ACUPRESSURE मर्म चिकित्सा

 मर्म चिकित्सा

By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
गुणातीतं निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि
[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
ॐ नमों भगवते सुदर्शन वासुदेवाय, धन्वंतराय अमृतकलश हस्ताय, सकला भय विनाशाय,
सर्व रोग निवारणाय, त्रिलोक पठाय, 
त्रिलोक लोकनिथाये, 
ॐ श्री महाविष्णु स्वरूपा, 
ॐ श्री श्री ॐ  औषधा चक्र नारायण स्वाहा
वेद मंत्रों में देव शब्द के प्रयोग द्वारा देवताओं की सामूहिक स्तुति की गई है। रोग मुक्त शतायु जीवन की कामना के साथ उपयुक्त मंत्र अथर्ववेद एवं यजुर्वेद में है। दोनों ही वेदों में तत्संबंधी मंत्र ‘पश्येम शरदः शतम्’ से आरंभ होते हैं। 
Traditionally when a Hindu women meet her elder-respected-revered or the in laws, she press her legs below the knees (पिंडली). It helped the woman in relaxing, who had come to her. Often elderly male ask the small children to ride over legs, when they hold their fingers and fist tightly. It helped them in relaxation and provided with relief from pain in kegs.
It may be called pressure acupuncture as well, involving around 400 pressure points. Benefits of acupressure may be attributed to factors like reduced muscle tension, improved circulation and stimulation of brain chemicals called endorphin that act as natural pain relievers. Each pressure point targets a specific location over the body. One can easily handle them without much effort, easily. One can relieve himself of aches and pains i.e., headaches, back pain, sinus congestion, etc.
One has to compress key energy points on the skin’s surface with fingers gently to stimulate body’s natural healing abilities. Prolonged pressure, from 1 to 3 minutes may be needed in some cases. Locate a point; sink in gradually with finger, thumb, heel or side of the hand and then hold it for at least 1 minute to calm and relax the nervous system. The pressure should be felt at the point where the cure is needed from high to medium and then to tender. Two types of actions are prescribed :- Clockwise and Anticlockwise. 
BREATHING :: During the course of action one should subject himself to Pranayam: Inhaling-deep breathing-gush of fresh air inside the lungs-8 seconds, holding-24 seconds and then releasing-exhaling-12 seconds, simultaneously. 
HEADACHES :: One should form the fist and observe that this point is located in the fleshy area between the thumb and index finger, at the highest spot of the muscle, when both the thumb and finger are brought close together. It may helps relieve toothaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, constipation and hangovers. Avoid this acupressure point during pregnancy. Yet another point is placed at the base of the skull between the two most prominent bones at the top of the spine. 
PERICARDIUM :: Its located over the lower arm just above the fist bracelet (मणिबंध) useful in getting rid of nausea and vomiting due to motion sickness, pregnancy, post-surgery and post-chemotherapy. It also relieves upset stomach, headaches, chest pain and carpal tunnel syndrome pain and discomfort. It is located between the two large tendons on the inside of the wrist, about three finger-widths below the base of the palm. Press the point with the index and middle fingers for a couple of minutes. Repeat it several times, as per need. 
CHRONIC FATIGUE AND EYE STRAIN :: This point is located just over the eye brows, over the nose. It is identical to third eye of Bhagwan Shiv. Its is good for calming the mind, improving memory, relieving stress, chronic fatigue, headaches, eye strain and insomnia. It also helps relief from sinus pain and congestion. This point is considered beneficial for spiritual and emotional imbalances as well. One is advised to concentrated between the eye bows with open eyes while meditating.
CHRONIC FATIGUE AND EYE STRAIN :: This point is located just over the eye brows, over the nose. It is identical to third eye of Bhagwan Shiv. Its is good for calming the mind, improving memory, relieving stress, chronic fatigue, headaches, eye strain and insomnia. It also helps relief from sinus pain and congestion. This point is considered beneficial for spiritual and emotional imbalances as well. One is advised to concentrated between the eye bows with open eyes while meditating. It has to be pressed gently for a few seconds and then release several times simultaneously.
EMOTIONAL HEALING-TRANQUILITY :: Its present between the breasts slightly above the cavity, over the center of the breastbone, about four finger-widths up from the base of the bone. It helps in restoring calmness and relieves anxiety, nervousness, depression, hysteria and other emotional imbalances. It also helps boost the immune system. One should occupy the Pranayam posture sit with folded hands with erect backbone with folded hands in prayer mode, fingers pointing upward and the knuckles of the thumb pressing into the breastbone. It has to be pressed for a couple of minutes daily while taking slow, deep breaths. This can easily be performed daily easily.
KNEE POINT :: This leg point is commonly used to improve digestive disorders including indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, in addition to boosting the immune system, fighting fatigue, strengthening the body and promotion of general health. This point is located just below the knee cap, at is base, four finger-widths down, outside of the shin bone. One should apply moderate to deep pressure on this point on both legs for a few seconds everyday. 
ARTHRITIS AND SCIATICA :: This knee back acupressure point is beneficial for reducing knee and back pain, stiffness in the back, arthritis in the knee, back and hips and sciatica pain. Acupressure is more effective than physical therapy for relieving low back pain. The effects of this therapy last for six months. This commanding middle acupressure point is situated at the center of the backside of the knee cap. One has to press it gently for 1 minute and then repeat on the other leg, everyday. 
TOOTHACHE, VERTIGO & HIP SORENESS :: This point is located in the depression behind the outer ankle bone. 
COMMON BACKACHE :: This pressure point lies between the two ligaments on the back of the knee, on the crease.
INSOMNIA :: This point is located one palm width below the navel.
SHOULDER PAIN :: One can locate this point on the crease of the inside of the elbow on the thumb side when the palm faces in the upward direction.
GENERAL HEADACHE :: This point is located on the side of the nostril, where one generally pierce the nose. 
On the reverse side of the palm one can find knuckles of the fingers and the thumb. One can put his middle finger over the knuckle for support over the reverse side and the thumb over it from the side of the palm, very near the Line of Heart. Gently press these 10 points over the 8 fingers and 2 thumbs, normally. Alternatively, one can rotate the thumb over it gently anticlockwise and clockwise 5-10 times, each. Then there are the tips of the fingers which need to be pressed 5-10 times from both sides over the fingers of the 4 limbs. This can be done simultaneously, while performing Yog. Yet another method of seeking good results is by rubbing the finger tips of both the hands continuously for 3-5 minutes, with one another. Clapping too activate pressure points successfully. These are tried and trusted methods. 
SECRET SENSITIVE POINTS OVER HUMAN BODY मर्म स्थल :: मानव शरीर के वे स्थान जहाँ आघात करने से मनुष्य को मरणान्तक-अत्यधिक पीड़ा होती है और मृत्यु तक की सम्भावना होती है, मर्म स्थल-बिन्दु कहलाते हैं। आयुर्वेद में मर्म शरीर के वे बिंदु हैं, जहाँ प्राणों का वास होता है तथा जिनका रक्षण न करने पर मृत्यु अथवा विभिन्न प्रकार की मृत्यु तुल्य कष्ट दायक शारीरिक व्याधि उत्पन्न होती है। अतः इन बिंदुओ को उपचारित करने से रोगों से मुक्ति भी संभव है। मर्म चिकित्सा आयुर्वेद में वर्णित विश्व की प्राचीनतम चिकित्सा पद्धतियो में से एक है। मर्म स्थल-बिन्दु की जानकारी इलाज में सहायक है। 108 बिन्दुओं की पहचान की गई है। सुश्रुत संहिता में इनमें से 22 की पहचान शरीर के निम्न भागों में, 22 की हाथों में, 12 की छाती और पेट में, 14 की पीठ में तथा 38 की गर्दन और मस्तिष्क में की है। इनका उपयोग आयुर्वेद में विशेष रुप से किया जाता है। शरीर की स्वचिकित्सा शक्ति को बढ़ाना ही मर्म चिकित्सा है। मर्म चिकित्सा में सबसे पहले शांति व आत्म नियंत्रण आता है और सुख का अहसास होता है। इन बिन्दुओं पर साधारण चोट लगने से भी मृत्यु हो सकती है या गंभीर हानि पहुँच सकती है। गर्दन, पीठ, कमर व पैर दर्द तो मर्म चिकित्सा के जरिए चुटकी में खत्म हो जाते हैं। 
Marm Points can be equated with Acupuncture-Acupressure Points. These are vital-vulnerable spots-points, which may lead to extreme pain & even death, when struck. Acupuncture involves use and piercing of needles while Marm involves soft message. Its essential to protect Marm Points with care. Knowledge of these points is useful in the treatment of diseases, especially in Ayur Ved. Detoxification can be done its help. They are located at the junctures in the body where muscles, veins, ligaments, bones and joints intersect. 
Sushrut Sanhita has described their numbers covering both the front and back body. 22 of them are located on the body's lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back and 38 on the head and neck. 
Ayur Ved use this knowledge for prevention & cure, as well as detoxification. The balance between Pitt, Kaph-Cough and Vat-Vayu is obtained by using Marm therapy. It helps to promote energy and help in rejuvenation. It is used for special clinical methods like Panch Karm. Marm therapy is particularly good for arthritis and other structural problems, as well as for treating any type of nerve pain or paralysis. It deals with Satv, Raj and Tam; human emotions, Eternity and Relativity. 
These Marm points are measured in finger units-Angul, to detect their correct location. One Angul is the width of the finger i.e., Ani Marm is a Marm point existing just above the knee, four fingers above the middle of the knee. This point relates to the small intestine and situated on the back of the leg, directly behind this spot. If one move the hands from the front Ani Marm in a straight line to the back, this Marm would be stimulated. So, working on a Marm point affects the front, sides and back of a Marm.

MARM & ASTROLOGY :: There is a basic connection between the position of the planets and stars and Marm Abhyang. It is well known that cosmic rays have an effect on the human body. For instance, the Sun is very powerful at noon and the heat radiation is high at this time of the day. Hence, Marm Abhyang therapy is performed only during morning and evening, not in the afternoon. A good Marm practitioner knows everything about the Marm points, Ayur Ved, Kalari Chikitsa and Astrology.
KALARI CHIKITSA :: It is a system of medicine based on Ayur Ved, specialising in treatment of orthopaedic disorders, sports injuries and neuromuscular problems like back pain, spondylosis, arthritis, inborn imperfections of human body etc. It is a form of therapy which evolved from Ayur Ved and developed further in a more specific direction, as a result of the needs of a speedy recovery from sports injuries for the warriors of Keral in ancient India. It involves bone setting and massages using specially formulated oils and herbs.


ABHYANG MARM :: The heart, forehead and throat are the most vulnerable areas of the body, whereas the areas on the arms and legs are less vulnerable to severe injury. When imbalances exist in the body, the Marm points become sore, but through Marm Abhyang therapy, balance can be restored, easily.
The major Marm points in our body correspond to various Chakr of the Kundlini awakening, while the minor Marm points are found around the torso and the limbs. Thus, healing through Marm Abhyang affects the Chakr and the Dosh and also stimulates the various organs and systems of the body.
Contents of these above mentioned blogs are covered under copyright and anti piracy laws. Republishing needs written permission from the author. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED WITH THE AUTHOR.
संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)

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