xxx WEATHER ON EARTH पृथ्वी पर मौसम
पृथ्वी पर मौसम
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
गुणातीतं नीराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]2016 has been declared to be one of the 3 hottest years since 1888, in recorded history of the earth.[20.01.2016]
September proved to be the hottest in the last 134 years. The wind flew in opposite direction from to west to east for more than 20 days leading to rains in Bangal. The present weather is abnormal, since it changes quickly for a day or two. [20.10.2016]
APPEASING THE RAIN GOD INDR AND VARUN इन्द्र व वरुण देव को वर्षा के लिए प्रसन्न करना :: अनावृष्टि दूर करने के उपाय :: ऋग्वेद सप्तम मण्डल का 101 वां सूक्त पर्जन्य है। शौनक जी ने बताया है कि सूर्यभिमुख होकर इन छः ऋचाओं के पाठ से अनावृष्टि दूर हो जाती है। और यथेष्ट वर्षा होती है।
अनश्नतैतज्जप्तव्यं वृष्टिकामेन यन्त्रत:।
पंचरात्रेSप्यतिक्रान्ते महतीं वृष्टिमाप्नुयात्॥[ऋग्विधान 2.327]
जल वृष्टि :: निम्न दोनों मंत्रों से सत्तू और जल का ही सेवन करता हुआ, गुड़ तथा दूध में वेतस् की समिधाओं को भिगोकर हवन करे करें तो भगवान् सूर्य नारायण जल बरसाते हैं :-
"असौ यस्ताम्नो" तथा "असौ योSवसर्पति"।
The Andhr Pradesh chief minister ordered the temples to perform prayers for rains. It started raining on Monday-07.07.2015 and is still raining. Indr the king of heavens and the deity of rains was pleased along with the deity of water Varun Dev. Its not the first time when the prayers were invoked to have rains. Years back a Brahmn chanted Shloks-Mantr in Mathura to demonstrate the power of Mantr for having rains and the verses proved powerful enough to grant relief and he was proved right. The rains creating turmoil-havoc in Tamil Nadu are the side effect of the Yagy-rituals performed at the behest of Andhra chief Minister Chandr babu Naidu. One should be aware of using the Mantr Shakti with care-prudence.[06.12.2105]
WEATHER PATTERNS DESCRIBED IN PURANS :: Shishumar Chakr, one of the infinite embodiment of the Almighty-Shri Narayan, is a cluster of stars with 4 major stars, constituting the pivot- core-center of our universe. Dhruv, known as pole star is located at its tail, too is revolving round the Shishumar. Shishumar resembles a Chameleon-a garden lizard and Chakra (Sudarshan Chakr) represents the deadliest of deadliest weapons, wheel of Lord Vishnu-the preserver.
Sun, along with 11 other Sun, revolves round the Dhruv and completes its cycle in 11 years.
Sun completes one revolution around the galaxy in 25 crore years.
Sun, moon, stars, constellations and all the planets depend over the Dhruv for their existence.
Sun collects water-having a combination-mixture of 6 nectar continuously for 8 months and turn it into rain for 4 months on earth.
Moon is nourished by this water associated with noise-uproar-turmoil-fire-lightning-air-clouds and the sky-space.
Sun sucks-attracts the water generated by the earth, oceans, rivers and the creatures-organisms.
Sun acquires water from the Akash Ganga (-milky way) as well, which is turned into rain, immediately, which is not associated with clouds-during Kartik Nakshatr (including Rohini and Adra)–even numbered constellations is divine, removes all sorts of fears-sin-worries of the recipients-the devotees.
Day to day weather on earth is a mix-combination, of the impact of Venus, moon, constellations and the relative position of the Solar system, which is always changing and never attains the same position held by it earlier.
Unusual weather-climatic conditions are observed all over the world for which no visible reason-logic-argument is readily available with the scientists-weatherman. They try to correlate it with aura or the flames over the surface of Sun.
Polar vortex has shown its impact over entire continent lowering the temperatures to -51 degree centigrade in New York, -25 degree centigrade in Chicago, 50 degree in Australia and temperatures much more than the normal by 10 degrees in many parts of Europe. Some segments of Europe had experienced temperatures much more the normal temperature during the previous years. This is sufficient to illustrate that the weather on earth is not guided local factors like global warming etc. Unprecedented rains in Uttra Khand-India last year too proves the point.
Floods in London after a gap of 350 years, unprecedented snowfall in many countries over hundreds of years, volcanic irruptions-tsunami-earth quakes in Indonesia are some of the indicators of forces, which control the weather over earth, in addition to Venus and Moon. There are planets in other Solar systems which become too close to earth every 3500 years or so, to affect the climate here. Tail stars bring agony-destruction associated with them, when there is a chance of becoming close to earth.
EL-NINO & EL-NINA :: El Nino and El Nina are two opposite weather conditions, which stands for warming of sea-surface temperatures, accompanied by high air surface pressure in the western Pacific and the cold phase, accompanied by low air surface pressure in the western Pacific, simultaneously. This anomaly happens at irregular intervals of two to seven years and lasts nine months to two years. The average period length is five years. Its only an observation and does not give the cause behind this phenomenon- the mechanism of which is still a mystery.
Anomalously warm ocean current temperatures, which periodically develop off the western coast of South America can cause climatic changes across the Pacific Ocean. The worst on record date back in 1990 when more than 2,000 people were killed damages, worth billions of dollars were there. Its accompanied by extreme weather like floods and droughts in many regions of the world. Developing countries which depend upon agriculture and fishing, are the most affected. periodic warming in the Pacific near South America is usually noticed around Christmas.
Observation pertaining to this phenomenon are: Eastern disturbances in surface pressure over the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, and Australia, gradual fall in air pressure over Tahiti and the rest of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, flow of trade winds in the south Pacific or east, rising of warm air near Peru, causing rain in the northern Peruvian deserts, spreading of warm water from the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean to the east Pacific-accompanied by rains, causing extensive drought in the western Pacific and rainfall in the normally dry eastern Pacific.
El-Nino's warm gush of low nutrient water, heated by its eastward passage into the Equatorial Current, replaces the cold, nutrient-rich surface water of the Humboldt Current. When El Nino conditions last, after months, extensive ocean warming and the reduction in the intensity of the easterly trade winds, limits up welling of cold nutrient-rich deep water and its economic impact to local fishing for an international market is alarming.
El Nino, the warming of the central and east Pacific and cooling of the west, occurs every 4-12 years. It struck India in 2009 leading to worst drought during the last 40 years. Australia's Bureau of Meteorology, US Climate Prediction and some other global institutions have already predicted possibility of less rain this year.
Snow fall in India's Kashmir has broken 100 year's records. Two global weather agencies have raised fears of a possible weal monsoon this year. One can doubt but can not ignore these warnings.
An unconfirmed report has claimed that global warming will put the world under enormous strain, forcing mass exodus and violence especially in Asia. Majority of the affected will constitute East Asia, South-East Asia and South Asia. Rising sea levels will lead to submergence, flooding and erosion in coastal systems.[19.03.2014]
Last month UK witnessed torrential rains, forcing the river to kick back and breaching the river banks. Now the easterly winds are carrying thousands of tonnes of sand from Sahara desert. India is witnessing western disturbances very frequently these days. What is east for UK is west for India.(05.04.2014]
70% chances of the occurrence of weather pattern, which is linked to weak monsoons in India, is predicted to set in July, due to El-Nino.[07.05.2014]
Delhi, as well as most parts of the world are experiencing unusual weather conditions. Delhi never had so much rain in March, before at least during the last 100 years. It is still raining.[07.03.2015]
More than 1800 people have died so far, due to heat stroke in India. The temperature is hovering round 47 degree Celsius for more than 20 days now. It does not happen during May. Roads in Delhi have started melting.[30.05.2015]
2000 people have died. Monsoon which was scheduled to strike Keral on 28 May, may not reach till 5th-6th of June. Last year saw 12% deficit in rains and this year too, the deficiency may maintain. Texas is reeling under torrential unprecedented rains and the Alaska is sizzling at 320 centigrade.[31.05.2015]
2015 is facing the world's 5th deadliest heat wave ever. 2541 people died due to heat wave in 1998 in India.[31.05.2015]
Monsoon this year has illustrated-proved that it is not El-Nino or El-Nina which is affecting rains or drought. The scientist should find some another approach to explain the untimely rains-drought-dry weather! Let them concentrate over the configuration of the stars-constellations in the sky especially the pole star and the stars surrounding it. A lot of literature is provided in the Hindu scriptures in this regard-context.
LA-NINA:: This is the factor which contributes to changing weather patron bringing untimely rains. Recent rains in California & now in the desert indicates towards this. Today's rain in NCR-Delhi coupled with the rain of the previous week breaks the dry spell of over 5 months.[11.03.2016]
NATURE's RETALIATION-FURY:: Disaster in Uttra Khand was man made. Nature always react to undo man's unnatural actions-for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The natural flow of rivers is restricted by making dams un mindfully. Around 300 dams are in the making. The techniques-methods-mechanism-architecture are grossly defective un scientific. Proper studies have not been made before executing the large scale projects. Aswan Dam in Egypt produced counter effects and the sole purpose behind building it turned futile. Planning-executions are full of structural defects. Dev Bhoomi is located in high risk seismic zone. All reports pertaining to seismic activities underneath, have been ignored. Even a small blast send tremors and land slides all around, leading to cracks in houses of the poor residents. Water stored in the dams, is making seepage into the hills-mountains, made up of loose soils-rubble-stones, leading to frequent land slides.
There is a large scale cutting of jungles-forest in an inter woven net work of mafia-constituting of politicians-criminals-bureaucrats. Then, there are other segments of this net work, which are active in illegal profitable mining of sand and stones. Rivers are forced to make changes in their natural course.
Deforestation and de-silting of rivers has resulted in improper cloud seeding-formation and rains over the years. Top soil bound by tree roots, has become loose. All these activities are carried out in the name of development-modernization. Town and villages are moved to alternate locations. Topology and ecology are at great risk.
The mountains contain an entire ecosystem. There are the tribes-people-inhabitants with their houses and children living on a mountain, animals, trees and flora and fauna. Uprooting it would mean bringing an earthquake like situation, creating chaos and danger to this ecosystem. These living beings on this mountain would be left devastated, uprooting would leave a big hole there on the earth.
There is no doubt that development and modernization are essential and need of the hour, but not at this cost. 70,000 vehicles move to these places every day and at least 150 helicopter trips are there, adding to ever increasing pollution.
Roads are made-laid over the edge of the hills-moulds, prone to land slide. This is the reason more than 800 roads have washed away. As a matter of fact roads in such regions, should be cut through a point some where, between the cliff and the edge. The rubble-debris should be compressed and settled with the help of nets. Huge-heavy plantation should be carried out over each and every feet of slope, along with grass and shrubs.
The mechanism-technique employed to build bridges over the rivers and buildings in the sea can be employed gainfully, in this region. Debris, stones, loose soil should be settled along with the embankment and should not be allowed to obstruct the flow of these mighty rivers.
The Chief Minister has proved that he is grossly incompetent-inefficient person, compared to Narendra Modi who stationed himself there, along with IAS, IPS, IFS and GAS officers. He supervised the evacuation of the 15,000 stranded Gujraties, through luxury buses from Dehra Doon to Delhi, innovas to safer regions and Boeing to Gujrat. He has offered to rebuild the Holy Temple of Kedar Nath. The PM along with party chief made Ariel surveys and offered a help of Rs. 1,000 crores. Help is pouring from other quarters, as well. But, the big question is : Will the state government mend its ways ? and the answer is a big, No. Its their style of offering sacrifices to the deities.
Natural calamities-disasters show off, as and when wicked-wretched-demonic-corrupt-immoral people rulers, take the reins of administration.
Super Typhoon has killed more than 12,000 people in Philippines and is racing towards Vietnam to take the toll there. Vietnam had been hit by two typhoons recently. Before this Odissa-Orissa and Andhra Pradesh in India were attacked by a furious typhoon which led to vast devastation. But human lives were saved due to timely warnings and preparedness.
Storms-typhoon-cyclone-hurricane leaves a trail of devastation-destruction and miseries behind. Bhola cyclone in Bangla Desh killed more than 5,00, 000 dead on 11.11.1970. 3.00,000 people and 25,000 ships were destroyed in Coringa, Andhr Pradesh, India in Nov.1839. Super cyclone Nina killed 2,29,000 people in China in August, 1975. Calcutta cyclone on Oct.7, destroyed 20,000 ships and killed 3,00,000 people. Energy associated with these cyclones is equivalent to more than 10 atom bombs.
Uttra Khand Disaster or Murders :: Indisputable-clinching-most damning evidence, is available to establish that the administration was aware of the torrential rains, well in advance. The havoc was the result of lethargy-un prepared-callous government machinery. A set of advisories issued by the Meteorological Department, warned that the pilgrims should be evacuated and Yatra should be put off. Thousands of penniless pilgrims are stranded all over.
This government should be tries for treason and murders. It has no authority to remain in office.
Aftermath of Disaster :: There are desperate families who are homeless and penniless; vulnerable to pimps. There are certain areas where trafficking of women and children is already happening for years, for sexual exploitation, now. People, who have lost their livelihoods and homes will be compelled to get rid of daughters and young children, desperately. A large number of families have lost either a father, husband or son-the earning members. Those, who are left behind are mostly women, children and aged-old people.
The political party in power is bent upon extracting-exploiting the situation by sending the pamphlets-pictures of their aspiring-candidate to the post of next Prime Minister of India, along with his mother and the current disposable most incompetent, grossly inefficient Prime Minister. The opportunity is utilized as an election campaign. The current Chief Minister is not far behind. The cloths reaching the disaster stricken, are torn-rags, good for nothing. The aid is not reaching its destination. No one knows, who is being aided. The people, who were said to be have been rescued, have not been able to reach their homes, so far. Around 9000 missing persons FIR's have been lodged. Who will lodge the FIR's of those who have no survivors-whole family has been wiped out.
The TV channels are still devoting maximum of their telecasting hours to this natural phenomenon but no one has taken it seriously to forecast weather bulletins, showing the sky pictures depicting the cloud-wind speed and direction-pollution-moisture-relative humidity-snow fall-land slides and related matters.
Land slide over Badrinath has created a lake which is a potent danger to the lives of people up to Haridwar. The government under Bahuguna is waiting for the warning!
Ugly face of Central and Uttra Khand Government: The Central Government which brought food security bill in haste through ordinance for distributing rice and wheat at Rs.3 and Rs.2 per Kilo Gram has issued these commodities for the disaster stricken, having no roof over their heads, at Rs.26 and Rs.20 per Kg. respectively. They promised to eradicate poverty 9 years ago. Now they find it easy to eliminate the poor for eradicating poverty.
Land sharks have become active again in Uttra Khand. The govt. is doing too little for the helpless people. 75 villages have been wiped off for ever. Dead bodies are still buries under the soil.
Compensation cheques issued by Uttra Khand Government have bounced.
STAMPEDES: Stampedes are quite common in India, at the religious places, which occur purely due to mis management of the devotees-religious people. The tragedies occur very frequently at temples, fares, congregation, ceremonies.
What has happened in Madhy Pradesh is un imaginable. The small bridge was blocked due to the foolishness and lathi-stick-baton charge by the policemen on duty. They allowed tractors-trucks to pass over the bridge, when huge crowd was passing through it, by taking money. They are reported to have flung children in the river-an un humanly behaviour. More than 125 people have died. Instead of helping the victims families political parties are busy in blame game-slender.[13.10.2013]
Stampedes hound the memories which occurred at Kutub Minar, Kumbh Mela at Haridwar, Kumbh at Allahabad-Pryag.
SMOG: Felling of trees has resulted in the change of the direction of convection currents of winds, all over the world, associated with rising pollution levels. This is the basic cause behind smog-bronchitis-lung diseases-cancer-hyper tensions. Countries like America-Australia should adopt housing by using cement, bricks, RCC. This will check deforestation-cyclones-hurricanes.
Land sharks have become active again in Uttra Khand. The govt. is doing too little for the helpless people. 75 villages have been wiped off for ever. Dead bodies are still buries under the soil.
THE ULTIMATE BOON : Hindu has a firm faith that if he leaves the body at a holy place, he will attain salvation. Thousands and thousands of Hindus visit holy places, shrines, rivers in search of salvation after the death, in one or the other incarnations. They keep preparing them selves for the next birth by purifying their deeds in the current birth. Loss of lives at Kedar Nath and Badri Nath along with the two shrines of Gangotri and Yamunotri, has some thing in common i.e., the desire of the deceased to part their bodies during their last journey at the feet of the Almighty, i.e., in Dev Bhumi. Its a tradition in India to keep shroud during the pilgrimage, especially by the old people, who have renounced the world.
One must not grieve for the departed souls. Their boons-desires have been fulfilled. The God is omniscient-having infinite knowledge/knowledge of every thing, omnipotent-having infinite power and benevolent-kind & helpful. One should pray to the God to provide the departed souls with peace and renunciation, instead of questioning his wisdom.
People believe that the God punishes us for our evil acts, sins and misdeeds. His ways are didactic-intended to teaching/explain/alert the mankind and penal-providing punishment for wicked actions.
There are hints-prophesies in Sanat Sanhita pertaining to blocked of roads-paths-tracks to Badri Nath and Kedar Nath that Bhagwan Shiv will emerge-replicate, elsewhere-Bhavishy (future) Badri, when the present sites become inaccessible. Bhavishy Kedar, on the out skirts of Joshi Math is believed to be a place, where he has already emerged as Swambhu (self manifested ) Shiv Ling, has been rising on its own in the past few years.. It has become almost as big as the original Ling of Kedar Nath Ji.
One should avoid visiting the shrines-Holy places for the purpose of picnic-excursion-time pass-honey Moon, since any visit of this nature may land him in trouble. Any sin committed at such places yield multiple punishments, including hell. The country has successfully managed the typhoon Phillion which could create havoc-disaster in and around Odissa.[12.10.2013]
Following visualization shows, how global temperatures have increased from 1,950 through the end of 2,013.It compares a running five-year average global temperature, to a baseline average global temperature from 1,951-1980.NASA's scientists say 2013 was the the seventh warmest of any year, since 1,880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures. With the exception of 1,998, the 10 warmest years in the 133-year record, all have occurred since 2000, with 2010 and 2005 ranking as the hottest years on record.[23.04.2014]
Mindless felling of trees and cutting of jungles-forests in the US and elsewhere is the root cause of rising temperatures-global warming. Per capita consumption of petroleum in America is highest any where in the world and its turning the US into a stormy and dangerous place with rising seas and disasters costing citizens from flooding-wild fires etc.[07.05.2014]
Delhi is experiencing unusual weather. Monsoon is already late by 5 days and is weak too.[07062014]
Delhi's temperature is soaring. It has already crossed 48 degree centigrade and beaten the records of the past 62 years. Rains are not expected in time. Its expected that the rainfall will be varying between 90% to 96%, this year.[10.06.2014]
The country has experienced 43% deficit rain fall during June. Western region is expected to have more shortage including large parts of Maharashtr. Mumbai and Pune experienced acute shortage of water and resorted to regulated supply. When will it learn of rain water harvesting-storage and proper maintenance of its reservoirs?! Is it possible to teach them how to recycle water for drinking again-repeatedly, like Singapore?![04.07.2014]
Snow fall in the 50 states of USA was unexpected during the month of November. Its for the second time, since 1974. Delhi-NCR is facing unusual weather. There was a sudden fall in temperatures going as low as 5o C. Today's temperature is expected to be 32o Celsius, -15o C. This is abnormal by all yard sticks. Year 2014 may turn out to be the hottest year in the recorded history, since 1880. October was the warmest with average temperatures above by 0.74o C.[01.12.2014]
2014 has been declared as the warmest year in recorded history. Delhi-NCR is passing through a sequence of fog, rains, unusual winds, sudden rise and fall in temperatures during last 2 months.[22.01,2014]
March was the hottest month on record and the past 3 months were the warmest start to a year. This in continuation of the trends which made 2014 the most blistering year on record since 1860. A pattern of warm currents in Pacific ocean-El Nino will persist, much fierce as compared to previous year. How ever it may bring relief to California from unprecedented drought, along with making record in piling temperatures.[18.04.2015]
Widespread crop damage to the tune of 85 Lakh hectares of farmland occurred, due to un seasonal rains this year. Average rainfall between March 1 to April 15 was 47.8 mm. Over 80% of the country received excess rains. Of the 36 sub divisions 13 recorded more than 5 times the normal rains.[20.04.2015]

संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)
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