DEATH & MURDER मृत्यु, हत्या, आत्महत्या :: A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (20) संतोष हस्तरेखा शास्त्र

मृत्यु, हत्या,आत्महत्या
A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (20) संतोष हस्तरेखा शास्त्र
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
Video link ::
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
गुणातीतं नीराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
DEATH (last moment) :: A long, straight Line of Head, with an island at the termination is inauspicious, leading to difficulties at the end of life. If the thumb is stiff-strong, one can deal with the situation. Hanging of the thumb towards Venus i.e., inside the palm, shows nearby end of life. Presence of a star over the Moon or Saturn may also lead to death.
LIFE LINE & DEATH :: It reads the life span as well, which may extend up to 105-120 years, if the Life Line curves the Venus till the base of thumb. Confirm it from the Heart Line.
Life Line, Line of Head and the Line of Heart joined together below Mars :- Very unfortunate sign, defect in temperament, sudden death, rushes blindly into danger and catastrophe. One may opt to become a recluse, hermit, Sanyasi, wanderer.
Life Line travelling to Luna for a while :- Death due to drowning or in an accident.
Life line deviates further to cross Luna :- Accidental death, specifically due to drowning-water.
Life Lines running parallel, like railway track in later period :- Death away from one’s own country-birth place.
Life Line is islanded near termination, towards Luna :- The subject may survive drowning due to protection from others. He has danger from water and cold weather conditions. Death may come due to cold.
Life Line encircling Venus is cut by a bar :- Death at this age, confirmed by other indications on the Line of Heart.
Life Line is broken in both hands :- Death. In case Luck Line, Line of Mars or an Influence Line is running parallel to it, the subject may survive. To be sure, other defects should also be considered.
Life Line is broken after an island :- Death at the age, where the island ends. 
Life Line is broken & turns back towards Venus and the supporting lines are absent :- Confirmed death.
Life Line ends in a spot :- Death will occur at the age predicted by the spot.
An off-shoot of the Life Line, terminating in a star :- Sudden death. 
Short and parallel lines-bars at the end of the Line of Life :- Sudden death.
Life Line is cut by a line starting from the Physical Mars and terminating on, Saturn :- Injury is caused by falling from a height-tree, bike, vehicle, horse etc., leading to financial losses. If there is a break-gap in the Line of Head or Heart at the point of cutting, possibility of death. 
Life Line ends in a spot-dot :- Sudden death, confirmed by other marks and signs on the Line of Heart, like breaks-gaps, cuts, bars or black spots. If the Life Line is found to terminate abruptly, with a black spot at the end, death by violence or accident is indicated. To be sure, both hands should be examined.
Black Spot over Life Line :- Poisoning, Sudden death.
Star over the apex-peak of Luna-moon :- It denotes drowning or death by gas, inordinate use of drugs, etc.
चंद्र पर्वत पर सबसे ऊपर :-  डूबने से, जहरीली गैस अथवा नशीले पदार्थों के इस्तेमाल से मौत। 
Luck Line meets down ward branch of Neptunium Life Line :- Dull ending of life.
Deep red line cutting 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: Dishonourable death or imprisonment.
Star on 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: At least jail-imprisonment or death. 
Fate Line ending in a cross with a grill over Mercury :: Violent death due to evil action of the possessor.
Life Line is forked over Mars or Venus, on the right hand only :- The subject has to face grave illness-accident. If this indication is present on both hands it, predicts death after prolonged illness-failure to recover from accident.
Life Line terminating in wide fork :- It’s an indication of rheumatism in old age. A rare implication of it is the end of life in poverty, away from own country.
Life Line terminates formation hook, anchor, serpent’s head, on man’s right hand :- Death due to deceit of lover.
Life line deviates further to cross Luna :- Accidental death, specifically due to drowning-water.
An off-shoot of the Life Line, terminating in a star :- Sudden death.   
Short and parallel lines-bars at the end of the Line of Life :- Sudden death.
Tassel at the end of Life Line :- It predicts violent death, murder, execution. An offshoot of tassel moving to Luna foretells insanity, before death.
Presence of  a cross at the termination of Life Line :- It shows pain, comparable to death, if found on one hand only, on both hands it shows death. Two or more crosses near the termination of Life Line, near the Rascette, will illustrate an acute sexual, imaginative, useless talker.
Life Line suddenly encircles Venus, mid way and is cut by a vertical line-bar :- Desire to end life. Death will come when the Life Line is cut by the bar-vertical line.
SQUARE (It’s a four sided closed figure and is a mark of preservation, where ever found on the Life Line) :- Protection from accidents, death or bad health. 
STAR :: Sudden death. Check the other signs over Saturn & Luna and confirm from the left hand. It represents a fatality, an accident or even death. On an upward branch of Life Line, it will show pain comparable-equivalent to death.
Semi circle-U formation :- If this mark crosses the life Line, sudden grave illness-death is indicated.
IMPACT OF CROSS OVER LIFE LINE :: Its presence, at the termination of Life Line shows pain, comparable to death, if found on one hand only, on both hands it shows death. Two or more crosses near the termination of Life Line, near the Rascette, will illustrate an acute sexual, imaginative, useless talker. 
Island cut by a bar :: Separation by death.
CROSS OVER LOWER-PHYSICAL MARS :: The bearer shall meet his death in war or while fighting with others. 
ZIG-ZAG LINE OVER PHYSICAL MARS :: The person is likely to die in an accident. 
CROSS OVER HARSHAL-INDR KSHETR :: The person will die before the age of 45 in an accident.
Island on the upper side of the Line of Fate towards the centre of the mount of Saturn :: Evil sign of unlicensed passion. Career would end in despair-ruined-money losses. A cross at this point may indicate tragic death.
Cross, bar, dot, mole at the end of Life Line :- Accidental-violent death.
Island on the upper side of the Line of Fate towards the centre of the mount of Saturn :: Evil sign of unlicensed passion. Career would end in despair-ruined-money losses. A cross at this point may indicate indicate tragic death.
A cross over the Line of Fate at the termination with a grill over the Mount of Mercury :: Indication of violent death due to some evil doing of the bearer.
DEATH OF PARENTS :: Luck Line with Short influence line on Venus ending in a star & chained Luck Line indicates death of parents affecting adversely the early growth of the child. Financial difficulties creating hindrances in child's career-bringing up. 
DROWNING :: Fate Line having fork in the beginning, one prong of the fork from Luna itself is broken at the point of fork indicates danger of death by drowning.
GRID :: Present over lower Luna near the rascette by the right side of the Life Line, it indicates separation from parents, death of father at once-immediately after birth and loss of ancestral property. The impact of this sign is visible in the 9th  house of the horoscope clearly.
Absence of Life Line on palm ::  Its a very rare indicating that the life of the possessor is extremely precarious and death might occur at any moment.
Star :- Sudden death. Check the other signs over Saturn & Luna and confirm from the left hand.
Star at the beginning of the Line of Fate with a star on Venus :: Death of one of the parents.
Line of Fate ends in a cross or a star :: Death by violence, confirm with other indications like presence on both  hands, termination of Life Line and the Line of Heart.
Line of Fate ends in a cross or a star with another star over Luna :: Tendency to suicide.
Life Line ends in a spot-dot :- Sudden death, confirmed by other marks and signs on the Line of Heart, like breaks-gaps, cuts, bars or black spots. If the Life Line is found to terminate abruptly, with a black spot at the end, death by violence or accident is indicated. To be sure, both hands should be examined.
Black Spot :- Poisoning, Sudden death.
Life Line, Line of Head and the Line of Heart joined together below Mars :-  Very unfortunate sign, defect in temperament, sudden death, rushes blindly into danger and catastrophe. One may opt to become a recluse, hermit, Sanyasi, wanderer.
(1). Line of Death :: It begins at the Mount of Venus and goes up to the Mount of Luna. If the line is small on the left hand, as compared to the right hand, the husband will survive the wife. If it is small on the right hand, as compared to the left hand, the wife should survive.
(2). A break in the Line of Head, below the Saturn followed by a split, without preservation marks-signs (Square, Line of Mars, Parallel lines, over lapping fragments of Line of Life), on the Life Line :: Death may occur due to accident. If the same indication repeats, on the left hand as well, the event may be quite certain. Age indicated by the Mount of Saturn is between 21-49 years, when the gap between the Saturn finger and Jupiter finger is wide. If the gap between the two fingers is narrow-between 21-42 years.
(3). Fate Line ends in a cross :Death may occur due to accident of some unnatural cause. Danger will be overcome, if the Fate Line continued further and the Life Line is unbroken at that age.
(4). Life Line ends with a deep spot, bar, short parallel line :: Death will occur, at the date read from the Life Line.
(5). Three major lines (Line of Life, Line of Head, and Line of Heart) joined together; in both the hands ::  Sudden or violent death is predicted. The subject may loss of interest in family life, and become a hermit (Sanyasi), if the indication is present on the right hand only.
(6). Single short downward lines from the joints of all fingers :: These lines illustrate death at the age shown by the Line of Heart.
(7). A cross on the middle of the line of Head, under the Mount of Saturn :: Normally, the line of Head covers ¾ of the palm. In this case the middle is considered below the Mount of Saturn. Age is calculated by drawing perpendicular lines from the finger joints. Space joint between the Jupiter and Saturn finger reads 21 years, while between Saturn and Sun finger it is 42 years, add 7 years if the gap is wide enough.
(8). Presence of Grid/Grill on the Mental/Upper Mount of Mars :: Age and cause are read elsewhere.
(9). Stars on the second finger (Saturn) indicate death on the scaffold or even murder accompanied by abrupt termination of Life line or a cross in the plain of Mars (lower/Physical) :: A deep bar on the Life Line indicates the age of execution.
Gandhi’s Case :: Presence of a star on the 3rd phalanges of the second finger clearly indicates assassination. Presence of the Line of Intuition clearly shows that Gandhi Ji might be aware of it.
Hitler’s Case :: A small Line of Heart followed by a cross at the termination of the Life Line, which is also short; presence of a cross on the Mount of Saturn indicates, imprisonment. Presence of a spool at the termination the Line of Head shows arrest of mental faculties. Read together, these defects shows death on a secluded island.
(10). A line starting from the first phalanges of the thumb and cutting the Life Line :: Death due to a metallic weapon-knife, sword, arrow etc.
(11). An arc cutting Life Line :: Serious illness or death, if confirmed on both the hands.
(12). A line beginning on the second phalanges of the thumb and cutting the Line of Life :: Sorrow from the faithlessness of the loved one, leading to death.
(13). A line starting from the Venus, cutting the Life Line :: Death of a relative or close person.
(14). A line starting on the Venus, cutting the Line of Life, Line of Fate and Sun Line; terminating in a dot on the Line of Marriage :: Widowhood.
(15). A line starting from a star, on the Mount of Venus, goes up to the Mount of Saturn, ending in a fork :: Death of the spouse/insanity.
(16). A line starting on the Venus in a star, reaching the Mount of Sun :: Death/insanity of a relative or a close person, leading to ultimate ruin.
(17). From the point of merger, of a line starting on the Venus in a star and merging with the Line of Fate; a Sun Line starts :: Death of a near and dear, leading to prosperity.
(18). A line beginning in a star, cutting the Line of Fate :: Subjects carrier is affected adversely, due to the death of a relative or someone close to him.
(19). A branch of the Line of Heart cuts the Line of Fate, producing a gap on it, on a woman’s hand :- Death of the spouse or the person on whom the subject depended financially. This prediction may not be true, if the woman is earning.
(20). Line of marriage bends in the down ward direction, towards the Line of Heart :- Spouse will die first. If the Line of Marriage touches/cuts the Line of Heart, death is certain.
(21). Line of Marriage curves towards the Mercury finger :: Subject will die first. Time period of widowhood/widower hood, will depend over the length of the curve-larger the curve, longer the period.
(22). A grill on the thumb, near the nail :: Danger to life from the spouse.
(23). An off shoot of the Life Line running to Venus is either starred/has breaks/gaps or cut by a deep line :: It denotes- mishap or death of the person, referred to by the off shoot, a Line of Influence.
(24). A deep and thick line beginning on the Jupiter finger :: It represents death sentence.
(25). A line cutting the three phalanges on the finger of Saturn: It indicates death in a quarrel.
(26). Any line beginning from the base of Jupiter finger and touching the first phalanges of the thumb :: It describes death sentence awarded by the court of law.
(27). A single horizontal line present on the second phalanges of the Saturn finger :: Death by poisoning.
(28). A single inclined line on the third phalanges of the Saturn finger :: Death in a quarrel.
(29). Two or three vertical lines, on the first phalanges of the Saturn finger :: It describes suicidal tendencies, supported by other indications like, sloping Line of Head, moving to Luna.
(30). Broken line, connecting the base of Jupiter finger :: Snake/animal bite.
(31). Cross at the end of voyage Line over Luna :: It shown danger due to water, resulting into drowning.
(32). A cross at the termination of a line, moving to Luna :: Danger of drowning.
(33). A cross on Luna accompanied by another cross on Saturn at the end of the line of Fate :: Death due to suicide. Stomach trouble or an operation may be the cause behind suicide.
(34). A line rising on Mental Mars cuts the Line of Heart and goes to Mercury on a woman’s hand: Death during delivery.
(35). An is landed line from Mercury cuts is landed Line of Heart with twisted nails :: Death in early age due to Tuberculosis.
(36). Life Line is cut by a line from Luna :: Death at the age described by Life Line.
(37). A line sloping downwards from left to right, cutting the Line of Heart :: Death due to drowning at the age, calculated from the Line of Heart.
(38). A small independent vertical line cuts the Line of Heart :: Death by some weapon.
(39). Line of Heart is cut by a sloppy/curved line :: Death due to snake bite or fire at the age given by Line of Heart.
(40). Line of Heart is cut at both the ends or in between by a twisted/straight line segment: Death due to some incurable disease.
(41). Presence of a star at the termination of the Line of Life :: Death during journey.
(42). Presence of a square/tooth or scorpion like formation, between the Line of Heart and the Line of Life-not touching either of the two :: Death due to some mechanical device or by over running of train or car.
(43). Life Line starts normally but slopes down to Luna, suddenly :: Death by drowning or in an accident.
(44). Age of Death :: The age at which the Line of Mercury evolves from the Life Line is the age at which the possessor may die. 
(44.1). Normal age at which the Line of Mercury rise from the Life Line :: 69 years.
(45). A thick Line of Fate evolving from the Life Line associated with illness & rising Line of Mercury :: Death at this juncture.
(46). Two thick Lines of Fate evolving from the Line of Life :: The first line grants pain equivalent to death and death comes at the age at which the second Line of Fate rise.
(47). A cross over the Line of Fate at the termination with a grill over the Mount of Mercury :: Indication of violent death due to some evil doing of the bearer.
(48). Line of Fate ends in a cross or a star :: Death by violence, confirm with other indications like presence of the cross on both  hands at the termination of Life Line and the Line of Heart, as well. 
(49). At Saturn reaching 3rd phalange of  Saturn finger :: Bad omen. (49.1). Deep red line cutting 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: Dishonourable death or imprisonment. (49.2). Star on 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: At least jail-imprisonment or death. 
(50). Fate Line ending in a cross with a grill over Mercury :: 
Violent death due to evil action of the possessor.

(51). ASIIDHNI असिद्धनी ::
 असिद्धनी तर्जनीमूलात् ऊर्ध्वं अत्यन्तसान्निधौ।तिर्यक् गता फलं मृत्युः अष्टाविंशे तुअसिध्नीत्यसिना वत्सरे। नाम हननस्य प्रसंगतःयह रेखा वृहस्पति के क्षेत्र में शुरू होकर तीसरे पर्व तक जाती है। यह 28 साल की उम्र में तलवार से मृत्यु को इंगित करती है। 
It starts in the region of Jupiter under the Index finger and mover over the 3rd phalange in the upward direction. It denotes death at the age of 28 years by killing with a sword.
SURUCHI सुरुचि ::

ऊर्ध्वं तु असिध्न्या: सुरुचिः तिर्यक् सा परुषाकृतिः।
अकालमृत्युदा नाम शोभनां गत्व सूचनात्
यह असिद्धनी से थोड़ा सा ऊपर शुरू होती है। यह मोटी और खड़ी हुई होगी। इसके प्रभाव से जातक की अकाल मृत्यु होती है। इसका नाम सुंदर शरीर व्यक्त करता है।
Its found above Asidhni and is a bit thick and vertical. It represent untimely death. Its name means a beautiful body.
हताशा :: 
ऊर्ध्व ज्योत्स्नया हृताशा स्यात तिर्यक् स्थूलतराकृति:
अकाले पुत्रमरणं असृग्वमन्तोSपिवां। 
तत्फलं नात्र सन्देहो नामार्थोSत्रापि च स्फुटः  
ज्योत्स्नी  के ऊपर हताशा पाई जाती है। यह मोटी, सीधी खड़ी हुई रेखा है। इसके प्रभाव से पुत्र की अकाल मृत्यु, खून की उलटी करते हुए  होती है। इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है। इसके नाम से भी यही फल निकलता है।कभी-कभी ऐसा प्रकृति के दुष्प्रभाव से भी हो सकता है।
KAPARDI कपर्दि:
This is found over Jyotsni. It is thick and vertical line. It causes the untimely death of son due to vomiting of blood. Some times the death is resulted due to nature's fury.
(54). KAPARDI कपर्दि: :: 
कपर्दि: तदधस्तात् स्यात् संश्लिष्टा सन्धिरेखया। 
तिर्यक् पार्श्वोन्मुखी रेखा भार्याभङ्गकरी स्फुटम्। कपर्दीति च नामापि केशानां चिकक्णत्वतः  
कपर्दि देवद्विट् के नीचे संधि रेखा को घेरती हुई दिखाई देती-पाई जाती है। इसकी उपस्थिति पत्नी की मृत्यु की सूचक है। इसका नाम बालों के उलझे हुए होने को प्रकट करता है। 
 This line is found below Devadwit, embarrassing the Sandhi Rekha, tending towards the sides. It brings about the death of the wife. The name reflects sticky state of hair. 
APRAJITA अपराजिता :: 

ऊर्ध्वोंन्मुखी पृष्ठभागे तर्जन्यास्तु अपराजिता। 
पुत्रनाशकरी नाम्ना गतशोभत्वमीरितम्॥   
यह तर्जनी ऊँगली के पीछे की ओर पाई जाती है और ऊपर की ओर बढ़ती है। यह सन्तान को नष्ट करने वाली रेखा है। नाम के उलटे अर्थ में यह चमक को कम करने वाली है।
It is found at the back of the Index finger and turns upwards. It destroys children. By name it indicates loss of lustre, just the opposite meaning.
(56). DUGDHA दुग्धा :: 
दुग्धा स्यात् तर्जनीमूलवामभागादधोमुखी। 
आयुः क्षयकरी नाम्ना क्षीरेच्छत्वं प्रच्छति
यह रेखा तर्जनी ऊँगली की जड़ से शुरू होकर उलटे हाथ की ओर ऊपर की ओर बढ़ती है। यह रेखा धारक व्यक्ति की आयु को कम करती है। इसके नाम के अर्थ के रूप में यह दूध के लिए लगाव को प्रकट करती है। 
It starts from the root of Index finger towards the left and moves downwards. It reduces longevity of the possessor. Its name suggests love for milk.
LINES OVER THE THUMB अँगूठे पर रेखाएँ-PUSHP पुष्प रेखा :: इस रेखा को पराग रेखा भी कहा गया। इसके अनुसार पूर्ण यव के उपस्थित होने पर धारक की पूर्णायु 100 से 120 बताई जाती है। यह यव 2 रेखाओं से मिलकर बनता है। यदि यह रेखा अपने अन्तिम पर धूमिल और टूटी हुई हो तो जातक की पुत्र सन्तान की मृत्यु की सम्भावना बनी रहेगी।
If this line is broken or faded at the termination there is a possibility of his son's premature death.
(1). Presence of a single line instead of separate Line of Head and the Line of Heart, in both the hands, with clubbed thumbs and badly formed hands :: Murderous tendencies.
(2). Presence of a curved line on the Mental Mars of the shape of sword :: Describes a rapist, murderer person with evil designs. He has to go to prison.
(3). A starred vertical line present on the Physical Mars :: A hot headed murderer, killed by enemy or an animal.
(4). Line of Heart is too high, passes through Mercury and has a black mark on it :: Describes a hot headed, rapist, hardened murder.
(5). Line of Head is rising from inside the Life Line, with a black spot at the beginning :: Describes a hardened, ruthless unlucky murderer. He might lose everything, at one point of time.
(6). Presence of double Heart Line, tough-hard palm, rigid-clubbed thumb, terminating on Head Line :: It makes the possessor, greedy, ruthless dacoit, looter and murderer.
(7). A curved chained-islanded Heart Line, terminating on the Line of Head :: Describes a woman who poisons her husband and lives another person.
(8). A branch Line of Heart Line curves over to Luna :: The bearer becomes a murderer.
(9). A branched Heart Line jumping the juncture of Jupiter-Saturn finger and crossing the palm, with some bad marking like black spot :: Woman soliciting other males, other than her husband and kills her husband.
Line of Heart too short, rising too high & terminating over Saturn :: Premature-early death. 
A cross over the Line of Fate at the termination with a grill over the Mount of Mercury :: Indication of violent death due to some evil doing of the bearer.
Line of Fate ends in a cross or a star :: Death by violence, confirm with other indications like presence on both  hands, termination of Life Line and the Line of Heart.
At Saturn reaching
3rd phalange of  Saturn finger :: Bad omen. 
(1). Deep red line cutting 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: Dishonourable death or imprisonment.
(2). Star on 3rd  phalange of Saturn finger :: At least jail-imprisonment or death. 
Fate Line ending in a cross with a grill over Mercury :: Violent death due to evil action of the possessor.
SUICIDAL TENDENCIES आत्महत्या :: मस्तिष्क रेखा शनि के नीचे जाकर एकदम नीचे निम्न चन्द्र पर पहुँचती है। दोनों हाथों में यह लक्षण हो, शनि पर काला तिल हो तो जातक को अत्यधिक संयत और सतर्क रहना चाहिये और अकेलेपन, शराब और मानसिक तनाव से बचना चाहिये।
Line of Head falls down wards right below the Saturn and curves to lower Luna. A black mole over Saturn and presence of this indication over both the hands confirm this tendency. One should avoid loneliness and wine, stress, fatigue. 
(1). Line of Head drooping down towards Luna. Short Line of Heart accompanied by short Life Line :: Suicide tendencies.
A woman had this indication in her right hand and her husband committed suicide.
(2). Three horizontal lines cut by four vertical lines on Luna :: Suicide by jumping in pond, lake, river, well etc.
(2.1). कनिष्ठिका के तीसरे पर्व पर जाली होने से किसी कलंक से बचने के लिए ऐसा करे। (2.2). शुक्र पर्वत से कोई रेखा चलकर जीवन रेखा हुए भाग्य रेखा को काटती हुई चन्द्र पर्वत पर एक नक्षत्र-तारे में समाप्त हो रही हो। (2.3). मस्तिष्क रेखा जीवन रेखा के समानांतर चलकर चन्द्र पर्वत पर रूप जाये। (2.4). जीवन रेखा और मस्तिष्क रेखाएँ शनि पर्वत को पार करके भी जुडी हुई रहें। (2.5). भाग्य रेखा के अन्त में शनि पर नक्षत्र-तारा हो और चन्द्र पर जाली हो।  (2.5). निम्न मंगल पर गुणक चिन्ह होने से भी जातक आत्महत्या कर सकता है। (2.6). मंगल क्षेत्र के आस-पास भाग्य रेखा कटी-फटी और अस्पष्ट हो। (2.7). मध्य मंगल पर जाली के साथ-साथ धन (+) चिन्ह हो। 
(2.1). One may commit suicide to avoid defamation if there is grid over the the third phalange of the little finger. (2.2). A line from the Venus cuts the Life Line and terminates in a star over the Luna. (2.3). Line of Head runs parallel to the Life Line and terminates over Luna. (2.4). Life Line and the Line of Head remain joined even after crossing the Saturn. (2.5). Luck Line terminates over Saturn in a star and the Luna has a grid. Lower Mars has a cross. (2.6). Criss-cross lines near Mars, the Luck Line is defective with several cuts. (2.7). The region of Mars i.e., between Lower & Upper Mars has grid along with plus (+) sign. 
(3). Line of Fate ends in a cross or a star with another star over Luna :: Tendency to suicide.
(4). नुकीली आकृति की हथेली। जीवन रेखा कटी-फटी, भाग्य रेखा कटी-फ़टी और बिखराव लिए हुए। केवल चन्द्र पर्वत ही उभरा हुआ हो। मस्तिष्क रेखा मंगल क्षेत्र पर जाकर स्वास्थ्य रेखा में मिल जाये। वृहस्पति का एपेक्ष सही स्थान पर न हो और वृहस्पति ठीक तरह से उभरा हुआ न हो। मध्यमा के पहले पर्व पर तीन-चार खड़ी रेखाएँ हों।
The Palm is more or less in the shape of a triangle. Life Line is cut by several obstacle-influence lines & the Luck Line is with several cuts. Only Luna is developed or exaggerated. Line of Head joins Line of Health-Mercury Line. The Jupiter is displaced-tilted and depressed. The first phalange of the Middle finger has 3-4 vertical lines.  
(5). कुख्यात हत्यारा :: अँगूठा गोल-मुगदर की आकृति का हो, मध्यमा अँगुली के मध्य पर्व पर एक तारे-नक्षत्र की उपस्थिति, उच्च और निम्न मङ्गल के बीच गुणक चिन्ह मौजूद हो। 
ASIIDHNI असिद्धनी :: 
असिद्धनी तर्जनीमूलात् ऊर्ध्वं अत्यन्तसान्निधौ।
तिर्यक् गता फलं मृत्युः अष्टाविंशे तुअसिध्नीत्यसिना वत्सरे। नाम हननस्य प्रसंगतः॥
यह रेखा वृहस्पति के क्षेत्र में शुरू होकर तीसरे पर्व तक जाती है। यह 28 साल की उम्र में तलवार से मृत्यु को इंगित करती है।
It starts in the region of Jupiter under the Index finger and mover over the 3rd phalange in the upward direction. It denotes death at the age of 28 years by killing with a sword.
A star with a drooping Head Line on an exaggerated Moon and a bad Mount of Saturn :- It points to suicide by drowning (if found on both Hands and with  other indications).
चंद्र पर्वत पर सबसे ऊपर :-  डूबने से, जहरीली गैस अथवा नशीले पदार्थों के इस्तेमाल से मौत। 
Star over the apex of Luna:- It denotes drowning or death by gas, inordinate use of drugs, etc.
बहुत ज़्यादा झुकी हुई मस्तिष्क रेखा, अशुभ शनि, बहुत ज्यादा उठा हुआ चंद्र :- डूबकर आत्महत्या (दोनों हाथों को देखें)।
Star over the apex-peak of Luna-moon :- It denotes drowning or death by gas, inordinate use of drugs, etc.
A normal Mount of Mental Mars :- There may be a danger of assassination, if seen on both the hands.
सामान्य विकसित उच्च मंगल :- दोनों हाथों पर होने से हत्या का भय।
An exaggerated Mount of Mental Mars:- It points to homicide committed through jealousy or grave danger.
अत्यधिक उठा हुआ उच्च मंगल (3). An exaggerated Mount :- It points to homicide committed through jealousy or grave danger.
अत्यधिक उठा हुआ उच्च मंगल 
पर्वत :- नर संहार-हत्या। 
In the middle Venus :- It denotes death of a close relative or close friend.
शुक्र पर बीच में नक्षत्र :- किसी, मित्र, नजदीकी अथवा सम्बन्धी की मौत।
STAR OVER SATURN :: It brings death when seated over the Mount.
शनि पर्वत्र पर नक्षत्र :: शनि पर्वत के ऊपर पर होने  निश्चित मौत, दोनों हाथां का परीक्षण अवश्य करें।
Star over the apex of Saturn:- It shows terrible fatality, dreaded distinction; also denotes end of terrible, disastrous life. It represents a plaything or child of fate, a king without a crown. 
शनि पर्वत की चोटी पर नक्षत्र :- भयानक मौत।
If a star is found over the first phalanges of Saturn finger :-  It shows murder.
शनि की अँगुली के पहले पौरूए पर नक्षत्र :- हत्या।
A star at the  termination of the Line of Heart and another at the Mount of the Moon :- It shows a tendency to suicide.
बहुत  झुकी हुई मस्तिष्क रेखा अंत में चंद्र पर्वत पर नक्षत्र :- पागलपन के दौरा पड़ने से डूबकर हुई मौत।
मस्तिष्क रेखा पर काला दाग, शुक्र से आने वाली प्रभाव रेखा पर नक्षत्र :- किसी अत्यधिक प्रिय व्यक्ति से मौत से गहरा शोक।
बृहस्पति से नीचे आती हुई छोटी रेखा पर नक्षत्र जो कि मस्तिष्क रेखा पर खत्म  होती हो :- अहंकार वश मृत्यु  की सम्भावना।
हृदय रेखा के प्रारम्भ में सितारा और शुक्र पर भी नक्षत्र :- जातक के जन्म के लगभग पिता  की मृत्यु।
हृदय रेखा और चंद्र पर्वत पर नक्षत्र :- आत्महत्या की प्रवृति।
शुक्र वलय पर सितारा, एक, दो अथवा तीन वलय, नक्षत्र के साथ :: गुप्त रोग और अंततोगत्वा मृत्यु।
दोनों हाथों में बुध, मस्तिष्क और जीवन रेखा से बने त्रिभुज के केंद्र में नक्षत्र :- झगड़े में मौत।
शुक्र  वाली रेखा के दोनों ओर नक्षत्र :- मित्र या सम्बन्धी की मौत से गहरा दुःख।
SATURN FINGER शनि  अँगुली ::
If on both Hands :- Danger of assassination-murder.
दोनों हाथों  लक्षण :- हत्या की सम्भावना।
Two stars on the first and second phalanges :- Death on the scaffold.
प्रथम और दूसरे पर्व पर नक्षत्र :- फाँसी।
Two stars on Second Phalanges, Good Hand :- Possible murder victim.
दूसरे पर्व पर दो नक्षत्र, अच्छा हाथ :- हत्या की सम्भावना।
Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
 संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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