शिक्षा सुधार
A class XI student threw his bag over the teacher, insulted him and created scene, when the teacher took him to the principal. His relatives mercilessly brutalised the 3 innocent teachers. The teachers have been admitted in the AIIMS, Delhi. Whom are the teachers teaching, criminals?![03.08.2014]
One is observing increasing incidents of thrashing the children by the teachers. Most of them are so young that they can not protest. Many of them have died. The one who is over zealous commit such mistakes. They want to improve the child. Chances of anonymity with the child are extremely rare. In the present world the teacher should not touch the child physically or use abusive language. There is no use spoiling his life and spending the rest in the prison. They should do their duty and try to refrain from physical or any other form of punishment. Their own life is equally important for their family-children-parents. Why should he ignore these factors?
*All schools run by different government bodies like MCD, NDMC, GNCT, Delhi, Cantonment Board, Navoday Vidyalay and Central Schools should be brought under the control of a single body.
* Make it mandatory for the child to qualify class V, VIII, X and XII through a Board-Common Examination.
* As soon as a child clears class VIII examination, he should be able to choose the stream Viz., Science, Humanity, Commerce. No subjects should be imposed upon him.
* In disciplined-non serious, one who fail to qualify examination after 2-3 attempts, must be shown the door.
* Those teachers who fail to show good results must be shown the door.
* Teachers must not punish the students under any circumstances. A record of the guilty-in disciplined must be kept and the non deserving shown the door.
* Moral teaching should be an integrated part of the curriculum. Persuasion, reward, compensation should be utilized to motivate the students as well as teachers.
* Those teachers who are teaching difficult subjects, and who's results are consistently good over a period of 3 years should be granted an additional increment.
* The Principal should not be free to change the classes and sections taught by the teachers, after assigning them.
* The principal, who fail to improve the school atmosphere, results, cleaning, teaching standards, disciple must be reverted. One who plays politics in the school must be reverted.
* Computer Learning must be mandatory for all: Teachers as well as students. Advanced skills must be incorporated in the syllabus.
* All teachers must be appointed-recruited through a common competitive examination to be held by Education Service Commission, at the Primary level only. They must hold a Post Graduate degree in addition to B.Ed.
* All teachers must qualify common test after a gap of 5 years for promotion to the level of TGT/PGT/Lecturer. Promotion to the level of Vice Principal and Principal must be made through evaluation of teachers performance during the last 15 years.
* Those teachers who attain M. Phil., Ph.D., D.Lit., D.Sc., must be promoted to degree colleges/university on the basis of test and their performance during the last 15 years of service.
* Teachers belonging to non core subjects should not be considered for promotion to the post of Vice Principal and Principal. How ever they should be rewarded by granting them time scales, after 10-8-8-5 years of service.
* Teachers awards should be summarily banned.
* All senior officials in the education department should be from amongest teachers-preferably Indian Education Services.
* Compulsory inspection and discipline must be there at the teaching and learning level.
* No ad-hoc appointments must be made.
* All employees in the department should get pension after qualifying service of 15-20 years.
GNCT, Delhi has been trying very hard to show that its imparting quality education in Govt. schools (including MCD and NDMC schools) of Delhi. Each and every effort has been made to project the increase in results of class X and XII examinations conducted by the CBSC, since when Sheila Dixit took over the reins of Delhi Govt.
It was during the period of Father Mr. Kanakulam that CBSE adopted the policy of promoting the students, who had passed class X examination in four subjects, to class XI.As a result of it, majority of the students started neglecting, one of the subjects completely, leading to fall in the results of Science and Math’s, affecting the concerned teacher. The teacher was not only blamed for poor results, adverse entries were made in his ACR’s without any fault on his side. Not only was the teacher harassed/ castigated/victimized, he was transferred to distant places.
It was said that students were committing suicide because of their failure in the examination.
So far, no evidence has come forward in favour of this hypotheses. Even if, one in a million does so, examinations can’t be scrapped for this reason, since standardization/gradation is a must at all levels. Hundreds of reasons may be there for killing self, like negligence, disinterest in studies, scolding by the parents, competition, lack of love and affection from the parents, failure in love, influence of drugs/sedatives, slow learning, lack of intelligence, impact of cinema/TV/social networking/friend circle/novels/ever increasing content in textbooks/syllabus etc.
NCERT’s/CBSE syllabus/curriculum planning is grossly defective and cumbersome. Class IX-X, syllabus constitutes of History, Civics, Geography, Economics, Disaster management & Project work. This is too much, since the child has to study three languages, along with Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental studies), Math’s (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Computing), Work Experience, Physical Education, Moral Education and what not! How can one expect a teacher to teach, what has not been studied by him, himself! A TGT (Gen.) can teach two subjects at the most.
The Prime Minister & the Finance Minister usually say that they don't have magic lamp to solve country’s ever increasing problems. The teacher is expected to do magic with the child, who is continuously promoted to the next higher classes in spite of obtaining ZERO’s. The school has no power to call the student in time, attend prayers, come in school uniform, present in the school after roll call, do home work, switch off mobile phone, disfigure walls etc. The child and the parents can’t be stopped from misbehaving with fellow students, teachers, ministerial staff and the Principle, in the light of ever increasing political interference in school administration. Is this what we mean by Independence/Freedom? There is no mechanism to punish the student for indecent acts or the trouble created by him, in the school neighbourhood. In spite of FIR’s against him for rape/murder/theft/dacoits, you can’t expel him from the school. He is free to spoil the whole school and its teaching- learning environment.
Local politicians-MLA’s, councillors, PTA members, departmental officials, media and who not! have the power to force admissions in the school, even one day before the examination. There is no mechanism to check child’s antecedents’ before admission. In class XI, give him the subjects, he is asking for whether he deserves or not. You are not sure whether the transfer certificate submitted by him is genuine or not?
RTE-Right to Education act recommends 35 students in a class, where as the size of the class goes up to 100 in one section, in east Delhi’s Sarvoday Vidyalaya. More than 15,000 posts of teachers, Vice- Principals, Principals, and DDO’s (in GNCT, Delhi’s, NDMC’s, MCD’s schools) are kept vacant. Teachers are made to retire without promotions, depriving them of pensionary benefits. Schools are running without ministerial staff and IT assistants. There is no electricity and water for hours .The toilets are full of filth. The scene in DD’s/EO’s office toilets is not different. Sweepers are not willing to do work. They don’t mind remaining absent from work and getting pay. Many of them are ghost employees. The rooms and verandas are full of garbage. Internet/ Computers/Printers are generally out of order (Obsolete). To hide the facts, observers from Central Information Commission, are not allowed to carry inspection of records, classrooms. Still, Delhi Govt. makes tall claims pertaining to results/quality of education in its schools, through newspaper advertisements and hoardings/bill boards. A lot of money is wasted on Ladli scheme for girls, flouting family planning norms, for political favours/votes from the families of these girls. Scholarships, mid-day meals, free ships, free text books, free uniforms are going down the drain for being awarded to those, who do not deserve them. The money should have been spent on those children, who fulfil family planning norms, especially in remote/ far flung areas of the country, not in Delhi or the meritorious children. This is a strategy to buy votes-a political gimmick.
Children, who are good in studies, are taken-drives to Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya/Navyug schools, thereby killing the spirit of competition among them.
There is no way to standardize the Annual Confidential Reports of teachers. The worst teacher is generally awarded with very good/outstanding remarks and is nominated for municipal/state/national awards at various levels, for his proximity to the chair. Such teachers are good at pleasing the boss by doing his personnel jobs and flattery. They look busy, but do nothing. Their ACR may not reflect the poorest of poor result shown by them. They are allowed to avail as many leaves as they desire called Ferlo. They are free to reach the school as per their will and leave it, as and when they want.
Kapil Sibal, a lawyer turned Education Minister did his best to repeal the necessity of marks for qualifying class X examination. No wonder ,he may be successful in doing so for class XII as well. Mr. Lovely, Delhi’s education minister is not far behind. It was during the tenure of Jan Sangh, in Delhi, in the year 1967 that all the students were promoted to the next higher classes without conducting examinations. Soon, there will be a class of people in the country, who visited the school for 12 to 15 years without functional knowledge, skills, aptitude, culture; doing petty jobs or turned to criminalization. The sufferers are from the lower strata of society, who have no means to put their children in public schools – where some efforts are still made to ensure the progress and welfare of the child. It’s a common knowledge that the public schools are opened to churn money. These public schools belong to high and mighty. They will not be able to run and earn profits if the Govt. schools start improving environment to lure children/parents to their fold .The reason behind this is the desire, not to let the children of have-nots, to compete with the well to do , higher up’s, bureaucrat, administrators, politicians or the powerful people in the society. Another reason is the desire to obtain degrees/diplomas/ certificates for their spoiled children to make entry in Govt., jobs through the back door.
Surveys/researches have proved that the CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) conducted by the CBSE is not helpful to more than 67% teachers. Remaining 33% too are not sure of its effectiveness, need, utility, reliability. This tool was in use at Regional College of Education (NCERT), now Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer; for its integrated degree courses .It can be proved/established beyond doubt that the technique/mechanism was used to harass some and favour other students. It’s equally true, under the current scenario. The teacher has 20% to 40% marks at his disposal. If the teacher is happy with the student, he can award full marks; otherwise you know well, what he will do! Now, it's child’s play to send all the students to class XI. In fact it’s purely subjective and is a tool to express teacher’s attitude/bias towards the student. How is it possible to assess 300 to 600 students by taking 6 to 9 periods in a day? How so ever it’s freely used to push the students from class IX to X and from X to XI by the Govt., Govt. aided and not so popular private/public schools. Is it not curious keen to observe that some of the Senior Secondary Schools have stopped enrolling students for class X board examinations? It’s immaterial if the child has learnt/grasped/understood anything or not.
Surveys conducted by the Citizens Forum, under orders from Central Information Commission, yet again exposes the condition of Delhi’s Govt. /Govt. Aided schools: 60-100 students in one class, students sitting in the open/verandas, no clerical staff, shortage of teachers, non availability of drinking water, worst sanitary conditions, 2-3 toilets for 2500 students, cramped walls, absence of class IV employees, deputed teachers/lab. Assistants in zonal/district /regional office & the Head Quarters- to do petty clerical jobs. Worst of all, orders pertaining to teachers welfare, are issued but never implemented, whether they are related to MACP, arrears, pensionary benefits, insurance money, promotions extension in service or else.
During the year 1975-76 and before, studies conducted in GNCT, Delhi’s schools; exposed their real administrative and supervisory conditions, which were extremely poor and in neglected state, because of bureaucratic, red tapism and political interference, which can be described as LISSAZY FERRY. No effort has ever been made to shunt out the non performing or corrupt Principles, because of their political patronage.
GNCT, Delhi, NDMC, MCD’s style of promoting Computer Education is not too different in any way, from what is happening there. Millions have been spent on purchases, maintenance, installation, staff, and laboratories without positive results. The instructors come from big computer training institutes, who themselves need specific training in curriculum planning, teaching and the content material. They are low paid workers; ill equipped and lacking basic skills. So far, NCERT/CIE/RIE’s have not started B.Ed./M.Ed. training courses in computer education. The computers and the curriculum become obsolete and outdated in this world of fast expansion and innovations. It’s funny to buy and distribute notepads amongest the students by the MCD, which has a record of non functional computer labs., in the absence of computer teachers and the internet. How can a child, whose parents are not able to afford a single meal, will afford internet! In a school, where the child lack 3 R’s, even after passing out class VIII, how will he acquaint himself with notepad!
In today’s Delhi, no one with means wish to put his children in a Govt. school. Majority of the children in Govt. schools are from labour class and constitute the first generation of learners. They are from resettlement colonies, J.J.Clusters (hutments), socially-economically backward classes or the downtrodden segment of the society. They are of the age of 3-14 years, in which they can neither beg nor work, to make a living, because of the law of the land. There is no mechanism to protect them from criminalisation, as these are the hide outs and nurseries of criminals. These tenements are the hubs of criminal activities, mush rooming under the patronage of Politician-Police-Criminal -Anti Socials nexus. The moment one enters their habitat, he is welcomed by open drains- full of filth, garbage dumps, foul smells, smoke, absence of drinking water & electricity. With 12- 15 people living in Jhuggi, how can one expect the child to study and reform himself? Some NGOs are presently working in these clusters without impact. Bhagidari is yet another tool in the hands of the city politicians for siphoning off tax payers, hard earned money collected in the form of Education Cess/tax and wasted mercilessly.
GNCT, Delhi has been trying very hard to show that its imparting quality education in Govt. schools (including MCD and NDMC schools) of Delhi. Each and every effort has been made to project the increase in results of class X and XII examinations conducted by the CBSC, since when Sheila Dixit took over the reins of Delhi Govt.
It was during the period of Father Mr. Kanakulam that CBSE adopted the policy of promoting the students, who had passed class X examination in four subjects, to class XI.As a result of it, majority of the students started neglecting, one of the subjects completely, leading to fall in the results of Science and Math’s, affecting the concerned teacher. The teacher was not only blamed for poor results, adverse entries were made in his ACR’s without any fault on his side. Not only was the teacher harassed/ castigated/victimized, he was transferred to distant places.
It was said that students were committing suicide because of their failure in the examination.
So far, no evidence has come forward in favour of this hypotheses. Even if, one in a million does so, examinations can’t be scrapped for this reason, since standardization/gradation is a must at all levels. Hundreds of reasons may be there for killing self, like negligence, disinterest in studies, scolding by the parents, competition, lack of love and affection from the parents, failure in love, influence of drugs/sedatives, slow learning, lack of intelligence, impact of cinema/TV/social networking/friend circle/novels/ever increasing content in textbooks/syllabus etc.
NCERT’s/CBSE syllabus/curriculum planning is grossly defective and cumbersome. Class IX-X, syllabus constitutes of History, Civics, Geography, Economics, Disaster management & Project work. This is too much, since the child has to study three languages, along with Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental studies), Math’s (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Computing), Work Experience, Physical Education, Moral Education and what not! How can one expect a teacher to teach, what has not been studied by him, himself! A TGT (Gen.) can teach two subjects at the most.
The Prime Minister & the Finance Minister usually say that they don't have magic lamp to solve country’s ever increasing problems. The teacher is expected to do magic with the child, who is continuously promoted to the next higher classes in spite of obtaining ZERO’s. The school has no power to call the student in time, attend prayers, come in school uniform, present in the school after roll call, do home work, switch off mobile phone, disfigure walls etc. The child and the parents can’t be stopped from misbehaving with fellow students, teachers, ministerial staff and the Principle, in the light of ever increasing political interference in school administration. Is this what we mean by Independence/Freedom? There is no mechanism to punish the student for indecent acts or the trouble created by him, in the school neighbourhood. In spite of FIR’s against him for rape/murder/theft/dacoits, you can’t expel him from the school. He is free to spoil the whole school and its teaching- learning environment.
Local politicians-MLA’s, councillors, PTA members, departmental officials, media and who not! have the power to force admissions in the school, even one day before the examination. There is no mechanism to check child’s antecedents’ before admission. In class XI, give him the subjects, he is asking for whether he deserves or not. You are not sure whether the transfer certificate submitted by him is genuine or not?
RTE-Right to Education act recommends 35 students in a class, where as the size of the class goes up to 100 in one section, in east Delhi’s Sarvoday Vidyalaya. More than 15,000 posts of teachers, Vice- Principals, Principals, and DDO’s (in GNCT, Delhi’s, NDMC’s, MCD’s schools) are kept vacant. Teachers are made to retire without promotions, depriving them of pensionary benefits. Schools are running without ministerial staff and IT assistants. There is no electricity and water for hours .The toilets are full of filth. The scene in DD’s/EO’s office toilets is not different. Sweepers are not willing to do work. They don’t mind remaining absent from work and getting pay. Many of them are ghost employees. The rooms and verandas are full of garbage. Internet/ Computers/Printers are generally out of order (Obsolete). To hide the facts, observers from Central Information Commission, are not allowed to carry inspection of records, classrooms. Still, Delhi Govt. makes tall claims pertaining to results/quality of education in its schools, through newspaper advertisements and hoardings/bill boards. A lot of money is wasted on Ladli scheme for girls, flouting family planning norms, for political favours/votes from the families of these girls. Scholarships, mid-day meals, free ships, free text books, free uniforms are going down the drain for being awarded to those, who do not deserve them. The money should have been spent on those children, who fulfil family planning norms, especially in remote/ far flung areas of the country, not in Delhi or the meritorious children. This is a strategy to buy votes-a political gimmick.
Children, who are good in studies, are taken-drives to Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya/Navyug schools, thereby killing the spirit of competition among them.
There is no way to standardize the Annual Confidential Reports of teachers. The worst teacher is generally awarded with very good/outstanding remarks and is nominated for municipal/state/national awards at various levels, for his proximity to the chair. Such teachers are good at pleasing the boss by doing his personnel jobs and flattery. They look busy, but do nothing. Their ACR may not reflect the poorest of poor result shown by them. They are allowed to avail as many leaves as they desire called Ferlo. They are free to reach the school as per their will and leave it, as and when they want.
Kapil Sibal, a lawyer turned Education Minister did his best to repeal the necessity of marks for qualifying class X examination. No wonder ,he may be successful in doing so for class XII as well. Mr. Lovely, Delhi’s education minister is not far behind. It was during the tenure of Jan Sangh, in Delhi, in the year 1967 that all the students were promoted to the next higher classes without conducting examinations. Soon, there will be a class of people in the country, who visited the school for 12 to 15 years without functional knowledge, skills, aptitude, culture; doing petty jobs or turned to criminalization. The sufferers are from the lower strata of society, who have no means to put their children in public schools – where some efforts are still made to ensure the progress and welfare of the child. It’s a common knowledge that the public schools are opened to churn money. These public schools belong to high and mighty. They will not be able to run and earn profits if the Govt. schools start improving environment to lure children/parents to their fold .The reason behind this is the desire, not to let the children of have-nots, to compete with the well to do , higher up’s, bureaucrat, administrators, politicians or the powerful people in the society. Another reason is the desire to obtain degrees/diplomas/ certificates for their spoiled children to make entry in Govt., jobs through the back door.
Surveys/researches have proved that the CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) conducted by the CBSE is not helpful to more than 67% teachers. Remaining 33% too are not sure of its effectiveness, need, utility, reliability. This tool was in use at Regional College of Education (NCERT), now Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer; for its integrated degree courses .It can be proved/established beyond doubt that the technique/mechanism was used to harass some and favour other students. It’s equally true, under the current scenario. The teacher has 20% to 40% marks at his disposal. If the teacher is happy with the student, he can award full marks; otherwise you know well, what he will do! Now, it's child’s play to send all the students to class XI. In fact it’s purely subjective and is a tool to express teacher’s attitude/bias towards the student. How is it possible to assess 300 to 600 students by taking 6 to 9 periods in a day? How so ever it’s freely used to push the students from class IX to X and from X to XI by the Govt., Govt. aided and not so popular private/public schools. Is it not curious keen to observe that some of the Senior Secondary Schools have stopped enrolling students for class X board examinations? It’s immaterial if the child has learnt/grasped/understood anything or not.
Surveys conducted by the Citizens Forum, under orders from Central Information Commission, yet again exposes the condition of Delhi’s Govt. /Govt. Aided schools: 60-100 students in one class, students sitting in the open/verandas, no clerical staff, shortage of teachers, non availability of drinking water, worst sanitary conditions, 2-3 toilets for 2500 students, cramped walls, absence of class IV employees, deputed teachers/lab. Assistants in zonal/district /regional office & the Head Quarters- to do petty clerical jobs. Worst of all, orders pertaining to teachers welfare, are issued but never implemented, whether they are related to MACP, arrears, pensionary benefits, insurance money, promotions extension in service or else.
During the year 1975-76 and before, studies conducted in GNCT, Delhi’s schools; exposed their real administrative and supervisory conditions, which were extremely poor and in neglected state, because of bureaucratic, red tapism and political interference, which can be described as LISSAZY FERRY. No effort has ever been made to shunt out the non performing or corrupt Principles, because of their political patronage.
GNCT, Delhi, NDMC, MCD’s style of promoting Computer Education is not too different in any way, from what is happening there. Millions have been spent on purchases, maintenance, installation, staff, and laboratories without positive results. The instructors come from big computer training institutes, who themselves need specific training in curriculum planning, teaching and the content material. They are low paid workers; ill equipped and lacking basic skills. So far, NCERT/CIE/RIE’s have not started B.Ed./M.Ed. training courses in computer education. The computers and the curriculum become obsolete and outdated in this world of fast expansion and innovations. It’s funny to buy and distribute notepads amongest the students by the MCD, which has a record of non functional computer labs., in the absence of computer teachers and the internet. How can a child, whose parents are not able to afford a single meal, will afford internet! In a school, where the child lack 3 R’s, even after passing out class VIII, how will he acquaint himself with notepad!
In today’s Delhi, no one with means wish to put his children in a Govt. school. Majority of the children in Govt. schools are from labour class and constitute the first generation of learners. They are from resettlement colonies, J.J.Clusters (hutments), socially-economically backward classes or the downtrodden segment of the society. They are of the age of 3-14 years, in which they can neither beg nor work, to make a living, because of the law of the land. There is no mechanism to protect them from criminalisation, as these are the hide outs and nurseries of criminals. These tenements are the hubs of criminal activities, mush rooming under the patronage of Politician-Police-Criminal -Anti Socials nexus. The moment one enters their habitat, he is welcomed by open drains- full of filth, garbage dumps, foul smells, smoke, absence of drinking water & electricity. With 12- 15 people living in Jhuggi, how can one expect the child to study and reform himself? Some NGOs are presently working in these clusters without impact. Bhagidari is yet another tool in the hands of the city politicians for siphoning off tax payers, hard earned money collected in the form of Education Cess/tax and wasted mercilessly.
आलम यह है कि 5 वीं कक्षा का छात्र दूसरी की किताब नहीं पढ़ सकता! कैसा RTE (सर्व शिक्षा अभियान) है, यह !?
RTE-RIGHT TO EDUCATION :: One has no option but to pay education cess-tax. A dead line of 3 years has expired. 11% schools are without water. 20% schools do not have safe drinking water. 74% schools are without library. 61% schools demand birth certificates-not required under the act (then what for the birth certificate is issued?). Only 18% schools have separate toilets for girls. 12%schools had a tap or hand pump out side school premises. 635 schools are with out play grounds. 60% schools do not have a boundary wall. 58% schools do not have separate room for the school head-Principal. In 18% schools the mid day meals are not cooked inside a designated kitchen-most of the schools did not have kitchen at all.
This is just a sample survey, the real figures are astonishing. Tax payer's money is going down the drain. There is mismanagement and open loot. NGO's belonging to the high and mighty are making-minting money.
RTE-RIGHT TO EDUCATION :: One has no option but to pay education cess-tax. A dead line of 3 years has expired. 11% schools are without water. 20% schools do not have safe drinking water. 74% schools are without library. 61% schools demand birth certificates-not required under the act (then what for the birth certificate is issued?). Only 18% schools have separate toilets for girls. 12%schools had a tap or hand pump out side school premises. 635 schools are with out play grounds. 60% schools do not have a boundary wall. 58% schools do not have separate room for the school head-Principal. In 18% schools the mid day meals are not cooked inside a designated kitchen-most of the schools did not have kitchen at all.
This is just a sample survey, the real figures are astonishing. Tax payer's money is going down the drain. There is mismanagement and open loot. NGO's belonging to the high and mighty are making-minting money.
भागीदारी में मिल-जुल कर लूट हो रही है। सब को चढ़ावा चढ़ता है।
Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia did their best to degrade education. They said that they will open 500 schools in Delhi, but in fact they sabotaged several schools in stead of opening new once. Both these politicians proved to be most corrupt languishing in jail, now.

Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)