IMPRISONMENT कारावास-एकान्तवास :: A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (19) हस्तरेखा शास्त्र

A TREATISE ON PALMISTRY (19) हस्तरेखा शास्त्र 
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
Line of Fate starting from the quadrangle may result into imprisonment if other indications are also present.
A crooked Line of Fate starting from Physical Mars and terminating at Saturn
 may lead to imprisonment (check other signs as well).
Barred Line of Fate :: Bad omen, unfortunate sign, obstacles. If the Line of Fate passes over them and severs (काटना, पार कर लेना) them, one will over come difficulties. Each bar is a separate obstruction. If the Luck Line is thicker-bolder than these obstruction lines one is sure to sail through successfully. However, one must not loose heart. Bars in ladder like sequence-formation too show misfortune. They may lead to imprisonment as well. Bar enclosed-trapped in square protects the bearer-minimising the evil effects.
The Line of Fate rises till the line of Head in Rahu and then turns back making a hook like shape in a semi circular manner :: Imprisonment.
Island over Rahu-Uranus Dragon Head) with a cross over the Mount of Saturn :: Rigorous imprisonment.
The Line of Fate rises till the line of Head in Rahu and then turns back making a hook like shape in a semi circular manner :: Imprisonment.
A line from Saturn reaching 3rd phalange of  Saturn finger :: Bad omen. 
(1). Deep red line cutting 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: Dishonourable death or imprisonment.
(2). Star on 3rd phalange of Saturn finger :: At least jail-imprisonment or death.
कारागार :: शुक्र पर्वत के नीचे की तरफ कोई वर्ग हो तो कारावास की संभावना  रहती है-यह एकान्तवास को भी प्रदर्शित करता है।  
ऊपरी मंगल (निषेध) और शुक्र पर भी वर्ग हो तो भी कारावास सम्भव है।
Squares-quadrangles over the Physical Mars and the venus too result into imprison ment. 
किसी अँगुली पर चार पर्व हों तो कारावास सम्भव है, किन्तु अगर चौथा पर्व खण्डित हो तो जेल नहीं होगी।
Presence of four pjalanges over a finger may also lead to jail.
मंगल मैदान (यूरेनस)-उच्च मंगल से कोई रेखा शनि पर्वत को जाये तो भी ऐसा संभव है।
A line from mental Mars going to Saturn may also result into imprisonment.
Do not forecast imprisonment unless-untill such signs are present over both the hands and the Saturn is inauspicious. A raw hand and clubbed thumb deserve to be examined & considered. If the Jupiter finger and the thumb makes an angle of less than 90 degree together, it has to be kept in the mind while making forcast. Exagerated Saturn and Mercury desrve attention. Crosses, islands, bars noticed over Saturn and Saturn finger must not be ignored.
Presence of a square near the lower Venus may lead to isolation from society. Square being a mark of protection protects the bearer through this device from death-murder.  
Presence of square over Upper Mars-Mental Mars along with a square over Venus also lead to same result.
Presence of 4 phalanges over fingers may lead one to imprisonment but if the fourth phalange is cut-broken, one will be protected from jail.
Movement of a line from Mental Mars to Saturn may lead one to imprisonment.
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