PALM हथेली MOUNTS, FINGERS :: A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (2.1) संतोष हस्तरेखा शास्त्र

PALM हथेली
(MOUNTS-PLANETS, NAILS, FINGERS & TYPES OF HANDS, पर्वत, अँगुलियाँ, नाख़ून, हाथों के प्रकार)
A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (2.1) संतोष हस्तरेखा शास्त्र
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
गुणातीतं निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
COLOUR OF THE PALM हथेली का रंग :: Red coloured palm indicates a robustness. A red handed guy will be passionate (उत्साही, आवेशपूर्ण, तीव्र, कामुक, तीक्ष्ण, गर्म, तामसी, क्रोधी, intense, acute, rapid, fast, sharp, passionate, sensual, sensuous, carnal, voluptuous, fervent, pointed, drastic, fiery, angry, hot headed, ireful, lofty, warm, resentful, ratty, quick-tempered and ardent). A red line will indicate much of the same, but it will be modified by the function of the line.
A red Line of Heart will denote overflowing and heartfelt emotions.
White colour denotes lack of interest in the outside world and those with whom the bearer may associate. 
White hands are egotistical, consequential in selfishness and a lack of sympathy for others. It is also a symbol for general ill-health and weakness. 
A red Life Line will indicate a vigorous, robust health coupled with an active nature.
Yellow coloured palm is indicative of melancholy (sadness, flatness, boredom, dejection, lethargy, idling, idleness, dejection, doldrums, dump, yearning, lassitude, remorse, repentance, gloomy, sullen, sorrowful, heart breaking, shabby, dirty, cheerless, heartless, dejected, heavyhearted, downcast, disappointed, frustrated, hopeless, desperate, despondent, sluggish, slack, lingering, slow, downcast, heartsick, dispirited, nostalgic) and morose character.
Pink hue in the palm denotes a hopeful, sanguine, enthusiastic and bright nature. One may consider it to be a less extreme manifestation of a red hand or line. This is the optimal colour for any line in a healthy and well-adjusted person.
Black coloured line denotes a trait of a person as grave, haughty, distant and vengeful.
लाल रंग मजबूत शरीर, कार्य क्षमता का प्रतीक है। ऐसे व्यक्ति कामुक, तामसी स्वभाव के होते हैं। लाल रंग लिये हुए रेखा भी लगभग यही दर्शाती है। लाल रंग लिये हुए जीवन रेखा कार्य क्षमता, शक्ति को दर्शाती है और लाल रंग की हृदय रेखा संवेदनशीलता का प्रतीक है। 
पीला रंग लिये रेखा उदासी, अवसाद, सुस्ती, ग्लानि, निराश,सुस्त, खिन्नता दिखाती है। गुलाबी रंगवाली रेखा आशावान-उत्साही व्यक्तित्व और उज्जवल भविष्य को दर्शाती है। किसी भी प्रकार के हाथ के लिये यह एक अच्छी निशानी  है।
सफेद रंग अभिरुचि हीनता को प्रतीक है और ऐसे लोग स्वर्थी, अहंकारी और दूसरों के लिये संवेदनशीलता-सहानुभति रहित होते हैं। गंभीर, अभिमानी, दूरी बनाये रखने वाले, तामसिक, प्रतिहिंसक, बदला लेने वाले होते हैं।
SIZE OF THE PALM :: The size of the palm describes the quantum of  energy available with the bearer and suggests, where the energy goes.
SMALL :: One's energy is contained in a small area. He wish to utilise the energy to tackle a job and follow through.
MEDIUM :: One will get the job done, with an element of common sense. He may be a good mediator, will look at both or several viewpoints forming a good team player. 
LARGE :: One can be a procrastinator (शिथिलक, दीर्घसूत्री, देर करने वालाhaving varied interests, easily distracted, doing several things at  a time. He may be taking on many projects without finishing anyone. He gives credence-importance to ancient to traditions.
HOT & DRY :: One associates himself with the fire element and suggest a fiery, perhaps volatile, nature. 
HOT & WET :: One is connected with the earth element, signifies a practical hand. 
COLD & DRY :: He signifies air; very mental-psychic, curious, communicative, often with a cheerful attitude. 
COLD & WET :: He represents water; suggests holding feelings back, emotional, can be moody.
SMOOTH HANDS :: One who possess this feature, has a very calm and unruffled temperament. He will rarely lose his temper and maintains calmness even in times of turmoil.
ROUGH HANDS :: One will have erratic temperament. He is usually coarse and earthy and is more fascinated with the concrete than abstract ideas. He is a hard worker.
LARGE NUMBER OF CONFUSED LINES :: The bearer is fretful, often confused, worrisome and may be easily vexed or angered.
SOFT HANDS :: The bearer is a sloth (आलसी, सुस्त). He might possess brilliant markings leading to designing great talent, but he will find it difficult to be motivated. He may lack perseverance. He may have a tendency for sensuality and immoral activities, lasciviousness-if the Line of Heart is too close to the fingers.
FIRM HANDS :: It denote a great deal of energy and drive and an active nature. One with firm hands will start many projects, often simultaneously and possess the energy and will power to attain success.
HARD HANDS :: One with this indication without springiness, bony and tough structure; lacks energy and enthusiasm leading to dispassionate, selfish and potentially pessimistic nature.
7 TYPES OF HANDS :: In fact, its really very difficult to find a hand purely with the combination of all qualities.
The secrets held in the hands-palms of one's destiny-future can be revealed over the shapes of the hands. The shape of hands is the first step towards describing the future. The hands have been roughly categorised into 7 for the purpose of simplicity-study. More combinations are possible. Pure hands are rarely seen. Most of the hands possess mixed characters. 
(1). ELEMENTARY-ANIMAL HAND :: It is the lowest type of all the hands. It is just a little above the brute creation. This type is extremely short thick set and brutal-looking, primal shape, a clumsy, with short stubby fingers and short ill-formed nails. The hand has a extremely low set short thumb, often described as the Murderer’s Thumb,  generally found in the hands of warriors, who are trained to follow commands of their seniors-superiors, without questioning them. The possessor of this hand shape will also tend to have a bad temper, with a tendency towards violence and aggression. One may be generally coarse, brutal and animal.
The shorter and thicker the hand is, nearer the person is to the animal traits. Certain tribes, nomads and those who live in the deep woods, jungles, forests do have this type of hand and they may not be murders at all. People having such hands have very little mental development or ability. Their I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) is very low. 
One is violent in temper and has little or no control over his passions or  anger. He is coarse in his ideas, possess little or no sentiment, no imagination or feeling and it has been found that even the nerve system of such types is more or less in a state of non-development. He do not feel pain like the higher types of humans feel it and has little ambition except to eat, drink and sleep.
The formation of the hand is unsymmetrical and the fingers appear to be unsymmetrical. It constitutes of a  thick, hard, square, large palm like a club and stiff, heavy, stubby short shapeless, swallowed-stubby fingers and short ill-formed nails, a short thumb and rough leathery skin, which may be full of hairs on the reverse side. The width of finger nails is more as compared to the length, over the square tips. 
The hand may be categorised as course with ugly look. It is hard to find distinctive lines, still the Life Line is clear, straight, short and distinctive. A dominant Line of Heart may be present. This is a sign of primitive world. Some times the simian line-a combination of the Line of Head and the Heart Line is found. The astrological sign associated with the Elementary type of hand is Taurus.
One with this type of hand is earthy and practical, tending to evaluate without enthusiasm and imagination. He shows a general indifference to life and is concerned with daily existence and maintenance, preferring routine rather than change. He is known to be somewhat, with a love of nature.
One is found engaged in occupations requiring only unskilled labour and the lowest. He may prove to be strong and reliable worker, who work too hard. His hands show marks of the hard labour he had been during his life time which made him genuinely happy. He display lack of enthusiasm, imagination and low mental capacity. He has firm convictions and tendency to perform rigorous and rough labour. 
This type of hand is characteristic of farmers, labourers and those involved in physical activities and sports, violent sports like boxing. One has no inclination for learning and understanding. He may get angry very soon and can do anything without looking into the consequences. Because of the stubborn-adamant behaviour, he is not capable of doing something with the alternate method. He may be a fearless fighter, if Mars is dominant. 
He may appear to be civilised and materialistic, but without the understanding the value of life and are devoid of the values of life. Breaking of law is very easy for him. He is basically intolerant of a surprising situation and can get violent, when provoked. He may come under the category of criminals. He is largely intolerant of a nasty situation and may become violent when provoked. He may be revengeful too.
One should never consider the visitor as a murderer unless-until the other signs, else where on both the palms, do predict this symptom.
(2). THE SQUARE HAND :: Everything about this type of hand appears to be square. It is unsymmetrical with prominent bones, has a square, dominant, long well-shaped thumb that stands out confidently, from the palm. It has square fingertips, square nails, square wrist and a square base to the fingers. His hands are thinner and less coarse than the primary hand. It is rather straight even at the wrist, at the base of the fingers and also at the sides. The fingers have a square-cut appearance, a special kind of suppleness and are largely knotty. The thumb may be, long, well-shaped and set high on the palm and stands well out from the palm. 
The Square Hand is also called the practical or useful hand. People who possess this type are essentially practical, certainly level headed, logical, downright conventional, orderly in everything and rather materialistic. One is a honest, reliable, disciplined, with strong notions-attitude and leads a structural life. He is logical and rather materialistic-pragmatic and has little imagination or idealism. He is blessed with perseverance. He is organised in his mind, as well as in the workplace. He is reliable and make sincere friends, but will have some difficulty in showing affection. He is solid, serious worker, methodical and painstaking in all endeavours he take up.. He believe in things only by proof and reason. He has little imagination, idealism or creativity. Still he does well in business and professional occupations, making good doctor, lawyer or scientist, businessmen and rather good at making money too.
One belong to the earth and the things of the earth.  He is often religious and even superstitious.
He may be determined and obstinate, especially if his thumbs are long and the first joint stiff.
The astrological sign related with this type are generally Capricorn, Virgo and Arian.
He is peace loving and strict follower of rules. So, he feels comfortable doing his endeavours carried out in a proper manner. Though, he believes in worldly matters, yet he take care of religion and is very punctual in prayer, rituals etc. The possessor judges the things according to their usefulness-benefits. He does not care for unnecessary-useless emotions and feeling. He is not selfish. He has a positive thinking and attitude. He is not hasty and plans the future-projects-ventures in advance after careful assessment, reasoning, thinking. He does the things very slowly, keeping in mind all the aspects of that matter.
He is a hard worker and consistent person and show unusual power and consistence for achieving his goals. He will prove to be a good and loyal worker. He prefers to keep himself busy in routine duties. In case he joins service, he will be successful in police and army with the physical Mars normally placed.
He believes in carrying out work traditionally-systematically and finds it difficult to adopt to new methods, procedures, practices, technology easily. One with weak thumb and Life Line intersecting the Line of Head, will not have sufficient will power courage. He may not prove to be a good political leader.
If the bearer has straight Line of Head and square fingers, he may be inclined to sciences, accountancy, maths. He may be genius and intellectual. The society receives his contribution as a social-religious leader. He guides-shows direction to the society, as a philosopher, Man of letters and psychologist. He do not attach too much importance to money.
He is down to earth, patient, precise and understanding. He has an organisational approach to life which assists a great number of individuals because they tend to assist others in achieving their goals. He is efficient and communicative and while he is not necessarily inventive, he is hyper creative.
He can, find solutions in difficult situations and is able to grasp how the things work. He believe in what he see, hear and touch. Methodical and careful, he can be determined and obstinate, some times. 
(3). SPATULATE-ACTIVE HAND ::  The Spatulate hand usually has a crooked and irregular shape. The ends of the fingers have large tips or pads shaped rather like the spatula used by chemists. The palm may be wider at the wrist than at the base of the fingers (or the other way around). The most characteristic feature of this hand is the large thumb, which is extremely broad near the base and tapers towards the fingers. 
If the hand is wider at the wrist, the possessor can be more impulsive and rash in temper, than the wider at the base of the fingers combination, who will be more practical in work and less impetuous. The people who possess this type are in fact always pounding at something. 
The possessor may be imaginative, active, restless, eccentric, individualistic and excitable by nature. He has a quest for knowledge, doing something, tireless, inventive, original and productive. He is energetic and dexterous and thrive on taking risks. He loves invention and discovery.
The Spatulate hand belongs to inventors, creatives, engineers, originators and the unconventional. One may be a artisan, inventor, explorer, navigator, astronaut or engineer. He is a man of action. This type of hand is just the opposite of square hand. Possessors of this hand type have incredible, irrepressible energy. However, if the hand is soft and flabby, the Spatulate traits may be dormant and the energetic qualities of this type may be replaced with irritability and frustration, along with a sense of inadequacy. This may perhaps be caused by a deep rooted feeling, that one is not achieving the targets, goals and achievements normally attributed to the type.
The lines are deep and defined and the astrological signs associated with this kind of hand are Sagittarius, Capricorn and Gemini. One with a Spatulate hand tend to be the overly social, competent and confident who is well known and loved.
Emotionally, he is expressive and demonstrative. If his palm is wider at the finger end, he is more practical and think things through, but if it’s the other way round, he is impetuous. Either way he make his mark as a multi-talented entrepreneur.
(4). THE PHILOSOPHIC HAND :: The Philosophic Hand is long, bony and angular with knotty joints and is generally thin with long fingers. This hand is easily recognized. It has longer looking nails or phalanges than the square hand. When the fingers are Philosophic in shape, but the palm is square, this will add a practical foundation to the type. The people with this combination are generally wise-prudent!
The thinker and student with Philosophy may be great at accumulating wisdom, but rarely he possess wealth as well. He is sensitive to the highest degree and value the sanctuary of mind like a hermit in meditative worship. Philosophic can appear aloof and prefer to keep himself clear of whoever he might consider to be part of the vulgar masses. He may be generally poised and dignified, anti-materialistic and sometimes difficult to understand.
He is always studious. He is a great readers and usually has a strong tendency towards literature. He loves sedentary work and has a somewhat lonely, ascetic disposition. Perhaps on account of this quality, he is very often religious. The great sages, monks or those who compiled wonderful manuscripts on doctrine, science, art, alchemy and occult matters, all had this class of hand.  He is gifted with the quality to express, even during the age of money-getting and machinery.
As a rule the Line of Head on such hands is generally sloping. Almost straight Line of Head is not an exception, which shows level-headed disposition, which will make more practical use of the studious nature. He will rarely accumulate as much wealth as one possessing the Square Hand.
The knotted or jointed fingers give carefulness and detail in work or study. He arrests the impulse of the brain and so acquire time for thought and reflection.
The skin of the bearer is thin and delicate. His hand tend to be firm in appearance but not hard, giving the appearance of receptivity. He has many lines which are deep and distinct and the astrological signs associated with this hand shape are Sagittarius, Aquarius and Capricorn, which makes him vulnerable. He is a dreamer of dreams.
One tend to be the diplomatic, analysing, who also border on reclusive because he live distinctly in his head. He is the eternal student, always learning and pondering, careful about facts & detail, thinking deeply & preoccupied with the meanings of life. He is full of knowledge-information. He is wise and well-informed. As long as he choose the right subjects to study, he rises to the top.
He finds interest in Eternity, society & religion, destiny, reincarnations. He is blessed with analytical mind. He is a deep thinker.
He observes everything philosophically. He may not believe in conventional religions but accepts the modern approach or philosophical ideas pertaining to religiosity and believes in truth matching with the modern scientific knowledge.
He maintains  harmony between sentiments and practicability. He open up new vistas and is successful in life.  He is learned and intellectual. He does such things which are good for the society. He may be deficient in wealth though he is highly respected. Laziness is dominant over him that's why there are chances that he might stay behind in worldly matters and in the race of life.
He may be a saint, beggar or a philosophical person who is trying so solve the riddles of the world.
(5). THE PSYCHIC or IDEALISTIC HAND :: The hand is beautiful and ethereal, oval shaped, smooth, slightly white or pale, long, narrow and slender-thin, with long tapering & pointed fingertips, smooth-pronounced joints and almond shaped nails.  His thumb is small and elegant. It is full of lines, all along the surface which symbolizes many spiritual channels all along his life path. 
One with type of hand live in a world of dreams and idealism. He do not possess a clue, to live among mere mortals. He is  gentle natured and is slow to anger. He can be easily deceived and influenced by others, which make him vulnerable. He is dreamer of dreams. 
This type may in many ways be considered as the highest development of the hand on the purely mental plane, but from a worldly standpoint it is the least successful of all, being unworldly. He know little or nothing about the practical or purely material side of existence and when he has to earn his own bread he gain so little that he usually starve. This beautiful hand is not made for physical work, in any sense.
One is too spiritual and frail to deal blows and hold his own in the battle of life. If he is supported by others or has money of his own to live on, all may be well. He is likely to develop strange psychic gifts dealing with visions and ideals that some few may hear and understand. His fate may not support him. He will easily be pushed aside by the rougher types of humans. In sheer helplessness, he may take his own lives and so end the unequal struggle.
Bodily, he is seldom strong physically and consequently his is doubly unfitted for the struggle for existence.
The astrological signs associated with him are Aquarius and Pisces.
He tend to be idealistic, since he is connected to intense spiritual energies which generate high hopes in him, for himself in his life as well as in the world. He is imaginative, patient and contemplative. He has a visionary and dreamy nature. He may be extremely intuitive and may have fabulous artistic talents and psychic gifts. He may lead a chaotic life, characterised by a lack of discipline. 
He may turn into a magician and clairvoyant. He has to listen to his instincts and seek the company of people who are trustworthy, who will give him the support and encouragement, that he need. Intuition can lead him to amazing places and give him wonderful experiences, as long as he keep his common sense.
He is gentle in manner and quiet in temper. He has an affinity for religion.
(6). THE CONIC or ARTISTIC HAND :: This type of hand is always graceful looking, fleshy, soft, well proportioned with tapering fingers, pointed tips & the nails shaped like cones. The hand is wider at the base as compared to the fingers. The thumb is unusually huge. 
He has emotional, artistic temperament, which loves beautiful surroundings and is most sensitive to colour, music and all the fine arts. When one is firm, he is more likely to make an effort to achieve something, against his inherent, indolent nature. He squander his time in the appreciation of art, rather than in making the effort in themselves to create it. He will love all forms of art.
He may be lazy or selfish where his own comfort is concerned, yet generous in money matters. His preference for ease can prevent him from making the most of his natural artistic temperament. 
He is a brilliant talker and can be life and soul of the party. It largely depends on the kind of Head Line and the will power shown by it, to determine whether its owner will develop the natural artistic temperament that he possesses. The lines do not tend to be straight in general and they vary. His astrological signs may be Cancer and Libra.
The possessor is known to be passionate, sensitive as well as instinctual and know what is right for him. He is impulsive and has a short temperament. He has good insight on what is right for others as well. He has wide variety of interests and like to spend time considering landscape design or even home decorating to please his personal aesthetic. He may flourish in the creative field, like painting, sculptor, music and poetry. He is connoisseur of the arts with good communication skills and has love for spotlight. He tends to live life on a purely sensual level. It’s up to him to do things with his abilities. He can be very creative and constructive as well. He may be successful as TV-film artist.
(7). MIXED HAND :: A mixed hand  means adaptability aided by versatility. This is a hand that is a hybrid and consists of all or some, of the aforementioned hand categories, with a mixed variety of finger types. One tapered, one square, one Spatulate and a hint of the idealistic, all on one hand, leading to different results-interpretations, according to the combination of the mount and the shape of the finger. The Mixed cope with all kinds of different work and changes in circumstances and is able to talk on many subjects, often turning his hand to anything and being a Jack of all trades, do a bit of this and a bit of that. The drawback to this is that he will generally lose focus on a project and forget its purpose. He may be a drifter and rarely is there any chance for this type of person to develop any talent to its full potential.
This type of hand is very common. One who is born with a mixed hand has a combination of both philosophic and square type of hands, with some traits of artistic type of hand as well. He is sociable, adaptable, friendly as well as versatile in the place of work. He is capable of handling many different things at once. The bearer may begin a work in haste and may leave the task incomplete due to anxiety. His mind keep on hovering in suspicion, apprehensions and uncertainty. He may become hopeless-disappointed but success may not elude him, which would come later ultimately, after many trials and errors. 
It is only when the Line of Head is found on such hands clear and straight that there is a likelihood of these persons developing some talent out of the versatility that this type gives.
The Jupiter or index finger tends to be somewhat pointed and the appearance of the Apollo or ring finger may be Spatulate. The lines over his palm are very random and almost inconsistent. His astrological signs may be Gemini, Cancer, Aries and Pisces. He possess a truly mixed personality with hidden talents and personality traits which take time to blossom and develop. He is versatile and multi-tasking.  He will progress in the field selected by him and concentrated upon.
(7.1). INTELLECTUAL'S HAND :: One has a long and angular hand, with bony fingers and knotty joints. His palm is large and bony and the nailed phalanges are part conical and part square. He belongs to intellectual type like Professors, preachers, enlightened, scholars, philosophers, thinkers and may transform into a world leader. He is gifted with analytical-investigative powers and is adept at keeping secrets.
He may possess fingers of different type which will consequentially affect his working and attitude towards the things, he deals with, accordingly. 
हाथों का वर्गीकरण :: 
पृथ्वी हाथ की पहचान आम तौर पर चौड़ी, वर्गाकार हथेलियों और अँगुलियों या मोटी या खुरदरी त्वचा, लाल रंग के तौर पर होती है। कलाई से हथेली की अँगुलियों के आखिरी हिस्से तक की हथेली की लम्बाई आम तौर पर हथेली के सबसे चौड़े हिस्से की चौड़ाई से कम होती है और आम तौर पर अँगुलियों की लम्बाई के बराबर होती है।
वायु हाथ में वर्गाकार या आयताकार हथेली व लम्बी अँगुलियाँ होती हैं और साथ ही साथ कभी-कभी उभरे हुए पोर, छोटे अँगूठे और अक्सर त्वचा सूखी होती है। कलाई से हथेली की अँगुलियों के नीचे करने के लिए लम्बाई आमतौर पर अँगुलियों की लम्बाई से कम है।
जल हाथ देखने में छोटे होते हैं और कभी-कभी अण्डाकार हथेली वाले, लंबी व लचीली अँगुलियों वाले होते हैं। कलाई से हथेली की अँगुलियों के आखिरी हिस्से तक की हथेली की लम्बाई आमतौर पर हथेली के सबसे चौड़े हिस्से की चौड़ाई से कम होती है और आम तौर पर अँगुलियों की लम्बाई के बराबर होती है।
अग्नि हाथ में चौकोर या आयताकार हथेली, लाल या गुलाबी त्वचा और अँगुलियाँ छोटी होती हैं। कलाई से हथेली की अँगुलियों के आखिरी हिस्से तक की हथेली की लम्बाई आमतौर पर अँगुलियों की लम्बाई से बड़ी होती है।
POINTED FINGERS :: One with pointed fingers is cautious, intelligent and flexible in different situations. He is gifted conversationalist and would choose a career that would allow him to interact with people. As an intellectual visionary, he lean towards spiritualism. He has deep interest in the aesthetic and a yen for innovation. He may battle between creative pursuits and practical reasoning. 
CONICAL FINGERS :: One is passionate to beauty. He dresses well and likes to live in pleasant surroundings. He is intellectual and talented idealists. He is blessed with the power of standing on his own feet and assess situations quickly. He has firm convictions and is gifted with psychic powers in some instances. He has to be careful and control his emotions. 
SQUARE FINGERS :: One is blessed with sound business acumen ship and likes to put all problems through a wringer. He is down to earth, practical. He is conventional and likes to adhere to social norms. He is methodical and systematic in his ventures. 
SPATULATE FINGERS :: One is pragmatic and has a realistic approach to life. He has a taste for travel and outdoor life. He desires to have a big share in the booty, reward, fortune, possessions. He gives top priority to work and schedule.  He is creative, active and energetic. 
STRAIGHT FINGERS :: One is frank and forthright. He faces the danger of being taken for a ride, due to his honest nature. He is diligent, energetic and impulsive. He has a clear thought process and he knows how to articulate his feelings. He is invariably a great achiever.
KNOTTY FINGERS :: He is extremely practical and plan every move, he make. He is calculative and the idea of taking a risk does not apply to him. He takes away much of the spontaneity from his life. Since, he plan so much in advance, he do not learn the art of living life on day to day basis. His constant planning and worrying can make him nervous and jittery.
Fingers held tightly and close together by one, indicate a closed and fearful attitude; fingers held with spaces in between show a carefree attitude, a good self-image and independent spirit.
THUMB :: The Mount of Venus constitutes the third phalange of the thumb forming its base seat, which is indicative of a one's passions, attitude towards beauty, workmanship, health and hygiene. A high, well proportioned Mount means that the possessor is full of energy, outgoing, has a great deal of interest in life and can be very vital and enthusiastic. One who's Mount of Venus is flat, like a plateau, is very energetic. He likes brainy pursuits, his friends are characters who resist the active mainstream of life and who's sense of discipline works best with specific mental activities, like the pursuits of writers, sculptors, lawyers, community organisers and rock climbers. 
The shape of the thumb's tip is a strong indicator of the inner power. 
A pointed or conical thumb shows an impulsive nature and one is perceptive. 
Square thumb is a sign of common sense. 
Bulbous tip would indicate a violent temper. 
Tip that bends far back shows a far-out personality, usually artistic or involved in an exotic mental pursuit. 
One with a flat-tipped thumb is impatient and full of nervousness. The thumb will shows one’s drive and how he applies the same. 
The top segment shows willpower and the middle one, shows just how much will is available to push for what we want. 
Large thumbs show a strong personality; small thumbs suggest that one is more laid back and gentle. Long, broad thumbs belong to one who push hard and succeed. Long, narrow thumbs belongs to one who want to succeed but don’t possess the driving force. Small broad thumbs belong to one who lack determination. An exceptionally wide top belongs to one who is aggressive. A very narrow top indicates weakness. Thick top joint shows that one is blunt. Tapered tip shows a more subtle way of doing things. The thumb held close to the side of the hand shows one, who is self protective & stingy. A thumb that naturally falls away from the side of the hand shows a tolerant attitude, a carefree personality and an independent spirit.
THUMB POSITION :: Three formation are exhibited in general.
(1). The thumb makes right angled, L-shaped, with the Index finger. One is balance headed, logistic, with firmness. His will power is good. Rigid thumb will make him obstinate-not listening to even the right advice. Thumb bending slightly backwards makes him analytic, capable of taking advise into consideration and coming to right decision. Its not so good to have a very flexible thumb. A person with this lineage is swayed away by others opinions. 
(2). If the thumb makes an acute angle with the Index finger, the person may not be able to analyse, think appropriately. His may not be that strong. Others may impose themselves upon him. Such person should be dealt with gently, being delicate. He is likely to react to outside stimuli with anger or open hostility.
(3). One having a thumb making obtuse angle with the Index finger, is also not that good. Such people stretches the things beyond limits. The subject may loss control over his temper and may strike out violently at anything he feels, comes his way. As long as the thumb holds this position, no amount of reason or negotiation will have any effect on them.
FLEXIBLE THUMB :: The flexibility of the 1st knuckle of the thumb reveals how adaptable a person is to new situations and environments. In some cases the thumb is so flexible that it bends back beyond a 90 degree angle. This extreme flexibility is most visible when holding a pen for writing.
The greater the flexibility of the knuckle, the more adaptable the person is. In cases where the thumb will bend far back on itself, the individual will quickly and easily adjust to any new environment in which he finds himself. He will not stop to consider whether the change is beneficial or harmful. His love for new experiences is stronger than his good judgement.
This class of person will quickly outperform his peers, regardless of the morality of his actions. For this reason, owner of extremely flexible thumbs must exercise caution in choosing his friends. If associated with a group of philanthropists, he will improve more lives than his peers. If with a group of voluptuaries, he will exceed all others in their debauch.
Please refer to :: A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (2.1) हस्तरेखा शास्त्र :: THUMB अँगूठा (KARTIKEY SYSTEM कार्तिकेय पद्धति)
LENGTH OF FINGER :: It reveals the character of the possessor. A long-fingered person is analytical and academic, liking to study things in detail. A person with markedly short fingers is very practical and intuitive, who wish to go with his gut instinct. When the hands are in proportion it shows a balanced personality. The proportion of the fingers in relation to each other is very important. Each of the fingers reveal the traits of the bearer in addition to character marking and indicate the strength of that particular quality.
FORE-JUPITER FINGER :: It shows confidence, ego, ambition and drive possessed by the individual. Balanced ego and high degree of confidence is reflected if it reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger. Lack of confidence is indicated when the fore finger doesn't reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
MIDDLE-SATURN FINGER :: It indicates the discipline, mental-physical balance and religiosity. When the middle finger is prominent, standing out from the rest, it shows a serious and intense nature.
RING-SUN FINGER :: It denotes the emotional expression, creativity, success, name, fame, glory, honour, wealth & vehicle. Balanced emotions are indicated, when the ring finger reaches the bottom of the nail of the middle finger. Very emotional and creative impulses are indicated when the ring finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger. Blocked emotions are indicated, when the ring finger doesn't reach past the bottom of the nail of the middle finger.
LITTLE-MERCURY FINGER :: It shows the communicative skills, research, trade & health. When the little finger stands out naturally from the hand, it shows an independent and outspoken nature.
SIGNS ON FINGERS :: Apart from determining the character and future of the individuals, the signs found on the fingers have great significance in criminology. A person's character, his way of thinking and the tendency of criminal activities can be known fully through a systematic study of the signs over the fingers. His individuality can be understood with the help of these signs found on his finger. 
JAVELIN-ARROW भाला-तीर :: If there is a sign of Javelin or an arrow in the first phalange of the finger, then the person is very capable and learned from an intellectual point of view. Such persons succeed in adverse conditions-circumstances and win over the conditions and are capable of working according to the atmosphere. Such persons may have heart trouble in their old age. 
TENT, CONE, UMBRELLA छत्र :: The possessor may be a kind hearted person who may rise very high by means of his artistic talents. But he may take undue advantage leading to exploitation of others. He may be mentally unbalanced, fickle minded and his family life is troublesome. This formation often lead a person to be like a king, leader. 
CIRCLE वृत-घेरा :: Its considered to be auspicious. It points to the social life of the individual. The bearer is independent in his thoughts-ideas and originality is reflected in his endeavours. He is free from old beliefs and conservatism, since he is not orthodox, with respect to judgement of any serious issue. He works according to his own dictates.  He gets honour on the strength of his judgement. He may prove to be is an ideal lover and ideal friend. He is both desirous of amorous activities and possess asceticism. He may be fickle-minded, too. So, he may not complete his goals-targets, fully. 
ARCH :: The possessor may be generally lazy and of suspicious nature. He lacks confidence. He lives in an illusionary world. He might gain special success in mystic works and detective services. 
TRIANGLE :: The sign of triangle makes one mysterious. He practices Yog and loves loneliness, seclusion, isolation. He may be orthodox too. He may not be liberal in his thoughts. He decides and do the work till its completed. 
STAR :: Persons on whose fingers the sign of star or cross is visible is very fateful. He receive wealth in life quite unexpectedly many times. 
NET, GRID, GRILL :: Fingers with net on them are indicative that the man will meet with more obstacles and difficulties in life. He may overcome these difficulties and come unscathed by his sheer will-power. He is less comfortable and less happy in life. These signs are seen in the hands of culprits and dacoits. Fingers with net on them are the indicators of hindrances. He is blessed with a strong will power. He is less comfortable and less happy in life leading to criminality.  
RECTANGLE-SQUARE :: It makes the bearer, laborious. He keeps the Goddess of wealth in his house. He is prosperous and happy in life.
If more than one of the above signs is seen on the fingers of a person, then the person is entitled to the combined benefits of those signs.
INDEX, FORE, JUPITER FINGER ::  A cross tells of better prospects to come. A grille denotes advancement in life. A circle tells of a love that is more idealistic than sensual. A star on this finger is a sure sign of success in life. A square on this finger warns of jealousy that is likely to cause a lot of trouble. A triangle indicates troubles to come.
MIDDLE FINGER-SATURN FINGER ::  A black spot on this finger is a good sign though it may bring responsibilities and even sorrow. Happiness in home and family life is indicated by a triangle on this finger. A square forecasts material gains and perhaps an inheritance. A star forecasts domestic disturbances. A cross indicated gossip, slander and blacklisting. A grille indicates danger in-from large, open places.
RING FINGER-SUN FINGER :: A grille here indicates journey and a circle indicates successful career and even wealth, a square indicates a successful career, public recognition and honours. A cross on this finger indicates unhappiness in affairs of the heart. A triangle is also a negative sign in love affairs.
LITTLE FINGER-MERCURY :: A circle over here indicates fulfilment of ambitions. A star indicates more than one marriage or love affairs. A square denotes happiness but only after hard work and many disappointments. A cross tells of honours to come. They might be quite unexpected. A black dot here tells of upsets and disappointments. Triangle denotes danger from strangers. A grille indicates an accident or an unpleasant incident.
THUMB :: A circle on the thumb denotes business failures and financial troubles. A Star speaks of family troubles and discord. A cross denotes marital unhappiness, perhaps a separation, divorce or broken engagement.
LONG & SLIM :: It signify emotional nature of a person. Heavy fingers show more of physical activities.
CONICAL :: It denote sensitivity and one with such fingers take care of his looks and appearance.
POINTED :: One is spiritualistic. He is more of imaginative type and cautious but flexible by nature. He loves nature and its beauty.
SQUARE :: One who has square fingers is business minded, rational, practical and down to earth. He is conventional and conservative in behaviour.
SPATULATE :: One with spatulate fingers is realist, adventurous, traveller and prefer outdoor life. He value work and has good command over many subjects and has in depth knowledge over the matter. Scientists, engineers, technicians and high-end workers have such fingers.
STRAIGHT :: One with straight fingers is considered honest, diligent, energetic and judicious by nature. He progress well in life.
KNOTTY :: One with knotty fingers is extremely practical and great planner. He is straight forward person.
LONG :: In general they represent thoughts. A long fingered person is analytical and academic and goes in details of the things.
EXTENDED INDEX FINGER :: Some hand positions show a constructive mental outlook, while other positions reveal a destructive mental focus. The most destructive hand position is when the index finger alone is extended. Most often the finger is pointed at another person and is waved or shaken at them.
The Index Finger represents the Ego. By extending only the one finger and waving it about, the subject is directing only self-centred, egotistical thought patterns and behaviour.
If one find his own index finger being pointed and shaken at another, he should be aware that his current attitude is judgemental and egocentric. He should become aware that what he dislike in others reflects patterns that he himself is guilty of.
MOUNTS :: Mounts represents the planets-heavenly bodies including the Sun and the Moon. Elevated, normal, depressed, displaced towards the fingers or the lines, towards-near the mounts or towards the percussion area covered by it, shows the impact of the mount over one's luck. Though more weightage is given to the lines, yet mounts can not be ignored. There are cases, where only a few lines are visible over the hand. In such cases the significance of the mounts in addition to the shape of the hand is increased drastically. There are cases where the line is extremely good, yet the result is insignificant due to the shape of the hand and the poor development and position of the mounts.
Image result for the solar system images
SUN-APOLLO :: Its  is located at the base of the finger of Apollo and over the Heart Line. This is indicative of the success, name, fame, wealth, vehicles & eye trouble.
सूर्य की अँगुली नीचे, हृदय रेखा के ऊपर स्थित है। यह सफलता, प्रसिद्धि, ऐश्वर्य प्रदान करता है। सफ़ल कलाकारों, अभिनेताओं के हाथ में यह सामान्य से कुछ अधिक उभरा होता है।  
Prominence of Sun awards genius and fame. One may reach a very high status in life if the mount is well-developed and pink in colour. Such persons are of cheerful nature and work in close co-operation with friends. Such persons are successful as Artists, Expert Musicians and Painters. They are inborn genius. They are honest in their dealings and are completely materialistic. Highly developed Mount indicates self-confidence, gentleness, kindness and grandeur.
In case the Mount is not prominent, then the person would be interested in beauty. But he would not be able to succeed in this field.
Exaggerated Mount makes one egoistic-proudy or a flatterer. He would be having friends from the lower sections. They are extravagant and quarrelsome and never succeed in life.
अत्यधित उभरा होने पर घमण्ड-अहंकार देता है। जातक के निम्न तबके के लोगों से सम्बन्ध होंगे। जातक बहुत खर्चीला और झगड़ालू हो सकता है। 
मंत्र :- ॐ सूर्याय नमः।
If the Mount is absent, then the person would be dull-foolish leading an ordinary life. 
Jupiter's Great Red Spot and Ganymede's Shadow. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center)
JUPITER :: Jupiter is the Guru-Pattern of the demigods-deities. It shins like a star being a ball of burning gases. This is ten times the size of earth. Its impact over one's character, luck is tremendous. This is situated at the base of the index finger, above the Heart Line and above the Mount of Physical Mars. It represents devotion, potential, leadership, organisation and authority. The Mount of Jupiter is said to be very helpful in life and moves the person towards progress.
बृहस्पति हृदय रेखा और निम्न मंगल के ऊपर विराजमान हैं। जातक की कार्य क्षमता, नेतृत्व का गुण, सत्ता को प्रदर्शित करते हैं। उभरा हुआ बृहस्पति जातक में सतगुण, ईमानदारी, पवित्रता, सत्य, विद्व्ता, देवत्व उत्पन्न करता है। 
If the Mount of Jupiter is well developed and prominent, then such a person is said to possess godly qualities, virtues, piousness, righteousness, honesty, truthfulness, asceticism etc. Such persons try to save their self-respect. They are learned and are always prepared to help others. They don't get disturbed under difficult conditions. A Judge should possess a prominent Jupiter. Persons in authority do have this build up in their hands.
If the Mount is less prominent or under-developed, shifted, then there is a general deficiency of the above qualities of the person. Physically such persons-people are of ordinary body, healthy and have smiling faces. They are experts in delivering lectures. They are kind at heart. They are more inclined towards attainment of respect and good reputation rather than wealth. They have a soft corner for the opposite sex.
If the Mount is exaggerated the bearer is found to be selfish, proudy-egoistic, self centred. 
If the Mount is depressed, under developed, then there is want of self-respect in the bearer. He get very little patronage from his parents. They are found in the company of lower, class people, bad company.
Image result for saturn images
SATURN :: This Mount has its base at the root of middle finger, just above the Line of Heart. The development of this Mount on the palm is indicative of extra-ordinary tendencies.
शनि के स्थान बीच की अँगुली और हृदय रेखा  होता है। उभरा  जातक को विलक्षण बनाता है। शनि मुद्रिका होने से जातक का मन भगवत भक्ति में लगता है। विकसित पर्वत जातक को सौभाग्य शैली बनाता है। बहुत ज्यादा उभरा हुआ अथवा बहुत ही ज्यादा दबा हुआ शनि जातक को गलत रास्ते पर लेजा सकता है। जातक को आत्महत्या का भय भी हो सकता है यदि मस्तिष्क रेखा चंद्र पर बहुत ज्यादा झुकी हुई हो।
मंत्र :- ॐ शनैश्वरायै नमोः नमः।
If the Mount is fully developed then the person is very fortunate and rises very high in life with his own efforts. But such a person likes to remain aloof and constantly moves towards his goal. He gets totally engrossed in his work, to such an extent that he might neglects-ignore his family. By nature, he may be  irritating and suspicious. Persons with prominent Mount of Saturn are Wizards, Engineers, Scientists, Literary men or Chemists.
If this Mount is exaggerated developed, then the person may commit suicide (check the Line of Head which is drooping over Luna). This Mount is prominent in the hands of dacoits, cheats and robbers (check the Mount of physical Mars which is also exaggerated). The mount in such cases are yellowish or pale.
If there are more than necessary lines (fate lines, Saturn Ring or crisscross) on the Mount then such a person is a coward and very licentious.
If the Mount is missing in the palm, then such a person's life has no importance. But he might get a special kind of success or respect in life. If the Mount is protruded ordinarily, then the person has more than necessary faith in fate and shall succeed in his plans. Such persons have very few friends. This Mount is capable of granting devotion, religiosity if Saturn is worshipped on Saturdays regularly in addition to success.
An image of the planet Mercury (Reuters / NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington / Handout)
THE MOUNT OF MERCURY :: This mount is located at the root of the small finger. It shows materialistic prosperity and affluence. One with properly developed-normal Mercury, is clever and crafty.
बुध पर्वत छोटी अँगुली के नीचे हृदय रेखा के ऊपर होता है। उभरा हुआ बुध जातक को बुद्धिमान, चतुर, समृद्ध बनाता है। व्यवसाय में सफलता मिलती है। जातक प्रतिभाशील वैज्ञानिक, वकील, उद्यमी बन सकता है। 
दबा हुआ बुध जातक से बेईमानी, छल-छंद जैसे काम कराता है। अत्यधिक दबा हुआ पर्वत जातक को गरीबी में जीने को मजबूर कर सकता है। 
मंत्र :- (1).  ॐ गं गणपत्ये नमः।  (2). ॐ सोम आत्म जयाये नमो नमः।
A square mark on it protects the bearer from vices. The bearer is well versed with human psychology and is expert in the art of influencing the people. One with this faculty achieves success in business, sciences, research, inventions, innovations. In case the Mercury is protruded-undeveloped, the bearer is after money and the main aim of his life is to amass wealth. He is adept in cheating and shows criminal tendencies. He do not mind breaking the law. If the Mount is absent (rarest of rare phenomenon) in the palm of a person then the person passes his life in poverty. Exaggerated Mercury may lead to frauds, scams and financial misappropriations-crimes.
A radar view of Venus taken by the Magellan spacecraft, with some gaps filled in by the Pioneer Venus orbiter. Credit: NASA/JPL
THE MOUNT OF VENUS :: The curved space beneath the second phalange of the thumb and the Life Line is called the Mount of Venus. Its located below the physical Mars. 
शुक्र पर्वत :: यह मंगल के नीचे, अँगूठे का तीसरा पर्व है। यह जीवन रेखा से घिरा हुआ होता है। यह जातक को वीर्यवान, कला प्रेमी  बनाता है।
अत्यधिक उठा हुआ शुक्र जातक को कामान्ध बनाता है। अत्यधिक दबा हुआ होने पर जातक वीर्य विहीन होता है। सामान्य अथवा हल्का सा उठा होने पर जातक का परिवार भरा-पूरा होगा। जातक ऊर्जा से ओतप्रोत होगा।  
मंत्र :- ॐ शुक्राय नमः। 
One with prominent-normally developed Venus recognises the world properly and enjoys it. He is brilliant, beautiful-smart, healthy, handsome, courageous and civilised. He is able to influence others. People are attracted towards him. One with weak-undeveloped Venus would be a coward and weak-natured. Exaggerated Venus make one licentious and covet for the opposite sex. He suffer from diseases of the throat. He may not have belief-faith in God. If the Mount is absent in one's hand, then he lives the life of an ascetic and has no interest in family life. The person's life would be full of troubles and miseries.
It deals with beauty, sex, sexual desire, testis, sexual strength and arts.
It covers the area between the Life Line and the region below the thumb. It represents the third phalange of the thumb. It should be normally developed & neither too soft nor too hard.
THE MOUNT OF MARS PHYSICAL :: There are two Mars on the palm. They are known as Physical Mars and mental Mars. The Surrounded portion beneath the starting point of the Life Line and above the Mount of Venus is called the Mount of Mars. 
निम्न मंगल :: यह पर्वत बृहस्पति कर जीवन रेखा के नीचे, अँगूठे के ऊपर होता है। यह पर्वत उभरा हुआ हो तो जातक बहादुर सेना अथवा पुलिस के लिये उपयुक्त होता है। बहुत ज्यादा उठा होना जातक को गुस्सैल, झगड़ालू बनायेगा। जातक किसी को भी शारीरिक हानि पहुँचा सकता है। 
MENTAL MARS :: The other one-mental Mars, acquires its seat above the Luna and below the Mercury but just below the Indr Kshetr. Basically, this Mount is indicative of war. One becomes courageous, fearless and frank by the developed Mount of Mars. One with prominent Mount of Mars is courageous, fearless and powerful. He is neither cowards nor can be subdued. He has firmness and a balance in life. Exaggerated Mars makes one a villain, tyrant and a criminal. He would be the first in all anti-social activities. If the Mount of Mars is normal and the palm is reddish in colour, then the bearer shall reach greater heights in life. He gets success in life. If a cross sign is found on the Mount of Mars then the bearer shall meet his death in war or while fighting with others. If a zig-zag line is found then the person is likely to die in an accident. He can be considered as a coward if the Mount of Mars is absent in his palm.
MOUNT OF MOON-LUNA :: The mount of Moon is found on the palm on the left of the Life Line and above the bracelet-rascette and below the area of Mental Mars-Neptune. Its presence makes a man imaginative, a lover of beauty and emotional.
चंद्र पर्वत :: यह मणिबंध, जीवन रेखा , राहु और उच्च मंगल से घिरा होता है। यह उच्च, मध्यम और निम्न क्षेत्रों में विभाजित होता है। इसका उभरा हुआ होना जातक को कल्पनाशील-चिन्तनशील, सौन्दर्य का उपासक, यात्रा प्रेमी बनाता है। अत्यधिक उभरा हुआ अथवा बहुत ज्यादा दबा हुआ होना हानिकारक है। 
मंत्र :- ॐ सोमाय नमः। 
One with developed Moon loves nature and beauty. He roams in the world of dreams-even day dreaming. There is no lack of imagination in his life. He may be a high class artists, musicians, composer, writer and man of letters. He is full of religious ideas.
Over developed Luna makes the bearer imaginative who makes castles in the air. He makes many plans but none of them is completed. Some of which may not even start. He is very emotional.
One who has a depressed Mount of Moon may be hard-hearted and fully materialistic. Fighting-quarrel  is one of his trait.
One having zig-zag lines here shall go on voyages several times in life. Presence of a circle or cross makes one move to foreign countries for political reasons. Presence of square will provide immunity from drowning.
Exaggerated Moon makes the bearer a fickle-minded, suspicious or mad, suffering from headache all the time.
PRAJA PATI-YAM-HARSHAL :: It has its area of influence over the palm between the Heart and the Head Lines i.e., the Indr Kshetr. Indr Kshetr is to grant sensuality, sexuality, passions, comforts-luxury, pleasure. Its area is a little below the little finger and the Mount of Mercury. 
प्रजापति पर्वत :: यह बुध के नीचे मस्तिष्क रेखा और उच्च मंगल के ऊपर होता है। यह जातक को धार्मिक प्रवृति का बनाता है। जातक धर्म-कर्म, पूजा-पाठ  संलग्न रहता है।  
This planet influences both the Heart and the brain. A man having this Mount below the Mount of Mercury and between the Line of Heart and the Line of Head becomes a world-famous Scientist or Mathematician. He become successful dealing with atoms, televisions and other intricate items. Here the termination of the Line of Head is important. Presence of a trident or a fork proves the vitality-versatility of the bearer. If the Line of Head continues further here till the percussion, the possessor may move abroad for further studies. However, the elongation of the Line of Head beyond this Mount is not that good.
Beginning of the Line of Sun here makes one a favourite of others, who might help him in future.
If this Mount-Sun is less prominent then such a person takes interest in the works connected with machines. He becomes famous throughout the world if the Sun Line originates form Harshal and goes towards the finger of Apollo.
MARS MENTAL-NEPTUNE :: The area of this planet on the palm is below the Line of Head and above the Mount of Moon. One may becomes an eminent Musician, Poet or Writer if this Mount is very prominent. If a line is seen on this Mount and this line meets the Line of Fate a little ahead, the person gets some post of great importance. 
उच्च मंगल स्थान :: यहाँ मस्तिष्क रेखा का सूर्य और बुध की संधि के नीचे पहुँचना जातक को उचित निर्णय लेने की क्षमता प्रदान करता है। इस जगह मस्तिष्क रेख का द्विजिव्हित हों जातक को महान वैज्ञानिक बनाता है। इस पर्वत के उभरे हुए होने पर जातक विद्वान होगा। 
This indication shows that the spouse may financially help the husband. If this line moves further and cuts the Line of Fate love will lead to estrangement. There is a probability of black mail.
Exaggerated Mount may lead to grief and his family life would be spoiled. The bearer may turn into a maniac full of suspicious and cruelty.
INDR KSHETR-PLUTO :: Its the area on the palm below the Line of Heart and above the Line of Head and is situated between the Mounts of Harshal and Jupiter. This space can be clearly seen over the palm provided the bearer has both the Lines of Head and the Heart. In case both of these lines are fused into one, a simian line occurs which does not give good results.
इंद्र क्षेत्र :: मस्तिष्क रेखा और हृदय रेखा के मध्य का स्थान, सूर्य और बृहस्पति के नीचे  इंद्र क्षेत्र है। यह जातक को काम-वासना, सुख समृद्धि प्रदान करता है। इसका प्रभाव 35 साल की उम्र के बाद ही दिखाई देता है। इस क्षेत्र में शनि के नीचे पाया जाने वाला गुणक-धन चिन्ह घातक हो सकता है।
Its influence can be seen only in the old age. If this Mount is prominent, then the person passes his old age happily. If a cross is found on this Mount, the person will die before the age of 45 in an accident.
If the Mount is exaggerated then the person would be rude and behave like an illiterate and prodigal and has to face many difficulties in life. He would not get any co-operation from his family and friends.
If the Mount is not developed properly, then the person would be unlucky. His nature turns irritable and troublesome.
RAHU-DRAGON'S HEAD :: This is situated below the Line of Head, towards the left of the Life Line. It is surrounded by the Mounts of Moon and the Mental Mars. The Line of Fate passes through this region. Generally this region is depressed and forms a valley like structure.
राहु पर्वत :: यह मस्तिक रेखा के नीचे, जीवन रेखा की बगल में, चंद्र क्षेत्र से घिरा होता है। इसका दबा हुआ होना ही उत्तम है। यह जातक को पराक्रम प्रदान करता है। 
One may be fortunate if this Mount is prominent and protruded. If the Line of Fate is deeply carved and clear while passing through this region the possessor will be swayed away by the destiny. He may shine with the support of Sun Line. Properly developed Rahu with broken Line of Fate puts the bearer in to uncertainty-misfortune.
If the palm is too deep-insignificant Rahu, then the possessor would be restless and may lose all his wealth. Before coming to any conclusion other Mounts must be taken into consideration.
KETU-DRAGON'S TAIL :: The place of this Mount is a little above the bracelets, dividing the Mounts of Venus and Moon and is near the starting point of the Line of Fate. In fact this is the proper place for the origin of  the Luck Line, Sun Line and the Line of Mercury. This Mount governs the childhood of the bearer. 
केतु पर्वत :: यह मणिबन्ध के ऊपर राहु क्षेत्र के ठीक नीचे, जीवन रेखा कर चंद्र से घिरा हुआ होता है। यह जातक के बचपन में प्रभाव 10-12 साल की उम्र तक सक्रिय होता है। 
This is slightly more developed than the Rahu. If the Mount is normal and protruded and the Line of fate is deep and clear till the Mount of Saturn along with the Sun Line, then, the  possessor would be fortunate and shall enjoy all pleasures in his lifetime. If the Mount is unusually protruded and the Line of Fate is weak, then he has to experience hardships in his childhood. This region can be utilized to predict the financial state of the parents of the bearer. However, one should work hard honestly to develop his future, since its a God given opportunity to make own future.
SPACE BETWEEN FINGERS :: It may be from half to one inch between the finger tips. It reveals the inborn traits-attitude of a person towards spending money :- wider the space, the more generous the person is. He is more willing to part with the money, he has. If the space is narrow the person is either miser or very cautious in spending the wealth, he possesses. One can conclude the nature of the bearer by comparing the two hands. If both of them have the same pattern, it can be declared quite comfortably. A larger spread between the middle and ring fingers is sure to say that the possessor is a generous person.
MOUNTS :: Human body shows the universe and the Palm too depicts it. The fingers have the 12 constellations.




(1). LIBRA


JUPITER :: This is situated at the base of the index finger, above the Heart Line and above the Mount of Physical Mars. It represents devotion, potential, leadership, organisation and authority. 
SUN :: Its  is located at the base of the finger of the Sun and over the Heart Line. This is indicative of the success, name, fame, wealth, vehicles & eye trouble.
SATURN :: This Mount has its base at the root of middle finger, just above the Line of Heart.
THE MOUNT OF MERCURY :: This mount is located at the root of the small finger. It shows materialistic prosperity and affluence.
INDR KSHETR-PLUTO :: Its the area on the palm below the Line of Heart and above the Line of Head and is situated between the Mounts of Harshal and Jupiter.
THE MOUNT OF MARS :: There are two Mars on the palm. They are known as Physical Mars and mental Mars. The Surrounded portion beneath the starting point of the Life Line and above the Mount of Venus is called the Mount of Mars.
MARS MENTAL-NEPTUNE :: The area of this planet on the palm is below the Line of Head and above the Mount of Moon.
MOUNT OF MOON-LUNA :: The mount of Moon is found on the palm on the left of the Life Line and above the bracelet-rascette and below the area of Mental Mars-Neptune.
RAHU-DRAGON'S HEAD :: This is situated below the Line of Head, towards the left of the Life Line. It is surrounded by the Mounts of Moon and the Mental Mars.
KETU-DRAGON'S TAIL :: The place of this Mount is a little above the bracelets, dividing the Mounts of Venus and Moon and is near the starting point of the Line of Fate.
THE MOUNT OF VENUS :: The curved space beneath the second phalange of the thumb and the Life Line is called the Mount of Venus. Its located below the physical Mars.
पर्व ↓





मानव शरीर ब्रह्माण्ड का प्रतिरूप है और हाथ की हथेली भी ब्रह्माण्ड का प्रतिरूप ही है। 
बृहस्पति पर्वत :: बृहस्पति हृदय रेखा और निम्न मंगल के ऊपर विराजमान हैं। जातक की कार्य क्षमता, नेतृत्व का गुण, सत्ता को प्रदर्शित करते हैं। उभरा हुआ बृहस्पति जातक में सतगुण, ईमानदारी, पवित्रता, सत्य, विद्व्ता, देवत्व उत्पन्न करता है।
इसका प्रभाव मार्च से मई  (राशियाँ :- मीन, वृष और मिथुन) दौरान ज्यादा होगा।
मंत्र :- ॐ गुं गुरुभ्यो नमः। 
शनि पर्वत :: शनि के स्थान बीच की अँगुली और हृदय रेखा  होता है। उभरा  जातक को विलक्षण बनाता है। शनि मुद्रिका होने से जातक का मन भगवत भक्ति में लगता है। विकसित पर्वत जातक को सौभाग्य शैली बनाता है। बहुत ज्यादा उभरा हुआ अथवा बहुत ही ज्यादा दबा हुआ शनि जातक को गलत रास्ते पर लेजा सकता है। जातक को आत्महत्या का भय भी हो सकता है यदि मस्तिष्क रेखा चंद्र पर बहुत ज्यादा झुकी हुई हो।
इसका प्रभाव जून से अगस्त (राशियाँ :- मकर, कुंभ, मीन) के बीच ज्यादा दिखाई देगा।
मंत्र :- ॐ शनैश्वरायै नमोः नमः।
सूर्य पर्वत :: सूर्य की अँगुली नीचे, हृदय रेखा के ऊपर स्थित है। यह सफलता, प्रसिद्धि, ऐश्वर्य प्रदान करता है। सफ़ल कलाकारों, अभिनेताओं के हाथ में यह सामान्य से कुछ अधिक उभरा होता है।
अत्यधित उभरा होने पर घमण्ड-अहंकार देता है। जातक के निम्न तबके के लोगों से सम्बन्ध होंगे। बहुत खर्चीला और झगड़ालू हो सकता है।
इसका प्रभाव सितंबर से नवम्बर (राशियाँ, कर्क, सिंह, कन्या) के बीच ज्यादा होगा।
मंत्र :- ॐ सूर्याय नमः।
बुध पर्वत :- छोटी अँगुली के नीचे हृदय रेखा के ऊपर होता है। उभरा हुआ बुध जातक को बुद्धिमान, चतुर, समृद्ध बनाता है। व्यवसाय में सफलता मिलती है। जातक प्रतिभाशील वैज्ञानिक, वकील, उद्यमी बन सकता है। 
दबा हुआ बुध जातक से बेईमानी, छल-छंद जैसे काम कराता है। अत्यधिक दबा हुआ पर्वत जातक को गरीबी में जीने को मजबूर कर सकता है। 
इसका प्रभाव दिसंबर से फरवरी (राशियाँ :- तुला, वृश्चिक, धनु) के दौरान ज्यादा होगा।
मंत्र :- (1).  ॐ गं गणपत्ये नमः।  (2). ॐ सोम आत्म जयाये नमो नमः।
प्रजापति पर्वत :: यह बुध के नीचे मस्तिष्क रेखा और उच्च मंगल के ऊपर होता है। यह जातक को धार्मिक प्रवृति का बनाता है। जातक धर्म-कर्म, पूजा-पाठ  संलग्न रहता है।
मंत्र :- ॐ देवेभ्यो नमः।
इंद्र पर्वत :: मस्तिष्क रेखा और हृदय रेखा के मध्य का स्थान, सूर्य और बृहस्पति के नीचे  इंद्र क्षेत्र है। यह जातक को काम-वासना, सुख समृद्धि प्रदान करता है। इसका प्रभाव 35 साल की उम्र के बाद ही दिखाई देता है। इस क्षेत्र में शनि के नीचे पाया जाने वाला गुणक-धन चिन्ह घातक हो सकता है।
मंत्र :- ॐ इन्द्राय नमः।
उच्च मंगल स्थान :: यहाँ मस्तिष्क रेखा का सूर्य और बुध की संधि के नीचे पहुँचना जातक को उचित निर्णय लेने की क्षमता प्रदान करता है। इस जगह मस्तिष्क रेख का द्विजिव्हित हों जातक को महान वैज्ञानिक बनाता है। इस पर्वत के उभरे हुए होने पर जातक विद्वान होगा। 
मंत्र :- ॐ भौमाय नमः।
निम्न मंगल :: यह पर्वत बृहस्पति कर जीवन रेखा के नीचे, अँगूठे के ऊपर होता है। यह पर्वत उभरा हुआ हो तो जातक बहादुर सेना अथवा पुलिस के लिये उपयुक्त होता है। बहुत ज्यादा उठा होना जातक को गुस्सैल, झगड़ालू बनायेगा। जातक किसी को भी शारीरिक हानि पहुँचा सकता है। 
मंत्र :- ॐ भौमाय नमः।
चंद्र पर्वत :: यह मणिबंध, जीवन रेखा , राहु और उच्च मंगल से घिरा होता है। यह उच्च, मध्यम और निम्न क्षेत्रों में विभाजित होता है। इसका उभरा हुआ होना जातक को कल्पनाशील-चिन्तनशील, सौन्दर्य का उपासक, यात्रा प्रेमी बनाता है। अत्यधिक उभरा हुआ अथवा बहुत ज्यादा दबा हुआ होना हानिकारक है। 
मंत्र :- ॐ सोमाय नमः।
राहु पर्वत :: यह मस्तिक रेखा के नीचे, जीवन रेखा की बगल में, चंद्र क्षेत्र से घिरा होता है। इसका दबा हुआ होना ही उत्तम है। यह जातक को पराक्रम प्रदान करता है।
मंत्र :- ॐ राहवे नमः। ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सहः राहवे नमः।   
केतु पर्वत :: यह मणिबन्ध के ऊपर राहु क्षेत्र के ठीक नीचे, जीवन रेखा कर चंद्र से घिरा हुआ होता है। यह जातक के बचपन में प्रभाव 10-12 साल की उम्र तक सक्रिय होता है। 
मंत्र :- ॐ केतवे नमः।
शुक्र पर्वत :: यह मंगल के नीचे, अँगूठे का तीसरा पर्व है। यह जीवन रेखा से घिरा हुआ होता है। यह जातक को वीर्यवान, कला प्रेमी  बनाता है।
अत्यधिक उठा हुआ शुक्र जातक को कामान्ध बनाता है। अत्यधिक दबा हुआ होने पर जातक वीर्य विहीन होता है। सामान्य अथवा हल्का सा उठा होने पर जातक का परिवार भरा-पूरा होगा। जातक ऊर्जा से ओतप्रोत होगा।  
मंत्र :- ॐ शुक्राय नमः।

THUMB-TEMPTATION AND EMBEZZLEMENT :: One succumbs to the temptation of petty thefts quite easily. He has the opportunity and he quickly pilfer unattended money or products. He is able to justify his actions to himself and become convinced that he has done nothing wrong. He might be a respected person-decent citizen-employee, with good records and prospects. His Mercury-little finger has a strong bend towards the ring finger. The twist shows the temptation for quick emotional gratification. His thumb is either poorly developed or shows a broken will. A well developed thumb can counteract almost any negative characteristics found on the hands. One will be at his worst if the Mercury is exaggerated. If these traits are present, he just need the opportunity to become an embezzler.
LOGIC-REASONING VS INTUITION :: One often find it difficult to come to the conclusion, unable to decide what is right or wrong for him! The tip of the thumb governs the intuition or Gut Instinct. The second phalanx-middle section, shows the development of the logical mind. The fist and second phalanges of the thumb may have one or more horizontal lines which divides them into blocks or segments. One may not have even a single line over the fist or the second phalange. If the middle section has several horizontal lines, logic often losses its trust worthiness. In that case if there is a conflict between the thought and the impulse-feelings one should give weightage to the intuition. If the first phalanx shows horizontal lines then one has to trust the logic. Several vertical lines crossing one of the phalanges, indicate that the blind spot had been overcome, successfully by the native.

LARGE TRIANGEL :: The scriptures says that "never hurt, harm, disturb a sleeping lion, cobra and the Brahman". The result outcome of it is just like presence of a large triangle in the palm containing the Rahu Kshetr in it.
The large triangle is composed of three lines at the center of the palm, covering the entire Rahu-dragon head. 
(1). It constitutes of Life Line, Line of Head & the Line of Intuition (Health Line, Mercury Line). 
(2). It constitutes of Luck Line, Line of Head & the Line of Intuition (Health Line, Mercury Line).
(3). It constitutes of Sun Line, line of Head & the line of intuition (Health Line, Mercury Line).
(4). It constitutes of Lower line of Head (a branch of Luck Line), the Line of Intuition (Health Line, Mercury Line) & the Luck line.
(5). It constitutes of Lower line of Head (a branch of Luck Line), the Line of Intuition (Health Line, Mercury Line) & the Sun Line.
(6). It constitutes of Luck Line, Lower line of Head (a branch of Luck Line) & the Line of Intuition (Health Line, Mercury Line) & the Sun Line.
(7). It constitutes of Life Line, upper branch of Life Line & the line of Head.
Do no incite, tease, torture, abuse him unnecessarily. He never forget these incidents-instances and will strike as soon as first opportunity knocks him.
He will not show his anger, anguish but act swiftly against the teaser, torturer, trouble creator.
He fights injustice with his colleagues-fellow people and win. One inflicting injury may survive momentarily, but ultimately he will be punished.
He is calm, quite, composed, peaceful but react & never forget injustice. He may forgive but never forget it.
हथेली में बड़ा त्रिभुज :: शास्त्रों में कहा गया है कि सोते शेर, सोते हुआ नाग और ब्राह्मण को कभी भी न छेड़े। इसका परिणाम उसी तरह होता है जैसे कि किसी जातक की हथेली में राहु क्षेत्र को घेरने वाले बड़े त्रिभुज का फल है। वृहद 
अन्याय के शिकार अपने संगी साथियों को न्याय दिलाने का दिलो-जान से प्रयास करता है और सफल भी होता है।
अन्यायी फौरी तौर पर भले ही बच जाये मगर अन्ततोगत्वा उसे अपने अपराध की सजा अवश्य मिलेगी।
इस त्रिभुज का धारक जातक शान्त स्वभाव का व्यक्ति होता है। वह कभी किसी के साथ छेड़खानी नहीं करता; मगर ऐसा होने पर भूलता भी नहीं है माफ़ भले ही कर दे। 
(1). यह जीवन रेखा, मस्तिष्क रेखा और अंतर्ज्ञान रेखा से मिलकर बनता है और पूरे राहु क्षेत्र को घेरता है।
(2). यह भाग्य-शनि रेखा, मस्तिष्क रेखा और अंतर्ज्ञान रेखा से मिलकर बनता है। 
(3).  यह त्रिभुज सूर्य रेखा, मस्तिष्क रेखा और अंतर्ज्ञान रेखा से निर्मित है।
(4). यह त्रिभुज निम्न मस्तिष्क रेखा जो कि भाग्य रेखा का एक भाग भी है, अंतर्ज्ञान रेखा और भाग्य रेखा से मिलकर बनता है।
(5). यह त्रिभुज निम्न मस्तिष्क रेखा जो कि भाग्य रेखा का एक भाग भी है, अंतर्ज्ञान रेखा और सूर्य रेखा से मिलकर बनता है।
(6). यह भाग्य-शनि निम्न मस्तिष्क रेखा जो कि भाग्य रेखा का एक भाग भी है, अंतर्ज्ञान रेखा और सूर्य रेखा से मिलकर बनता है। 
(7). यह त्रिभुज जीवन रेखा, जीवन रेखा की उच्चवर्ती शाखा और मस्तिष्क रेखा से मिलकर बनता है।
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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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