोलोमन रिंग-वल्य उसे उच्च पद दिलायेगा, परन्तु सर पर तलवार हमेशां लटकी रहेगी। विशिष्ट भाग्य रेखा उसे करोड़पति अवश्य बनायेगी, मगर उसे अपने प्रयासों का मात्र 30-70% ही प्राप्त होगा। अन्य लोग उसके द्वारा किये गये सद्प्रयासों को अपना बताकर वाही-वाही लूटने का प्रयास करेंगे। उसके हाथ की जीवन रेखा से उदय होने वाली उच्चवर्ती शाखा उसे एक सुहृदय, सबकी सहायता करने वाला बनायेगी। उसे मान-सम्मान, इज्जत, बड़ाई, शौहरत की इच्छा नहीं होगी, क्योंकि ऐसे जातक जनता-प्रजा के हृदय में राज-निवास करते हैं। सूर्य और शनि रेखा की सन्धि से नीचे आने वाली रेखाएँ स्पष्ट करती हैं कि वह किसी पूर्वजन्म से ही विद्वान्, ब्राह्मण है और धर्म विषयों को शीघ्रता से समझने वाला है। मध्य मंगल पर उपस्थित हथेली के दूसरे छोर पर जाने वाली रेखा बताती है कि वह विदेश यात्रा पर चुका है। निम्न चंद्र पर उपस्थित रेखा स्पष्ट करती है कि उसका जन्म देश के बाहर हुआ था। उसने बताया कि वह आबू धाबी में जन्मा था। अब मैंने उसके निम्न मंगल पर जीवन रेखा के नीचे बारीक रेखा को ढूँढा। जिन जातकों का जन्म अन्यंत्र हो और उन्हें जन्म के साथ ही पलायन करना पड़े, उनके हाथ में यह रेखा उपस्थित होती है। मैंने उन लोगों का हाथ देखा है, जिन्हें पाकिस्तान से सब कुछ लुटाकर भारत आना पड़ा था। उनके हाथ में दुःख-यंत्रणा उस रेखा पर बने यव से स्पष्ट होती है। उसके हाथ में चंद्र पर्वत पर जीवन रेखा की ओर से बुध की ओर जाने वाली रेखा जो मात्र मस्तिष्क रेखा तक पहुँचती है, स्पष्ट करती है कि जातक को भविष्य की घटनाओं का पूर्वाभास हो जाता है। उसके हाथ का अँगूठा बृहस्पति की अंगुली के साथ समकोण बनाता है। जो उसे विवेकशील बनाता है। अँगूठा हथेली के साथ सीधा खड़ा है, जो कि उसे द्रढ़ निश्चय को दर्शाता है। अँगूठे का हल्का से पीछे की ओर मुड़ना, दिखाता है कि वह जिद्दी नहीं होगा; अपितु बुजुर्ग, विचारकों की राय को सम्मान देगा। उसके हाथ में जीवन रेखा और ह्रदय रेखा से उसकी उम्र लगभग 87-95 निकलती है। उसके उलटे हाथ से स्पष्ट होता है कि उसके पिता को कुछ शारीरिक परेशानी है, मगर वे उसकी परवाह नहीं करते। उनकी उम्र भी 87-95 के आस-पास होगी। उन्हें नियमित रूप से योग, व्यायाम, प्रातःकालीन भ्रमण अवश्य करना चाहिये। उन्हें रात्रि का भोजन छोड़कर उसके स्थान पर फलाहार करना और दूध का सेवन करना चाहिये, दिन में भोजन में दही भी लेनी चाहिये।
LASCIVIOUNESS कामान्धता :: (1). This person is 271/2 year old IAS-IFS aspirant who has to face interview and claims to have a high rank in the list of the candidates who have qualified the examination.
Line of Head is forked at the termination :- Born to do something big. Albert Einstein had a forked Line of Head.
Line of Head tide with the Line of Life :- Cautious nature.
Presence of big island over the joint of life Line & the Line of Head :- It shows breaks, health problems poor health or constitution. Line of Mercury further confirms it. Yog, regular life style and Maha Mratunjay Mantr recitation is essential.
Presence of double Solomon ring :- It grants high position added with continuous danger like walking over sword. The bearer should be very religious.
Left hand has a broken Line of Heart :- Its what he got from parents. But its good in right hand. His nature has to be different from his parents.
Right hand has another Heart Line just above the main Heart Line below Sun and Mercury :- Here its a sign of sensuality, sexuality, passionate nature and lasciviousness.
Luck Line, Line of Head forms a triangle :- Its an auspicious-fortunate sign, which is always beneficial provided one channelize his energy in right direction only.
Special Luck Line :- He certainly become a millionaire. People will try to take credit of his good work. He may be punished for the misdeeds of others.
Lines in the Rahu area-region are making triangles :- Need not worry, these triangles are beneficial.
Sun Line is cut by lines inclined over Mercury :- One is unable to tolerate the excesses, misbehaviour, domination and repel to it. He should learn tolerance.
Numerous line over the palm :- Its not good to have to many lines and it puzzles him and some times make him crazy.
Island below Saturn :- It will cause headache or some head injury. Presence of Mars lines by the side of Life Line, though away, will protect him.
Life Line is short but Heart Line is running up to the middle of Jupiter and Saturn :- A life span of 70 years or more. Life Line is covered by Luck Line so, no risk.
Line from Mars cut reaches Rahu Kshetr, either cuts Life line or touches it :: Association with other women is dangerous for him. The women will create obstacles in his carrier and even blackmail him.
No flirtation or mixing up with women other than his wife is essential to avoid adverse affect.
Horizontal lines over Venus :- These lines too obstruct his carrier due to passionate nature.
Association with other women :- Any girl or lady other than his wife.
What's about UPSC, when will he get a job more importantly :- The small triangle formed at the luck Line at this age may do the needful, soon.
A sort of an island on the Fate Line which marked with yellow :- It shows lack of seriousness in obtaining a job.
Its not a difficult task for him. His Sun Line begins between Line of Head and the Heart line. It's bound to send him abroad. जातक को "ॐ ऐं नमः" का उच्चारण 108 बार करना चाहिये। सुबह सूर्योदय से पहले उठकर नहा धोकर सूर्य भगवान् को जल अर्पित करना चाहिये। "ॐ सूर्याय नमः" का 108 बार जाप करना चाहिये।
Fate line splitting into two :: It just shows division of efforts in two directions.
The Fate Line comes to almost an end after a branch line from the Heart Line cuts it :- A woman will interfere with his carrier, but he will over come it, since a strong branch of Line of Head moves towards the Heart Line.
Line of marriage :- His marriage will be a bit late, but he will have a happy Married life in spite of hick ups. A successful marriage.
The Sun line begins from Fate line (it's very-very dim at the beginning) and only when the Sun line crosses the downward branch of Head Line does it come into prominence (line marked with ink) :- Its a mark of success and smoothing of carrier.
Sun Line will definitely help him but after the age of 33 only. To be thin in the beginning is good.
A small triangle formed over dragon head by the Lines of Head :- It indicate success soon provided choice of his subjects, efforts are up to the mark. Destiny will help him but his own efforts-labour count more.
A line over Luna-Moon nearing the Luck Line but do not merge with it or cut it :- A woman entered into his life. It will not materialize into marriage. Had it merged with the Luck Line it would helped him. Had it crossed the Luck Line, it would have spoiled his carrier.
2-3 lines marked above with yellow colour, starting from the Mount of Upper Mars and joins an influence line on the Venus mount. This also coincides with a break in the Sun line after which the Sun line becomes stronger :- Temporary set back, but he will over come it.
Heart Line is not good, specifically when it moves to Life Line.
The Line from the junction of Mars and Venus :- It's positioning checks both energy and effort. It shows a tough time thereafter.
To avoid it, he must resort to Sun and Saturn worship immediately. Refer to ::
You will have to overcome hurdles time and again.
जो मनुष्य जीवन में सतत प्रयास करता है वह सफल अवश्य होता है।
Concentrate in God, relax.
A cross over Jupiter is always favourable. Never think of marriage till, stand over own feet.
Travel Line is present over Luna :- He travelled abroad.
Mercury lines are present which gives him insight, power to see future in dreams. It shows gas formation in the stomach. He has acidity and stomach related troubles.
I have seen people crossing those who got job first. Don't be envious. Pray to God.
He was a scholar-Pandit, in his previous birth. Got this birth due to consumption of meat, wine and women. Hence, he should be away from these. ॐ नमः शिवाय। हरी ॐ तत्सत।
Yog practice, meditation and devotion to the God are essential for you.
LINE OF MARS & LASCIVIOUSNESS :: Numerous indications are there. The line just over the Heart Line extends from Mercury to Jupiter. Small branches of Heart Line move towards Line of Head in the right direction. Two small lines are present before the line of Marriage. Yet another pair of Lines is there just above the Line of Marriage. Numerous lines move from the Mars and Venus crossing Mars Line. Venus too is raised.
Very complex and typical hand.
Islanded life line around 16 to 28 years of age, supported by upward branches. Initial troubles over come. Each branch add to riches, it shows success in money financial matters. Age more than 70 years.
Mars Line मंगल रेखा will protect you from physical assaults, accidents and evils of others.
Line of Head is good and will help you in earning and creative ideas, writing etc.
He says that he deals in diamond and gemstone for 22 years
Luck line shows that his own efforts-labour, guts will give grant him riches.
He says that he started dealing in fragrance & essential oils along with aromatherapy products.
Before settling in diamond trade, he had tried 100 of business, he says.
You will travel abroad many times. He says that he has visited even Nepal, so far. But he loves Traveling. He says that he keep on travelling in India.
You will be guided by intuition as well. You see the future in dreams. The dreams in the morning always indicate towards future.
Presence of Solomon ring makes you pious righteous, religious but brings danger as well. But Mars line is protecting you.
You are inclined to luxury and comforts.
He says that its rare. The phase will start around 50 years of age. a big branch of the Line of Head moves to Luna.
Line of marriage is good.
Its my most sincere and honest advise to keep distance from women.
He says that for the last 5 years he is juggling to earn, making efforts but not earning much. Every thing become favourable ultimately.
कम से कम एक लड़के का योग है।
He says that he has one son 7 two daughters.
Other women are like poison for you.
He says that lots of them came and gone. He says that he is automatically get into it.
हाथ में Line of Lasciviousness is present. यह जातक को कामांध बनाती है। हृदय रेखा के ऊपर की बड़ी रेखा अंगुलियों के नज़दीक है।साधना, ईश्वर भक्ति, संयम अत्यावश्यक हैं।
It means that he has to be religious, pious, honest.
नियमित रूप से सूर्य आराधना व्यवसाय में सफलता प्रदान अवश्य करेगी।
Go ahead.
अपनी पत्नी के अलावा किसी अन्य स्त्री से शारीरिक संबंध नहीं बनाने। तुम औरतों के लिए चुम्बक हो।
Presence of Solomon ring grants the life of a king added with dangers side by side.
He says that he had been mostly concerned about his Business, how to grow it, but incurred losses in big amounts time to time. You must be rational, wise-clever and think before taking yet another step.
He says that till now nothing like king, except reputation. Goodwill counts a lot in business.
He says that the people consider him to be a big shot. He has to patient.
He says that from inner self it’s difficult to handle the image. Never mind, the good days follows.
By nature you are very sensitive and can't tolerate injustice. Make yourself cool and don't react in front of others. Rebellious nature affect the business.
He agrees to it.
He has big dreams, want to make a Detox residence centre at sea shore, with worlds top facilities of alternative therapies, detox of mind body and soul every thing inside plantation to Gau Shala-cows shed, every thing.
You have special Luck Line which will make you multimillionaire, but you will be punished for other's follies mistakes, faults guilts. People will take credit of your good deeds. Never mind. You will receive just 30 percent reward of your endeavours but that too will be enormous.
He says that he is determined to do it but with zero situation now.
KEEP ON TRYING. WAIT & WATCH. Keep on working with dedication and firm determine and you will win the race. दिल छोटा मत करो सफलता अवश्य ही प्राप्त होगी।
Three horizontal lines over Saturn are interfering with his success and he is surviving due to the squares-quadrangles forms by these lines. So, he must resort to Sun worship & Saturn worship.
SATURN WORSHIP शनि आराधना :: SUN (2) सूर्य
SUN-BHAGWAN SURY NARAYAN भगवान् सूर्य नारायण :: SUN (1) सूर्य
He should donate cloths, ration & some money to his priest.
Recite Maha Mratunjay Mantr every day 108 times for controlling Sexuality-sensuality, passions.
Following are the prints of right and left hands of a person received on 11.04.2024. He is just 40 years old and alive
जीवन रेखा बेहद ख़राब और कटी हुई है, मगर भाग्य रेखा जातक की बचा रही हैं। मङ्गल रेखा भी उसे सुरक्षित कर रही है। चंद्र पर्वत पर एक आयत-चौकोर आकृति है, जिसने जातक को यात्रा में मरने अथवा डूबने से बचाया है। हृदय रेखा भी अच्छी है और यह भी उसे लम्बी उम्र प्रदान करती है। जातक को रोजाना महा मृत्युञ्जय मन्त्र का पाठ करना चाहिये। साथ-साथ हनुमान चालीसा का पाठ भी मददगार होगा। मंगल और शनिवार को व्रत भी रखना चाहिये।
त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्॥
DOUBLE HEART & LIFE LINE :: She is 29. Between 18-21 something happened from where a lower heart Line occurred and formed an island with the upper heart Line. This caused her pain and sorrow. She possesses a n influence Line which runs parallel to her Life Line, this will support throughout her life as the second Life Line. Someone misguided that she would commit suicide and she approached me. There is no proof of suicide at any point of her life in future.
Her right hand too has double Heart Lines. It just strengthen the pain & sorrow, she feels. Her husband may support and bring her out of trauma.
She should recite "ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं दक्षिणायै नमः" at least 108 times a day and do not let any one interfere with her family life. She may observe fast on Thursday and offer yellow cloths to learned, pious Brahmans with some cash, Bundi Laddu, Chana dal or Arhar dal.
She should offer water to Sun in the morning reciting "ॐ सूर्याय नमो नमः"over a Shiv Ling or Saligram kept in Tulsi pot, kept in the Veranda, facing East.
She has bright future.
Initially, the Line of Head bend towards Saturn which could lead him to death around 35 years, but he possess Line of Mars in both hands and the Luck Line in left hand is acting like second Life Line.
Video link :: He is 40 years old. A line emerges from Mars and joins his Line of Head, making a big island, till this age he will remain a simple person. Thereafter, he may achieve success. His Heart Line is straight showing the simplicity of heart and a person who speaks clearly. He might be a Yogi in his previous birth. A little segment of Sun Line arising between the Sun and Saturn shows that he might be scholar, educated, Pandit in one of his previous births. His Luck Line begins after 35. Most remarkable thing in the hand is present of Mystic Cross which blesses him with success in life accompanied with Sun Line. Presence of two triangles shows that he will sufficient money between 35-50 for building house. He has no Luck Line or Sun Line prior to 35 i.e., all struggle bur success at last due to new indications. His wife may become helpful to him earnings. A small line emerge from the Life Line and move towards Luna. I warned him that he might face stroke, if he do not resort to Yogasan & regular exercise. I asked him to supplement his food with Anvla and Chayvan Prash. He has several black spots over the palm which checks his strength. He must take multivitamins and Iron at least once a weak. A big island below the thumb shows that he will have at least one son who will made good progress in life. He must make deposits for his old age since a line drooping down Venus may turn him hand to mouth. I asked him to pray-worship Shani Dev on Saturdays and Sury Dev everyday in the morning. He had an upwards branch of Life Line around 40-current age. After finishing the session, when I had a glimpse over the palm again, yet another upward branch of Life Line appeared around 50-55. Once the session was over and I locked room I has a sudden glimpse of his hand again and its was really amazing-wonderful. His hand was showing 7 new auspicious lines which were not present in the hand at 11AM, when he came to me. His Heart Line increased to the end of Jupiter finger. Special Luck Line turned clear. Sun Line got connected with Life Line. Luck Line reached Saturn. His Jupiter finger and Mercury fingers are bent crooked, which means he knows how to extract his dues. Newly extended Line of Head may send him abroad for acquiring skills and wealth. The branch of Line Head which has become clear and moves to Mercury will help him in his business or related endeavours. Around 50 he may start getting money from at least three different sources. I could see several favourable-auspicious indications over the palm. He should not wear rings in the fingers, instead he may have a ring made of boat's rusted old nails. Vertical lines over the fingers shows that he has several friends, well wisher and no enemy-competitor. He has a rigid thumb making an angle of 90 degree with the Jupiter finger which illustrate that he takes decisions prudently and is firm in his decisions. 50-60 will be a lucky period for him in life acquiring all that he need. He must achieve success in life. PALMISTRY CASE STUDIES |
गृहस्थ-योगी (1) :: He is 51 and works with a big company looking after accounts. Born in a small village of Rajasthan, he did hard labour and acquired MA degree. He is hard working-laborious. He is very helpful by nature. His Heart Line has a trident, is straight and away from Line of Head, close to the fingers proving that he has the blessing of Bhagwan Shiv. He is a Yogi from his previous birth. He has mastered numerous Asans-postures of Yog. He perform Yogic exercises everyday. His fingers are artistic and so he is a folk dancer as well. He perform prayers regularly. His Line of Head turn suddenly goes to Luna but become parallel to the Life Line. Sudden drop of Line of Head may lead to suicide but he has managed it well and made it a life sustaining force. He survived since his Line of Head has two-three upward branches moving towards Mercury and the Sun. He has over powered gloom, misery, pain sorrow in life. He must attain success in life. Many vertical line over the finger phalanges which shows he has numerous friends-helping hands and no enemies. In normal state his thumb makes acute angle with Jupiter finger which indicate that his decisions may require rethinking. His Jupiter finger and Mercury fingers are bent-crooked which illustrate that he can extract money from others. He is quick, sharp, alert when compelled by the situations but is forgetful. Since the very day, I examined this hand, today some auspicious indications are observed. Video link :: This is the picture of the second palm reading. See the drastic difference within 45 days of his hand reading. Line of Head goes straight over the percussion. A branch of Heart line goes to Mercury. Line of Head and Sun have become clearly visible. His mind is still wavy, still he may over come the hitch soon, in going or settling in Australia. This is the result of Counselling, psycho analysis. He expressed every thing which generated pain sorrow anguish in him. He faced all odds in life, did very hard work and is now placed in big company in very senior position. He is hard working and helpful. He practice Yog everyday in addition to regular prayers. Appearance of trident over Heart Line grants gods blessing over him making a very popular and successful man in life. He is planning to go to Australia. If he decide to settle there after assessing pros & cons he may achieve tremendous success there. Video link :: गृहस्थ-योगी (2) :: जातक को Psycho Analysis और trans के द्वारा आक्रोश-दुःख को कम करना, कठिन कार्य नहीं था। इस दो माह की अवधि में जातक की हाथ की रेखाओं का परिवर्तन स्पष्ट है। उसकी टूटी हुई मस्तिष्क रेखा जुड़ गई है। उसके हाथ में सूर्य और भाग्य रेखाएं, अब स्पष्ट हैं, उसकी जीवन रेखा कलाई के नज़दीक मणिबन्ध पर जाकर एक त्रिभुज का निर्माण कर रही है, जो अत्यंत शुभ है। इससे जातक का शुक्र क्षेत्र बढ़ गया है और जातक यदि विदेश यात्रा करता है, तो यह शुभ होने के साथ-साथ धन-दौलत समृद्धि भी प्रदान कर सकता है। यह लक्षण उसके बायें हाथ में भी उभर आया है। उसकी हृदय रेखा बुध पर चली गई है, जो उसे व्यवसाय में उन्नति प्रदान कर सकती है। उसकी हृदय रेखा पर त्रिशूल स्पष्ट है जो कि उसे भगवान् शिव का आश्रय प्रदान करता है। ईश्वर आराधना, योग निष्छल व्यवहार, इसमें सहायक हैं। PALMISTRY CASE STUDIES |